ManageMore Version 8 Build History
General Information on Release Notes
Software release notes provide detailed information on specific improvements, changes, fixes, new features and/or security patches that occur each time a software build is released. Release notes may pertain to specific software editions and/or modules that may not be included with your particular software license. Release notes labeled as “Beta” refer to functionality that has been released early and may not be thoroughly tested by a larger customer base. “Beta” features are pre-released in an effort to receive feedback prior to an upcoming major software version announcement.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8088
FIX (MAJOR): Under specific circumstances, a ManageMore multi-user license could cause database integrity issues that could affect inventory count accuracy. These conditions require heavy user activity while performing certain drill-down operations. We urge all multi-user license owners to upgrade to this version to ensure your database stays accurate.
FIX: Large Shipper tracking numbers were getting cut-off on sales invoices.
FIX (RMA): Some cosmetic issues were resolved in the Customer RMA portion of the program.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8087
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): When adding serialized inventory, some new options were introduced in the “Auto Select” option. A simpler starting/ending serial number range was added for product lines that use a straightforward sequential range in their serial number sequencing.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): When adding serialized inventory, some new options were introduced in the “Import” option. A serial number length option was introduced to automatically reject bad values in an import file. Also, an alphanumeric only setting was introduced to ignore odd characters that might get imported by accident.
FIX (POS): Under certain circumstances, when selecting to add a P.O. Number to a sales receipt, the P.O. Number field would be disabled and not allow data entry.
NEW (Serialized Inventory): The Sales History by Item Report now provides an option to print the serial numbers of the sold items.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8086 (released 12/17/13)
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): Tracking Number now supports up to 30 characters.
FIX (Security): The pop-up security access window would not properly display users that had “Unlock” security status under specific circumstances.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8085
IMPORTANT (Cellular Dealer clients): It has been more than one year since we have advised our Cellular Phone Dealer clients about the virtue of the Serial Number Manager and the obsolete Cellular Inventory module (please see Build 8075). As of this release, customers who are still using the Cellular Inventory as a method of managing serialized phones will see this feature removed from the product. Please contact technical support to discuss conversion to the newer model.
NEW (Disbursement/PO/PR/Vendor Care): A new Vendor quick lookup design has been implemented on most A/P transactions and the Vendor Care screen itself. This new design makes it easier than ever to select your Vendor quickly with just a few keystrokes. You just start typing the Vendor Name and ManageMore will pop-up a list that narrows in on your Vendor. For legacy clients used to the the behavior from older ManageMore versions, you can still type the Vendor Id if desired.
NEW (Disbursement): A ” Save and New” Button has been added on the toolbar of the Disbursement to allow for quick repetitive data entry of multiple disbursements without leaving the screen.
NEW (Vendor Care): Search by Transaction Number is now available on the Vendor Care screen.
NEW (Sales Order): It is now possible to provide a different Title Header for different types of Sales Orders. Using a Stage Process, you can override the traditional static Sales Order Header. This allows for different processes in a business to identify sales orders with a more meaningful document name. For example, if your business sells merchandise and also has a repair facility, you can setup a stage process so that certain sales orders print with the title “REPAIR ORDER” or “JOB ORDER” or “WORK ORDER”.
IMPROVEMENT (Item Redemption): You can now create redemption items based on percentage discount for all items (without having to readd new items to a list). This makes it extremely easy to make a discount code that you can apply at the end of an order or invoice that automatically calculates a percentage off the entire transaction whenever you want to use it. For example, you can make a SKU called “10OFF” that would automatically apply a 10% Discount on all items found on a sales order/invoice.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): You can now sort open sales order by stock status and by shipper.
IMPROVEMENT (Recurring Statements): From this software build forward, all billing runs will show an associated Statement ID value that displays at the top right of each customer statement. This unique value should alleviate client complaints of a missing reference number to associate the billing document to their personal records. This Statement ID is not a ManageMore transaction number. However, the value can be matched to the Statement Id that shows when reviewing all billing runs from the customer care window.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Quote/Invoice): Transaction Notes (via the Transaction Notes button on the window toolbar) are now editable even after completeing a sales invoice/quote. You can utilize this large memo field to record special comments you want attached with the transaction for better customer service if you have to ever go back and review a particular invoice.
FIX (Refund): A tax rounding issue could occur under very specific circumstances which involve multipe refunds against one sales transaction. When this occurred, the sales transaction would not allow you to complete the transaction.
IMPROVEMENT (Disbursement Journal Report): The Disbursement Journal Report has been improved to show breakdown details of each vendor payment and associated bills being paid.
IMPROVEMENT (Intellifile): Documents and other attached files that referenced a local workstation hard drive would not work across the network. However, ManageMore will now provide the user the option to view an archived copy instead.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8084
NEW (Inventory): A new Tax Free Qualified setting now exists on the Tax tab of Supertrack inventory. This setting allows you to tag an item that will be tax free at a given date period. An accompanying Tax Free Qualification Wizard also exists for quickly tagging multiple items that may be tax free for a given date period due to special government considerations (i.e., Back To School Events, Early Holiday occassions, etc.).
NEW (POS Receipt): It is now possible to have an unlimited message length for the header, footer, credit card message, gift receipt, and reward goal message that print on the narrow receipt form.
NEW (POS Receipt): A new Promo Receipt message was introduced which supercedes the footer message at a preset date period with any promotional info you wish to add to the customer sales receipt.
NEW (Location Based Messages): It is now possible to create different messages (i.e., Footer Policy Message, Receipt Header/Footer/Credit Card Message, Sales Quote Message) that will print based on the location you logged in as.
CHANGE (Form Printing): Changes were made to most sales form printouts with respect to the Company Name that prints at the bottom left of 8.5″x11″ forms. If the alternate location printing option is set, the program will now print the location name. Please be certain your company locations are properly named if using the Alternate Location Printing option.
FIX (Sales Order): A totalling error would periodically occur when a Sales Order converted to a Sales Invoice and a redemption item was present.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8083
NEW (Serialized Inventory): A new serial number validation rule is now available that ensures that an item’s serial number matches for the item being recieved into the program. This will help minimize data entry errors when many serialized items are being received on one receipt.
NEW (Transaction Item Detail View): See Lists… Transaction Related…. Transaction Item Details… This new global transaction item view allows for advanced custom reports on a particular item across multiple transaction types.
CHANGE/FIX (Average Cost): Under very special circumstances, the average cost could balloon to a higher figure when merchandise quantity goes below zero and freight is then introduced onto a purchase receipt. The freight proration across received items could affect the average cost in an undesirable manner if the merchandise is sold prior to adding the freight to the orginal purchase receipt. Changes have now been made so that the average cost wont fluctuate as much by utilizing the Cost Amount Pending strategies introduced in Build 8026.
CHANGE (Card Processing): An additional security check has been added during the electronic card authorization process. Split Tender payments will now double-check the Merchant Processor to ensure that each authorized split payment receives a unique approval code from the card processor.
IMPROVEMENT (Internal): In some rare circumstances, ManageMore may report “Server Busy” errors when saving transactions on larger networks. These somewhat unexpainable events can be caused by many factors that are either outside of ManageMore scope or may be a result of something going on with large networks and workstations performing operations that slow down the server enough to cause this error. In any event, additional internal audit logs have been put in place to help better identify the cause of this problem in cases where it is ManageMore related.
IMPROVEMENT (Sample Company): Internal improvements made to not allow multiple users to overlap the existing sample company database simultaneously.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8082
IMPROVEMENT (Referential Integrity): Additional database integrity measures added to ensure inventory counts are accurate.
FIX (Invoice screen): Due to a change made in Build 8081, a cosmetic was introduced when reviewing past sales invoices. The quantity and extended price were displaying zero on screen.
IMPROVEMENT (Invoice Screen): If you are not using the Ship Via feature on the sales invoice form, then turning off this display field will result in showing the invoice subtotal in place of the freight field on the form.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): You now have the ability on a per item basis, to set up a serialized item to behave in two different ways. The traditional method is to ask for serial numbers on all transactions (i.e. as you receive and sell the serialized item). The new “Any Serial Number” option only requires a serial number be entered during a sales invoice for the item.
IMPROVEMENT (Recurring Billing): A Print Sequence field was added to control which recurring charges appear before or after another recurring charge. The program will always use the Billing Reference as its initial print sequence.
NEW (Recurring Billing): Recurring Billing record now supports sub-account option. When adding sub-accounts to a customer record, you can reference a particular recurring charge record to that sub-account. This allows the statement to group break based on a sub-account value. This is sometimes required for government accounts and large operations (like Hospitals) which need to see their bill broken down in a departmental-like manner.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8081
FIX (Invoice screen in MM Backoffice): Adding an item and then going back to that last item added and changing the SKU would not reset the quantity to the new item quantity default.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Summary Report): This report can now group sales by payment tender.
FIX (Purchase Credit with Items requiring Labeling): Positive quantity items on a purchase credit will now be sent to the List & Label Manager if the item is set in inventory to do so.
IMPROVEMENT (Deposit Window): The space bar can now be used to mark deposits more easily.
CHANGE (Accounts Payable): The restriction of posting a purchase receipt with items from different locations has been removed. However, this is still not considered good practice to do so and one should consider multiple bills for items received from multiple locations.
FIX (Econnect): A few corrections made to recent improvements on the econnect scripts and econnect gateway, including better logging.
FIX (Batch Payment): A regression in this process caused aging to not occur properly.
FIX (Database Manager): Selection of certain files (e.g. MMLog) would not properly Fix the file when instructed to do so.
FIX (Payment Window): Reversal of a Credit Card payment was showing an invalid message “Card not processed Electronically”.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8080
Version 8.0 Revision H release
CHANGE (Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Compatibility): ManageMore program crashes in several areas of the application have been identified and corrected in this build.
NEW ( Inventory Adjustment Reversal): Inventory Adjustment reversal is now available. Please see Lists… Inventory… Inventory Adjustments… Highlight any existing inventory adjustment transaction and press the Red “X” icon button on the toolbar to create an offseting inventory adjustment.
FIX (Season Id): Inventory Season Id was not duplicating across a matrix inventory item properly.
NEW (Recurring Billing): Recurring Billing record now supports a “Usage-Based” billing option for charging an end-user based on usage of a service. This usage-based billing works in tandem with a new process window which allows you to import or manually key-in usage counts that are automatically calculated and invoiced at the time of generating statements.
NEW (Recurring Billing): Recurring Billing record now supports a Billing Reference field that is used in conjunction with Usage-Based billing. The Billing Reference is unique and can be used in the Customer Care screen is a direct lookup to a client and also used with the importing of usage-based counts for billing calculation purposes.
IMPROVEMENT (Econnect Cart): Improvements made to Econnect Cart engine to support discounts being passed in multiple ways (e.g., Coupon Code, Final Discount, etc.). Zen Cart 1.5 scripts have been updated to automatically handle this feature if used.
NEW (Econnect Cart): Adjustments were made to Zen Cart scripts to support the option of a real-time on-hand quantity verification check at the time of order checkout. Please Note… providing real-time Commerce stock status is not typically advised due to inherint inaccuracies that cannot be overcome. This new option mentioned is about as close as you can come to addressing the need to ensure that merchandise is in stock prior to charging a customer credit card.
FIX (Item List Report): Report was not properly displaying the optional display field for Quantity Max Reorder.
FIX (Credit Card Voice Authorization): Should not have allowed for split card tender operation, as it is unsupported. The resulting problem was a split credit card that would not get processed.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8079
IMPORTANT (Microsoft RemoteApp Support Discontinued): Windows 2008 Server introduced a feature referred to as RemoteApp. Initially, Intellisoft Support had recommended its use for its ease of application deployment across a networked environment. Unfortunately, Microsoft did not think it through well and periodically we receive technical support calls as a result of how RemoteApp operates. Changes in the operating system from software updates and/or new printer configurations will not update the RemoteApp configuration and cause it to misbehave. This, in turn, causes users to contact ManageMore for technical assistance on problems arising from RemoteApp. RemoteApp apparently requires a level of expertise that we cannot offer to our customers. Effective immediately, we will not support technical issues arising from the use of RemoteApp.
FIX (Purchase Receipt) : The Policy message was not printing correctly on forms.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Sales Orders will now follow similar security practice when changing the sales rep on an order. The security option which forces a pop-up security password window will now work on both sales orders and sales invoices.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Sales Orders that generate Work Orders will now pass any recorded Purchase Order Number saved on the Sales Order to the Work Order.
IMPROVEMENT (Internal Auditing): Several internal audit improvements to better trace problems within ManageMore.
IMPROVEMENT (Check Serial Number Window): Serial Number Check Window now warns user if a lookup of a serial number yields multiple results from more than one inventory item containing the same serial number.
IMPROVEMENT (Importing Inventory Items): When importing inventory, an advanced option has been added which allows new import items to use the combination of the Vendor Id with the item code to form the final SKU item. This is primarily for retailers/distributors which deal with small manufacturers which do not always create unique enough item codes for their merchandise.
FIX (Manage Sales Order Window): Kit items with quantity of 0 would cause odd behavior with Stock Status column.
FIX (Voiding Sales Invoice): Voiding a sales invoice that was used as an exchange of two products resulting in zero dollars would cause an odd behavior when wanting to refund an item later on against that transaction.
FIX (Pole Display): Not properly clearing display when the NO SALE button was selected in the POS application.
FIX (QB Conversion): The QuickBooks conversion tool would give errors under certain database circumstances.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8078
IMPROVEMENT (Intellicharge Module): The setup for integrated electronic payment processing has been redesigned to minimize future problems that can occur when new workstations are introduced into the network. Merchant account settings are now defined at the Location level, rather than the Setup Application area of the program. This means that a new station added to the network would not need to do anything in order to process payments electronically since the Login Location has all the credentials already. It is still possible to override these settings per station, but this practice will rarely be needed. Upon upgrading to this build, all stations will be initially treated as an override so that there are no issues. However, In order to benefit from this new design, all older ManageMore users will need to resetup your merchant credentials at the Store Location section of the program and then remove the override merchant settings on your workstations.
NEW (Internal Auditing): Starting with all transactions generated after this build, ManageMore will now detail stamp the resulting item quantity on hand and average cost. What does this mean to you? This translates to a quicker and easier way to see the flow of your inventory count on a per transaction basis. You will be able to jump to any past transaction and know how much stock you had left of that product at that time. This should provide the ultimate audit trail of your inventory without running multitude of reports. Please see the Inventory Detail button on the Supertrack Inventory record in order to see these values. You will need to scroll the table to the right to see this added data.
IMPROVEMENT (Deposit Window): When clearing payments from the Delayed Deposit window, a new global marking option exists. You can now tell ManageMore to mark all of the Visa/MC/Discover in one step (rather than three).
IMPROVEMENT (Return Processing): A relabel button option was added to allow for re-merchandising products that are returned.
IMPROVEMENT (Batch Inventory Receive/Transfer Window): Supports automatic labeling in much the same manner as a purchase receipt behaves in the program. This allows for labeling to be generated prior to fulfilling a delayed vendor bill.
NEW (Accounting Export): You can now export individual transactions for accounts payable and/or accounts receivable (Quickbooks only).
NEW (Accounting Export): You can now export individual journal entries for each date.
NEW (Journal Entry Window): New journal entries automatically provide a new journal entry ID for easier data entry.
NEW (Custom Export): Custom Export of invoice detail now allows inventory fields to be exported along with the transactional data.
IMPROVEMEN (Chart of Accounts Window) T – You can now hide an inactive GL account on the chart of accounts list.
CHANGE (Deposit Window): There is now a checkbox to select payments from other locations when entering a delayed group deposit. The user should no longer clear the location field on the deposit window to perform this task.
FIX (Email Pro): A long standing issue with email sending has been fixed. The corrected issue dealt with a periodic sent email that would get stuck in the outbox and then held up all future sent emails from the program until the outbox was manually cleared.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8077
NEW (Synchronize New Company from Prior Company): A new utility exists for aiding in the creation of a new company profile based on an already existing company profile. It is now possibly to easily mimic the setup characteristics of an already existing company, as well as choosing specific database options you want to retain in the new company profile (i.e. inventory, chart of accounts, vendors, customers, etc.). The database is automatically synchronized and reset for use in the new company profile. See ManageMore Toolkit under Activities… Database Tools… Synchronize Company…
NEW (Customer Discount Pricing Window): A new option Inventory Discount option exist on the Customer Discount Pricing table. You can now set a discount rule for all inventory items to a particular customer account. For example, you can set the Discount Type to “All Items” with 10% over Last Cost.
NEW (Inventory Import): It is now possible to import new inventory with quantity in one step using the standard import inventory process.
NEW (Bank Register Window): The location field can now be viewed within the Bank ledger. Direct register entries can now specify a location and offset location different from your login location.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8076
NEW (Check Printing Wizard): A redesigned Check printing process has been introduced. The new wizard-based design is more straightforward and intuitive when handling reprints and auto-numbering of checks to print.
NEW (Vendor Type Grouping): The vendor record now has a user-definable vendor type field for grouping your vendors. This vendor type field can be used to filter the view of vendors to specific types of vendors for quicker lookup.
NEW (Reason Code associated to GL Accounts): A new Inventory Reason Code table was created to allow for alternate GL posting options when performing an inventory adjustment. In other words, It is now possible to select an adjustment reason during an Inventory Adjustment transaction that can automatically post to a different GL account than the one defined for the inventory item itself. For example, suppose you were adjusting an inventory item down by 2 because the items were donated to a charity. A reason code could be generated and linked to a specified gl for “Charitable Contribution” purposes. See Lists… Inventory… Inventory Related… Reasons… to set up your custom values.
NEW (Vendor ID Replacer): A new Vendor Id replacer tool is now available. You can now change the Vendor Id code assigned to a vendor in ManageMore. See Lists… Vendors… Change Vendor Id Button.
FIX (Inventory Receive/Transfer Window): Under certain circumstances, it was possible to get the Inventory Receive/Transfer window to improperly update the quantity of items in the batch. Specifically, if you choose the Post button option to create a Purchase Receipt, then back out of the PR without saving, the quantity could be recorded incorrectly.
FIX (RMA Window): Under a very specific combination of events (i.e. redemption items with products being sold less than lowest selling price), the tax calculation was not being done properly. Furthermore, a warning is now present if an RMA is issued against an invoice which had a tax override performed.
IMPROVEMENT / FIX (Item Cost to Invoice): In some cases, a user may want a service based item to record a cost on a sales invoice. A new option to specifically instruct ManageMore to use the last unit cost when recording a sale of an intangible item now exists. Furthermore, a correction was made with refunds of intangible items that have an associated cost. See Supertrack Inventory Record… Options Tab… Advanced Settings for the cost options.
CHANGE (Security): The customizable Security back door user name and password setting has been removed. All ManageMore login users will now be required to have an employee record in order to login into ManageMore when the Security is activated.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8075
Several critical security related fixes and important corrections were rolled into this release to protect your database, confidential accounting information and computer system from internal and external intrusion. Some of these security issues include: Changes made to internal backdoor password which override entire ManageMore security; New TeamViewer Remote Support version which addresses several serious security issues; Security related changes made to ManageMore database system to protect your sensitive client list; New administrative controls which help avoid database corruption issues; Much improved application security control access (i.e. Ctrl-Shift-S hotkey); Improved Inventory Control Quantity count audits at detail level; and improved Program Trace/Error Logging.
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager): It has been more than 10 years since our release of the Cellular Manager Module for ManageMore. In the 90’s, the concept of master dealers, agents, and sub-dealers was quite popular. However, significant changes in the industry has made the design of the Cellular Inventory feature somewhat obsolete and overly complex. Back in 2005, ManageMore introduced a Serial Number Manager module that addressed the management of a serialized item in a more integrated and inventory-friendly manner. We have been slow to recommend our Cellular Agent clients to transition away from the cumbersome Cellular Inventory way of tracking IMEI’s/ESN’s with cell phones because of the amount of work involved in manually converting everything over to a serialized inventory method. With this release, we are now shipping a process in the ManageMore Toolkit that will make it quick and painless to transition from our Cellular Inventory system to our Serialized Inventory system. Please contact technical support to convert your business to this new method of tracking inventory. Subsequently, ManageMore will be eliminating the old Cellular Inventory feature completely in a future release, so don’t wait until the last moment.
NEW (Session Login Viewer): Multi-user licensed ManageMore users now have a Session Viewer tool integrated into ManageMore. This viewer provides a simple method for determining who is running a ManageMore program across the computer network. This is extremely important when it comes to Administrative maintenance functions(like database fixing and software upgrades) which require all ManageMore applications to be exited. You will be able to view useful info like the computer name, windows user login name, Terminal Services Session Id, and even the company / program area where a user resides within the ManageMore program. The Session viewer also displays how long the user has been actively using the program. See Help… Obtaining Technical Support… Sessions In Use button at bottom of screen.
NEW (Packing List Form): Packing List Form 2 added as a simpler document which displays less information than Form 1.
IMPROVEMENT (Email Pro): Some improvements were made to the Email Account setup area of the program. Set up of popular web based mail servers like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Microsoft Live Hotmail are now easily accomplished. There is also a Test Connection buton for verifying the Email account you created.
FIX (Email Manager): Under certain circumstances, the purge process would freeze the application and not finish.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8074
IMPROVEMENT (Security): ManageMore has undergone major changes to make the implementation and maintenance of software security as simple as possible. A new Control+Shift+S hotkey option exists on almost every window throughout the program. This hotkey allows you to view the security resources for a particular window only and make security changes right on-the-fly. No more wondering which security resource controls which window or button in the program. An owner can walk up to any workstation and quickly lock or unlock a particular part of ManageMore without fumbling through the complex Security Administrator application.
Furthermore, the Employee List section in ManageMore is more tightly integrated with the Security. As opposed to going to the Security Administrator to create the Security Users, ManageMore now creates the security user profile as you add employees into the system. There is also a convenient “Enable Security” button right on the Employee list for quickly activating/deactiving security.
CHANGE (Security): The Setup Menu resource control no longer exists in favor of a newer security design. Users defined in Security as having Security Administrative priviles will automatically gain access to the Application Setup area of ManageMore. All other users will be prompted to enter a Security User profile which has Administrator privileges in order to gain access to the Application Setup window. This new design makes it easier for the Security Administrator privileged employee to gain access to the Application Setup on any workstation running ManageMore, regardless if the user logged in is not privileged to do so.
IMPROVEMENT (Security): ManageMore automatically creates a security audit log entry each time a user logs into ManageMore Business Software, ManageMore POS, ManageMore Toolkit, and ManageMore Security Administrator applications. Failed login attempts are also recorded as well. Please refer to the Security Administrator application on the Security Users Window for a toolbar button which states “View Login Activities”.
IMPROVEMENT (MS Terminal Services Users): Assigning a printer name to a particular print job in ManageMore is no longer a chore within MS Terminal Services. Under this OS, the printer name would often change when a new session Id was issued upon each new login. This would, in turn, cause the printing to stop working until you reselected the printer. With this release, the printer name is automatically corrected to the current session Id you login as.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): The introduction of variable item codes. A variable item code is a product code that is made up of multiple values in one single bar code. It is mostly used with specialized scales which produce a custom “on-the-fly” barcode for weighted items like deli meat, candy, produce, etc. When a varial item coded barcode is scanned at the point-of-sale, the product code and custom price are automatically entered. To activate, please see Setup… Application…Inventory… Variable Item Codes.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8073
IMPROVEMENT (Import Inventory): Additional mappable inventory fields were implemented into Import Inventory process. In particular, the Vendor Minimum Order, EOQ, and Days Sales to Keep.
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): You now have the option distributing newly generated invoices only (instead of statements). This is useful for those businesses that deal with clients that only pay bills that are specifically invoices. See Activities… Billing… Distribute Statements… Output Method to Use… Invoices.
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): You now have the option printing a recap statement for a range of clients while still within the Recurring Statement Billing mode. ManageMore supports two types of Statements (Recurring and Recap). See Activities… Billing… Distribute Statements… Output Method to Use… Recap.
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): A customer record now has the option to suppress the printing of the contact name on all transaction forms. This is sometimes useful when the contact name is not necessarily the individual name who is responsible for the payment on invoices/statements. This checkbox option is located at the bottom the customer record form.
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): A recurring charge record now has a quantity field. The quantity field acts as a multiplier of the service amount. The quantity value also prints on the statement to identify multiple services on a single line item.
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): A global price change and status change feature is now possible on recurring charge records. Please see Lists… Billing… Recurring Charge Items… Global Update Toolbar button.
IMPROVEMENT (Journal Entry Window): A journal entry can be easily reversed by simply highlighting the JE and pressing the Delete Button from the toolbar.
IMPROVEMENT (Security): Changing the login security user password is easier to do. Prior behavior would complain that the user did not have rights to change the password. This restriction has been removed.
CHANGE (Inventory UDF): The method for defining user-defined fields on an inventory item has been redesigned to take advantage of better inventory searching capabilities. The inventory template will no longer be the location for providing UDF settings. All user-defined fields on an inventory record are now set up in a similar manner to other user-defined fields throughout the program. See Setup… Application… Inventory… User Defined Fields… NOTE: This design change will cause the temporary appearance of existing UDF fields to dissappear. Simply go to Setup and redefine your UDF fields to correct this shortcoming caused from upgrading.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Search): As a result of a redesign made to Inventory user defined fields, it is now possible to use the user defined fields as a filtering mechanism for searching inventory items. The item search button found on most ManageMore Transactions will now provide the option to filter your item lookup by values you specify on the first three inventory UDF fields. Press the “Advanced” button on the search window to see the expanded item filter search options.
FIX (Rewards Program): If a customer receives a reward item and in the same transaction qualified to receive the reward item again, the program would not always provide it to the customer.
CHANGE (Rewards Program): When using the bonus dollar strategy of the rewards program, ManageMore will now consider the possibility that a customer has exceeded the points in a manner that causes the client to qualify for more bonus dollars in one transaction. For example, if the point goal is 50 with $1 bonus dollar reward, then a customer who made a transaction that qualified for 100 points will receive $2 bonus dollars.
FIX (Purchase Receipt Window): Costing issue identified when an intangible item with quantity was used on a purchase receipt.
IMPROVEMENT (Multi-Location): When using multi-location capabilities, you can now provide alternate company graphic logo/watermark for each defined location. This feature works in tandem with the setting that replaces the main company name/address info with that of the company location. Please see Lists… Company… Locations… Form Graphics Tab.
IMPROVEMENT (Invoice Form): Most Accounts Receivable / POS 8.5 x 11 invoice form types now print payment details when their is a split tender scenario on the invoice.
IMPROVEMENT (POS with Cellular/Paging Mgr): When using the Customer Phone Search function, you can type a cell phone number from the Cellular Activation database or Pager Activation database and ManageMore will retrieve the appropriate customer account.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8072
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Serialized item in return processing was not being allowed to discard the item.
FIX (Matrix Inventory): A discontinued matrix item could cause ManageMore to lock-up when you press the Select button on an empty list.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): The freight amount entry field can now be locked down on the Sales Order and Sales Invoice using the Security Administrator security resources.
FIX (Sales Order): The import transaction feature with Sales Orders was not properly updating inventory quantity committed values.
IMPROVEMENT (Timesheet): Tool added to Advanced Toolkit to automatically close out old timesheets that were never posted. This is primarily to correct a situation where some clients were not properly using the ManageMore Timesheet Review and now want to wipe out past timesheets to correctly use the program going forward.
FIX (Email Pro): Emailing of a ManageMore document (i.e. Sales Invoice, Purchase Order, RMA, etc.) did not always properly create a PDF document. The Company Address label portion of the document would sometimes cause logo graphics and company text to overlap.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8071
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager) : The Purge Database process will now purge Cellular Activation records, regardless if commission is pending or not. This helps older clients who may not have been posting cellular commissions in the past and want to remove very old activation records from the database.
FIX (Inventory): The inventory “Last Date Counted” statistics field was not properly being updated on items that had no adjustments made.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Adjustment): Inventory Adjustment transactions now support back dating.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Import): It is now possible to import complex inventory Kit, Group, and Assembly items. New mappable Child Item List, Child Quantity List, and Child Cost List fields exist to allow for creation of an supertrack item that is assoicated to multiple “sub-item” SKU’s.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order Pro): The Manage Sales Order screen can now provide detailed information about the order shipping status with just one mouse click. On the toolbar of this screen, there is an order status button (“icon showing a “D” pill image) that will pop-up a window providing item status details that show all items ready to ship as well as back ordered items.
IMPROVEMENT (Recap Billing): The printing of recap statements now supports sub-account grouping.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8070 (released 3/20/12)
Version 8.0 Revision G release
CHANGE (CRITICAL- GL Related): ManageMore users utilizing the full accounting features of the program should upgrade to this release to avoid the possibilitiy of any future out-of-balance GL condition occurring. Under very rare and specific circumstances that need to take place (i.e., Purging database for a specific location only and then utilizing Database Integrity to correct any GL related issues), ManageMore’s GL could get out-of-balance in a manner that requires technical assistance to correct. To avoid this issue, the purge utility no longer allows a Location filter when purging General Ledger details.
IMPROVEMENT (Finance Charges): A new setting added when using the Finance Charge feature. You can now specify a minimum invoice date that a transaction must meet in order to be considered for finance charges.
FIX (Purchase Order/Receipt): The Label button on the Purchase Order/Receipt table could inadvertently claim that labels were sent to the List & Label Manager even though no labels should have been submitted. This minor issue is caused by an inventory item’s setting that determines whether an item should have a label created upon ordering or receiving the merchandise.
FIX (Transaction Related): Under specific circumstances, when entering/modifying a detail item on certain transactions (like Sales Order, Purchase Order, etc.), the item details could lose their value. The issue arises only when using the inventory item drill-down toolbar button with the transaction, accompanied by then drilling down into the inventory item’s past Detail history view.
FIX (Customer History Journal): improper date on payments were being used
FIX (Manufacturing Module): When a serialized item is being assembled and a work receipt is completed, the quantity on hand for the serialized item may become incorrect under specific circumstances.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8069
FIX (Disbursements): Corrected issue where disbursement for bills could be entered without selecting the bills to be paid.
IMPROVEMENT (Importing): An option to remove import errors only now exists when importing customers, prospects, or inventory items from an external source file.
NEW (Inventory Item): An inventory item can now have a markup/margin calculation value recorded for each price level (based on a checkmark setting under the Options Tab). This option now works in conjunction with the Global Price Change feature to allow ManageMore to update pricing based solely on these recorded markup/margin percentages.
IMPROVEMENT (Import Inventory): Various new fields added to the inventory import process. Also, some adjustments were made to better support fields that need to be updated with an Unchecked (False) condition.
IMPROVEMENT (Recap Statement): Printed recap statements now show last payment date and amount on form.
CHANGE(POS): Variety of changes on the Payment Tender window to make it easier to implement a credit card refund with certain card processors.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Copy): Now supports copying the UPC value from matrix items in one location to identical item codes in other locations.
FIX (Lists & Labels): When using the List & Label Toolbar Icon on Purchase Receipts/Orders, the program would not properly send the items for labeling.
IMPROVEMENT (Database Integrity): Major performance improvements were made to the Database Integrity process including an Advanced “Cache Data” checkbox which boosts performance up to 10 times quicker than past versions (especially for businesses that have many open Sales Orders, RMA’s and Purchase Orders).
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8068 (released 01/01/12)
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager): Using the serialized inventory along with cellular activations works smoother. The serialized item will auto-populate on the final invoice without needing to re-enter the serial number.
CHANGE (1099 Form): The government 1099 laser forms (used by ManageMore for pre-filling) has changed. In order for ManageMore to print out 1099’s properly for your sub-contractor, you will need to upgrade to this software build.
FIX (Cellular Manager): The Batch Cellular Inventory process was not working properly when used in conjunction with Serialized Inventory.
IMPROVEMENT (Promotional Discounts): When using Promotional Discounts with Mix and Match strategy, an option now exists for determining the mix and match strategy you want to deploy.
FIX (Importing): When importing a file, negative numeric values represented by parenthesis would not convert properly. For example, (10.99) would not convert as -10.99.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8067 (released 12/08/11)
CRITICAL (Inventory Receive/Transfer Window): Under an uncommon circumstance, receiving inventory from the batch inventory receive/transfer process could cause problems with inventory counts.
CRITICAL (Inventory Related): Under an uncommon circumstance, the referential integrity of an inventory record could be compromised when an inventory is edited and then saved after performing some transaction that could affect the inventory item’s quantity count.
FIX (Sales Quote/Order): When editing a sales quote/order, items that were utilizing price break calculations would not always recompute correctly.
FIX (Security): Correction to Purchase Receipt security control which hides the item cost on screen.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8066
NEW (Barcode Printing on Transactions): Most transaction forms now provide a printed bar code for quicker data entry use with the help of a bar code scanner.
IMPROVEMENT (Import Transactions): The Transaction Import feature of ManageMore now supports importing of sales order transactions. For details on this, please refer to the ManageMore Interchange Format specifications.
FIX (Time Clock): The stand-alone time clock application and the time clock from within the POS system could be accessed prior to knowing the location of the user who is clocking in/out.
IMPROVEMENT (Security): A security option was added which allows a user to override the sale unit price below the lowest selling price set in inventory. The user will need to know the security password in order to sell the item for less than the lowest selling price threshold.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8065
SPECIAL MESSAGE: We apologize for the lengthy delay of this software release. Major changes took place in the Order Entry and Serialized Inventory portion of ManageMore which affected many areas of the program. Also, several Intellicharge enhancements were made to improve the electronic card processing experience in ManageMore. Please verify all of your Merchant Account settings immediately following this upgrade to ensure that your credentials and card settings are correct. More details on all improvements for this build can be found below.
CHANGE (Order Entry): ManageMore Order Entry now refers to the process of pick tickets, order labeling, and order verification as a Sales Order “phase.” Depending on your business model, you may use one or all of these phases in the steps required to fulfill an order to invoice. See Setup… Application… Order Entry… Sales Order Phases… to select the phases your business requires for an order to be considered FINAL and ready for invoicing. NOTE: When upgrading, the system will automatically select pick ticketing as the minimum phase required to complete an order.
NEW (Order Entry Workflow Management): A Sales Order can now have an associated process with incremental stages for workflow management purposes. Order Workflow is used to control the sequence of events that occur in the processing of your orders. In prior ManageMore builds, order workflow was restricted and limited to simply picking the order (i.e. Pick Ticket event) and possibly verifying the order. Moreover, the picking/verifying/labeling of an order is actually closer to a finalization step you do after all stages of an order are completed and ready for customer delivery. As a result, the new features of our order entry system have created some new terminology. ManageMore can now provide you with the ability to create and/or select a “process”, “stage”, and “phase” that will be used for completing an order.
As already mentioned, from this point forward we will now view our traditional picking/verifying/labeling of an order as a final “phase” of delivery. These phases are presented in the Manage Sales Order window as in previous releases. A “stage” is a user-defined incremental event that builds up to the completion of an order (e.g, Stage 1. Wood Cutting Stage; Stage 2. Wood Building Stage; Stage 3. Sanding/Painting Stage; Stage 4. Drying/Buffing Stage; Stage 5. Final Inspection Stage). A “process” groups together a set of incremental stages which represent a specific action you want to track. For example, a business may build wooden horses and wooden chairs for its clients. This business may need to manage two different processes with their own set of unique stages required for building the wooden horse versus the wooden chair. The more diverse your business, the more processes and stages you will likely create for helping you organize the flow of your orders.
The introduction of a process to an order can better organize workflow and maintain history of the activities, functions, errors and notifications that transpired on an order. Certain business models are ideal candidates for this new “process” and “stage” designed features. Businesses like Repair/Service facilities, Bicycle/Machine shops, Custom Furniture builders, Food Preparation, Trophy/Sculpture makers and dozens of other businesses which customize/build products are a perfect model for workflow management capabilities. To create your very own custom processes with stages, please see Lists… Order Entry… Sales Order Processes.
New toolbar buttons have been added to both the Sales Order transaction window and the Manage Sales Order window (formerly known as “Fill Sales Order”) to facilitate this new workflow process. You can edit any stage to place important notes/instructions on current or future stage of an order. You will also notice that a stage can be assigned to a particular employee as well. This goes hand-in-hand with new toolbar settings that are now available on the Manage Sales Order window. An employee responsible for a certain stage being completed on an order can now quickly view all orders assigned to him/her to help complete/move those orders along to the next appropriate personnel.
The Manage Sales Order Window has undergone several new changes with the addition of filters that now allow you to view all orders in a particular process or stage, as well as orders being assigned to a particular employee.
Furthermore, a new checkbox was added to hide “Drop Ship” orders from the Manage Sales Order list.
NEW (Order Entry): A stage can be associated to an email template. When a particular stage in the order process is completed, ManageMore will automatically send an email to the customer. There are many practical benefits to keeping your customers informed of where their order is in the production process. Utilize this email template to minimize customer phone calls and look professional too.
NEW (Inventory): A kit item now provides a setting which determines whether the kit is sold pre-assembled or not. This settings helps ManageMore make better decisions on how it should handle the sale/verification/refund of a kit item.
NEW (Inventory): A kit item can now include serialized item within its components.
NEW (Order Entry): The Verification process now works better with kit items and serialized items. Utilizing the new “Pre-assembled” option on kits, ManageMore can now verify either the kit item itself or the individual kit components.
NEW (Order Entry): The Manage Sales Order window (formerly “Fill Sales Order”) now has a shortcut icon that can be added to the main toolbar. See the Settings button on the toolbar for adding this shortcut to your existing toolbar.
NEW (Order Entry): When a Pick Ticket is printed with kit items, the program will now explode out the kit components based on whether or not the kit inventory item is set as pre-assembled or not. An optional Kit Assembly page will also print with the Pick Ticket for purposes of building the kit.
NEW (Order Entry): You can now verify an order without immediately invoicing afterwards. This allows different personnel (other than warehouse) to actually finish the order and convert it to an invoice.
NEW (Serial Number Manager): A re-designed serial number data entry window now exists throughout the program. Inventory items with associated picture will show within the Serial Number window itself.
NEW (Serial Number Manager): The re-designed serial number data entry window can now better facilitate customers who want to easily record two unique values for each item received into inventory. The new design acommodates a bar code scanner in such a way that you don’t have to touch the keyboard to receive multiple items with two serialized values each.
NEW (Serial Number Manager): The serial number data entry window now provides an import option to allow the reading of a file containing serial numbers.
IMPROVEMENT (Order Entry): When Labels are printed from the Manage Sales Orders screen, you now have the option of printing Inventory Labels or Transaction Labels. Labels for kit items will be exploded based on the “Pre-Assembled” option in the kit item.
IMPROVEMENT (Intellicharge): Support for MerchantWare Card Processing Gateway 3.1. This improved gateway addresses several issues which would cause some card processing errors that were inconvenient at times. The main improvement revolves around drastically reduced card authorization errors that would occur when the credit card gateway was busy and/or non-responsive. With MerchantWare Gateway 3.1, ManageMore can now provide very clear instructions to the clerk on any failed status of a credit card authorization. The possibility of “Double Charging” a customer’s credit card is now eliminated with ManageMore’s ability to query the gateway for previously charged transactions prior to authorizing the credit card charge.
IMPROVEMENT (Intellicharge): It is now easier to have multiple Merchant Account credentials and assign these credentials to multiple stations on a network. As opposed to setting up the same Merchant Account credentials each time a workstation is added to a computer network, ManageMore now stores these settings in a more efficient manner for simpler network setup. We urge users who are processing cards electronically to check out the new configurations and verify all their card processing settings are correct subsequent to this software build. See Setup… Application… Company… Payment Authorization… Providers Button.
IMPROVEMENT (Intellicharge): Support for voice called credit card authorization with Merchant Warehouse Card Processing Gateway 3.1. In the event of an internet failure, you will be able to contact your Merchant Provider to process a credit card over the phone and then record the approval code within ManageMore. A special batch process is then used later on to post the card transactions.
IMPROVEMENT(Serial Number Manager): Better support for lot based serialized items throughout the program. One can now enter multiple lot-based serial numbers on a single detail item row of a transaction.
IMPROVEMENT(POS): Login users can now change their password from within the POS system. A new User Password Security button will now appear on the left side of the POS login screen for allowing this option.
IMPROVEMENT(POS): Many screens where adjusted to better support Windows large 120 DPI font setting.
IMPROVEMENT(POS): When performing a return, the cursor focus will now go immediately to the Reference Transaction No. field if the POS system is set up to require an invoice number for refunding.
IMPROVEMENT(POS): Pressing the Home button will now bring the cursor focus to next line item on the POS screen (as well as bringing the Touch Pad Menu to its original state).
IMPROVEMENT (POS): Support for Ithaca iTherm receipt printer.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): Support for PCI Compliant Centurion card reader with Merchant Warehouse.
IMPROVEMENT (Order Entry): Pick Tickets now show SHIP VIA information to help warehouse personnel who need to prepare packaging and shipping of merchandise for more than one delivery carrier.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): The Best Sales Item Chart and Sales Summary Chart now provide a checkbox option to allow the chart to only consider the resulting set selected. This option eliminates “Other” which represents all remaining items which didn’t meet the resulting set criteria.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): Serialized items on Vendor RMA’s are better managed in the database. Database Integrity process can now better determine if there is a synchronization problem between the inventory on hand count and the total serial numbers on hand for an item.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): The Serial Number lookup window now provides a Void button for convenience. This provides a simple way for doing many returns of serialized items that come from many unknown past sales transactions.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): It is now possible to configure a serialized item to automatically ask for a second user-defined entry field without touching the keyboard or using the mouse. This is for those businesses that need to store two unique values on a serialized product. The new serial number window design coupled with setting the UDF field as required will trigger ManageMore to toggle beween two fields for each item recorded.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): The Transaction Recovery feature in the POS system can now automatically void the credit card that was processed from the prior failed transaction. There is also some minor safety improvements and better internal logging of actions taken during the Transaction Recovery system process.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Template): The Inventory Transaction Notes field can now be assigned with a default value on the Inventory Template form.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): A new safety precaution setting was implemented to prevent a user from finishing a credit card related sale without the credit card being charged. In prior software builds, a new workstation that was set up for processing credit cards might get a message warning that electronic Credit Card Processing was not yet activated for the pc. A new setting in the ManageMore Payment Authorization setup now prevents a sale from completing if a credit card is provided and the program is not set up correctly to process the card.
IMPROVEMENT (Import Inventory): The inventory import feature now provides the option to either import new items only, update existing items only, or both.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Purging inventory items (even when the item is still referenced on transactions) is now possible and suggested for business models with extremely large inventories (100,000+ items or more). Purging items no longer has the negative implications it used to have. Several adjustments were made throughout ManageMore to eliminate unnecessary “Missing Item” messages and/or provide the user with the option to ignore problems related to inventory items no longer found in inventory. Candidates for a periodic purging strategy include businesses that are constantly recieving and selling new/unique merchandise with short shelf life (like apparel, custom jewelry, custom artwork/sculptures, etc.). Businesses with large inventories which contain a big percentage of items that are no longer sold should consider purging (not discontinuing) merchandise. This will provide for a better performing ManageMore in reporting, database rebuilding, and software updates. The only known down side to purging items come in way of analytical sales reports that are unable to provide certain grouped details (like sales grouping by category or manufacturer for past periods). Accounting reports are completely unaffected by the removal of items.
IMPROVEMENT (Vendor RMA): A tracking number entry field was added to the Vendor RMA transaction window.
FIX (Vendor RMA): Various internal changes were made to the Vendor RMA and Purchase Credit process that addresses minor issues with serialized items when coming from Return Processing.
FIX (Vendor RMA): When processing a Vendor RMA with serialized items and the disposition is set to “Replace Items”, the program would not always properly convert the Purchase Credit with the serialized items as it should.
FIX (Vendor RMA): When a Vendor RMA is auto-created from the Inventory Return Processing feature, subsequent closing and re-opening of the Vendor RMA can inadvertently cause inventory count problems.
FIX (Vendor RMA): When editing a Vendor RMA, the program would allow you to make changes but then would not save those changes if you decided to immediately post the vendor RMA and create a purchase credit.
FIX (Customer RMA): Various internal changes were made to the Customer RMA and inventory issues that could arise from exchanges of serialized inventory items in conjunction with customer RMA’s.
FIX (Sales Order): When using an alias SKU on a sales order, the converted invoice would not properly close the referenced sales order and would not reduce inventory quantity committed numbers correctly.
FIX (Order Entry): When a sales order contains a group item and is converted to a sales invoice, the sales order would not always automatically close if the order was completed.
FIX (POS): When certain functions are selected (e.g. transaction notes, sales rep, Bill To, etc.), the cursor focus did not always return back to the next line item for scanning/entering.
CHANGE (POS): The date/time stamp on transactions has been changed so that it reflects the date/time when the invoice is totalled out and not when the invoice begins.
CHANGE (Card Processing): A change was made in how ManageMore deals with credit card processing. This change primarily affects users with more than one Merchant Account (e.g. a store with multiple locations). The program now remembers the Merchant Account that was used to process a particular payment so that the same credentials can be used for reversal/post authorization transactions.
FIX (Prospect): Converting prospect to customer was not adding industry related settings and causing a problem with the Paging Manager module.
FIX (POS with Reward Card Module): If a Rewards Member is looked up without their Reward Card, ManageMore might not notice any rewards that are due to the customer at the point of sale.
FIX (Order Entry): When posting a sales order to sales invoice which contains kit items, the program was not properly adjusting the quantity committed to the sub-items of the kit.
FIX (GL): When changing the length of the chart of account number, the system was not properly changing the value on old disbursements and journal entries.
FIX (Inventory): Pressing the Web Profiles Lookup button on the Supertrack Inventory form would sometimes create a misbehavior when saving the inventory record subsequently.
CHANGE (Customer): Reverse Phone Lookup on customer entry screen has been removed. The public web site service that was used to retrieve customer information from reverse phone lookup no longer provides a free method for gathering this information. We are searching for other free sources, but have removed this option for the time being.
FIX (Transfer Order): Transfer Orders were not behaving correctly when entering a parent matrix item to select child items to transfers.
FIX (Order Entry): Pick Tickets originating from a Transfer Order were not printing all pertinent information.
FIX (Manufacturing): The Supertrack Kit Assembly calculator could incorrectly show an invalid quantity status whenever the item’s quantity availability was greater than 1,000.
FIX (Manufacturing): The Supertrack Kit Assembly calculator was improperly displaying intangible(service) items with item shortage.
FIX (eConnect): A payment made from the eConnect CRM scripts was inadvertently recording the payment with a post date. This results in the payment record not showing on any subsequent statement process.
FIX (Inventory): When using the Inventory Copy feature for a single item, the new item created cannot be found using Intellisearch.
FIX (Inventory): When using the Inventory Copy feature for a single item, leaving the UPC field blank would not remove the UPC for the new item created.
FIX (Customer RMA): A subtotal calculation error could occur on a customer RMA when the initial invoice had items that were undersold and the tax settings in the program were using the the tax feature “Compute taxes on lowest selling price when item is undersold”.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Serialized/Lot based inventory items were being inadvertently allowed in the Inventory Batch Receipt process. Since this batch receipt process updates inventory without creating the purchase receipt first, a serialized item cannot be used with this process.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): A reversed purchase receipt with Serialized/Lot based inventory items was not verifying the possibility that a serialized/lot item was already sold/removed from inventory. The system will no longer allow this condition to reverse the transaction. The user will need to re-add the missing serialized items to inventory (by means of a purchase receipt or inventory adjustment) before attempting to reverse a purchase receipt with insufficient serialized merchandise to return.
FIX (Sales Invoice): Group inventory item was not always working properly on invoice transaction.
FIX (Setup): Default setting for “discount percentage taken when filing tax payments” was missing in Setup area.
FIX (Deposit Window): When using the Delayed Group deposits window, the system was incorrectly ignoring sales order payments and not displaying them for marking/unmarking.
FIX (Sales Tax): When running the Sales Tax Reports provided from the Pay Sales Tax Wizard feature, the Sales Tax reports could inadvertently exclude exempt invoices from the total sales revenue numbers shown.
FIX (Reporting): When running the Sales Summary Chart Report by Location, it might not be clear which location is being referenced on the chart if all the store location names are the same.
FIX (Sales Invoice): When performing a refund by manually typing the invoice reference number, you could receive an error indicating existance of an RMA.
FIX (eConnect CRM): Changes to the online payment scripts were made to fix an issue that would sometimes cause duplicate credit card charges when the customer was using Google Chrome or using an internal mobile phone web interface as their web browser.
FIX (Vendor): When using Vendor Care to view purchase quotes, the program would not always retrieve the correct transaction.
FIX (POS): The Deposit window’s “Pop Drawer” button was not working.
FIX (POS): Pressing F10 inadvertently on POS entry screen would give the impression of a locked program since MS Windows uses F10 as a shortcut to the menu system. ManageMore now short-circuits this Windows behavior.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8064 (never officially released)
This version was only released to BETA clients and not released to general public.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8063
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): When using the billing recap statement feature, you can now provide aged balance options which only select customers to print that are of a specific past due status.
FIX (Billing): When emailing a single statement to a customer, the option to display a customer purchase order number on the statement did not work.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): The Intellisearch engine for finding products now supports a word index count option that allows the Intellisearch engine to support more words for indexing/searching.
FIX (Sales Invoice): When creating an RMA from a customer invoice, any item whose price was affected by a redemption item on the invoice would not properly take into account this discount. Furthermore, the RMA was filling in the redemption items from the original invoice, even though it is an unnecessary item to be added to the transaction. Starting from this build, items that were discounted using a redemption SKU will come over to the RMA with a unit price adjusted based on any discounts applied to that item.
FIX (Customer RMA): When converting a customer RMA to refund invoice using the Replace Disposition, the RMA would not always properly close automatically.
FIX (GL Related): When performing a bank reconciliations, items that were marked as reconciled (but not posted) could not be unmarked at a later time.
FIX (Sales Order): Items entered into a sales order with the Mix-n-Match promotion type assigned could cause problems with subsequent line items.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8062
IMPROVEMENT (Price Check): The Price Check screen now provides the option to display item last cost and lowest selling price. This is useful for businesses that quote prices to customers over the phone and want their sales team to be aware of their margins. NOTE: ManageMore security will automatically hide this information unless your security users has been given inventory privileges or belong to the inventory manager group. If this information is considered trade secret / confidential, then we ask you to check each user login to ensure that these settings are not visible after upgrading.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Inventory Copy Wizard better supports copying/synchronizing of matrix items across multiple locations.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Inventory Copy Wizard can now copy inventory items from one location to all other locations in one step.
FIX (Sales Order): When converting a sales order to sales invoice, the freight amount would sometimes not convert over properly under certain circumstances.
FIX (Customer): The automatic tax code retrieval by ZIP code setting would still ask to update the postal database under certain circumstances.
CHANGE (Inventory): The Purge Database Wizard process no longer considers intangible items for possible deletion from Supertrack inventory.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8061
FIX (Database Integrity): Database Integrity process was not properly taking into consideration returned Kit items and causing issues with Held inventory counts.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Item List Report now includes current item margin calculation as selectable value for columns to print.
FIX (Vendor): Vendor summary statistics would sometimes reset prior year totals inadvertently.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8060
Version 8.0 Revision F release
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Adjustments have been made when dealing with sales orders and deposits. ManageMore was applying too much restriction and too little restriction when it came to manual adjustments allowed on a converted sales order to invoice. When a deposit exists on an SO, you will now be allowed to change the quantity on the final invoice up to the quantity needed on the original sales order. However, you will not be allowed to add new items to the invoice or exceed the quantities defined from the SO if deposits are allowed.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): When changing the date on purchase receipts, disbursements, invoices, and payments, ManageMore will now provide a warning message if the date entered is a future date. This will help eliminate common problems that occur when the user intended to back date the transaction to last year, but inadvertently forgot to type the year.
CHANGE/FIX (Vendor): The Vendor Aging Report was showing incorrect aging of vendor invoices when the purchase receipt did not contain a due date. ManageMore will now rely on the transaction date for aging if a due date is not available.
FIX (Card Reconciliation): Credit Card Deposit reconciliation could inadvertently run into matching problems caused by excessive unreconciled credit card payments in system.
CHANGE (Sales Order/Invoice): Upon adding an item to the end of a sales order or sales invoice, you can now change the SKU item without getting an error message. This only applies to the last item on the sales transaction.
FIX (Sales Order): When a payment on an invoice (originating from a deposit on a sales order) is reversed, it was not always properly affecting the customer account balance.
CHANGE (Reporting): The Sales History By Date and Sales History By Account reports were modified to take into consideration refunds that were handled with gift card credits and sales that contain gift card activations.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): If using MerchantWarehouse Card Processing services with end-to-end encryption, the Magtek Magnesafe device can now be programmed as either HID or Keyboard mode. This allows users utilitizing Microsoft Remote Desktop Services to use this device over a remote connection.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8059
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager with File Export): When exporting any of the provided Cellular reports, the ESN would not always appear properly with some spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel. To correct this problem, all ESN’s will now export with an asterisk at the beginning of the ESN value.
NEW (Cellular Manager): A new signaling format was added called “LTE”. This format is for the new 4G phones that are being introduced by Verizon, AT&T and other carriers.
CHANGE (POS): The Item reversal functionality has been changed to provide a more rigid and safer option for item reversal within a sales receipt. A new checkbox option (located in Setup… Point-of-Sale… General Options…) titled “Allow Exchange/Return of items on sales receipt” provides the option of letting any item be used when reversing an item on a sales receipt. This is how this feature has always worked in version 8.0. With the advent of this new checkbox, you can now disable this functionality and ManageMore will only allow item reversal when the product already exists on the sales receipt (for purposes of cancelling an item on the receipt without having to restart the receipt from the beginning).
FIX (POS – CRITICAL): The Item reversal function on ManageMore POS can inadvertently reduce inventory by one more than it should.
FIX (Count Physical Inventory): When importing Inventory item counts with Lot Numbers, the unit of measure was not properly being assigned.
FIX (Rewards Card Module): When selecting a child matrix item from the selection window, the item would not be considered part of the rewards program.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Sometimes allow the operator to enter the same serial number twice on the same invoice.
FIX (Inventory): Under certain circumstances, the inventory feature “Discontinue when zero on hand” would not internally reset the item properly to discontinued when zero quantity was reached.
FIX (Reporting): The inventory report entitled “Item List” was computing Sell-Thru and Margin computations in an undesirable manner.
FIX (CRITICAL: POS System – Gift Card module): A security loophole was discovered that could compromise the use of gift card after a refund.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8058
NEW (POS System): Support for end-of-day 40 column Cash Drawer report. ManageMore can now print the cash drawer summary/detail report directly to your POS receipt printer. Once you close your cash drawer, the print window options will now include a checkbox setting which allows the cash drawer report to print to a narrow receipt print format. You can easily alternate between the receipt printer narrow format and the traditional full 8.5″ x 11″ format.
IMPROVEMENT (Database Related): Improved Database Fix utility now works on 32-bit and 64-bit OS.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Automated inventory label creation is now possible at the purchase order level. An inventory item can now be set to create item labels at the time of adding a new purchase order or purchase receipt. The moment a purchase order sets the “Submitted to Vendor” checkbox, the flagged items on the P.O. will be sent to the List & Label Manager. See Lists… Inventory… Supertrack Inventory… to view the new drop list option that is presented to the right of the “Create labels when the item”.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): The inventory template can now be set to “Create labels when item Ordered or Received.”
FIX (Import Inventory): The inventory import process was inadvertently identifying problems with imported UPC values.
FIX (Import Inventory): The inventory import process was aborting under certain circumstances. These circumstances involve the importing of both new and existing items at the same time.
FIX (Reporting): The Item Cost Detail Report would GPF when exporting data to CSV file format.
FIX (Customer): Sub-Account selection was not properly displaying on edited sales quotes.
CHANGE (Reporting): The legacy sales tax reports in ManageMore will now warn the user of possible tax totalling problems when an inventory item is no longer found in Supertrack inventory. A pop up warning message will appear if an SKU item is non-existant.
FIX (POS system): If a parent matrix item is entered at the point-of-sale, the selection window did not properly return the child matrix item.
FIX (Reporting): The Item Cost Detail Report was not printing depleted items properly if the depleted item had purchase receipt quantity pending.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8057
NEW (eConnect): Multi-lingual inventory support for use with ManageMore eCommerce integrated solutions. ManageMore now provides the ability for alternate text to be stored within the inventory realm. An inventory item, category description, and matrix attribute can be defined with multiple language definitions. This provides for better integration of ecommerce shopping carts that support the option of switching languages on the site.
NEW (eConnect): Categories can now be associated to sub-categories. This parent-child relationship allows for better shopping cart integration when using eConnect Cart with shopping carts that support a multi-level category system.
NEW (eConnect): Improved scripts now ship with eConnect Cart that allows the popular Zen Cart to support multiple price levels on inventory. A customer account can now be set up to a specific price level that matches your ManageMore price level, and the appropriate prices will appear on the shopping cart.
NEW (eConnect): Updated scripts for the popular zen cart shopping cart have been provided with the eConnect Cart. These scripts take full advantage of the new multi-lingual inventory support.
IMPROVEMENT (Company): A new Company Ship To Address is now available. This company ship to address now exists for all company locations you create. Its primary purpose is to provide a default alternate address for shipping when dealing with purchase orders.
CHANGE (A/R): The invoice payment window now verifies that a customer A/R balance has not changed while attempting to charge or tender an invoice. If a change is detected that could otherwise impede in the operation of the program, an error will be displayed.
FIX (Sales Invoice): The Drop Ship feature on sales invoices could inadvertently cause the email/printing of the current document to show erroneous information.
IMPROVEMENT (eConnect): eConnect application now shows the external IP Address on screen.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Sales Profit Analysis Report now provides a category filter.
FIX (Reporting): Sales Profit Analysis Report (in conjunction with Cellular Manager module) was not always identifying the profit calculation as being computed from the cellular activation under certain report criteria. The asterisk notation would not always appear on the report next to certain profit calculations.
FIX (Vendor RMA): When closing an open Vendor RMA, the pending RMA quantity was not being properly adjusted under certain circumstances.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8056
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager + Serial Number Manager): This improvement is in the area of the batch cellular inventory process when receiving phones and posting a purchase receipt. If the application detects the Serial Number Manager module exists for the items you are scanning into the batch, the automated purchase receipt will auto-fill all the ESNs as serial numbers into the purchase receipt. This eliminates the step required to scan the item twice (both at the batch cellular inventory screen and at the purchase receipt screen).
NEW (Sales Order Manager): A new “Ship By” date field can now be added to the Sales Order window for businesses that take orders in advance and want to record a committed customer shipment date. A default number of advanced days can also be defaulted on this field. See Setup… Application… Accounts Receivable… Display Fields… to turn on the Ship By date field. See Setup… Application… Order Entry… General… to change the default date for the Ship By field.
NEW (Cellular Manager): A new “Override Pending Commission” checkbox was added on the Commissions Tab of the Cellular Activation record. It is now required that you check this field if you wish to override any of the commission amounts calculated by the program. This feature makes it clear whether or not the user has deviated from the calculated commissions and also produces and audit log trail that an override was selected. Unchecking the override checkbox will automatically recompute the commissions as intended by the program rules you set in the rate plan codes.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order Manager): Better speed improvements have been made to the Fill Sales Order window.
FIX (Sales Order): When creating a sales order that auto-generates a purchase order / work order, the resulting printout of the sales order would periodically print an incorrect sales order summary.
FIX (Sales Order): Group items were misbehaving when used on a Sales Order. Items assumed they were shipped upon initially adding the group item to the order.
FIX (Card Processing): When processing credit cards using MerchantWarehouse 3.0 interface, if your login credentials were incorrect, you could receive an unclear message.
FIX (GL Related): When using a calender year-end other than December 31st, the system could incorrectly create new GL periods with a December 31st year-end.
CHANGE (Sales Invoice): If invoice backdating option is activated, the transaction cannot be backdated more than 5 years to prevent data entry errors.
FIX (POS): The payment window within the POS system was not behaving correctly when the payment made was of type CASH.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8055
NEW (ToolKit): A tool has been added to the ManageMore Advanced Tool Kit which allows you to change the value of a Supertrack SKU item or change its Supertrack Kind classification (even after the item has been used in the program). This feature will subsequently update the entire database history to reflect the new SKU value assigned. Additionally, this tool can be used to merge in a matrix item from an existing tangible item.
See File… Maintenance… Database Manager… Tool Kit Button, then login to the Advanced Toolkit and from the menu select Activities… Inventory Tools… Change Item Code.
IMPROVEMENT (Database): A simpler and more straightforward database purge process now exists under File… Maintenance… Purge Database. This replaces the prior purging method that existed within the Database Manager tools. Some additional files have been added to the purge process, as well as an option to purge customers that are not set as inactive but have had no activity in a very long time.
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager with File Export): When exporting cellular activation/commission reports, the contract type is now available.
FIX (Import Inventory): When importing inventory items using a template that auto-generates SKU’s, the process could abort.
FIX (POS System): When taking payment, if the user types in an amount and does not tab off the field prior to accepting the amount, the system could misbehave and not acknowledge the amount typed in.
FIX (POS System): The Automatic Clock In/Out feature when a user enters/exits the POS system was not working properly.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Lot Number based serialized item was not working correctly on the inventory adjustment transaction when attempting to receive a lot number item.
FIX (GL Related): Under certain circumstances, imported jounal entries would contain erroneous characters in the memo field.
FIX (Transfer Orders): When using auto-fill with Transfer Orders (centralized purchasing feature), items might mistakenly auto-fill with negative quantity causing the Transfer Order to not properly close upon receiving.
CHANGE (Program Behavior)): ManageMore now formats its Customer/Vendor Mailing label in a manner that is consistent with U.S. Postal Addressing Standards. This affects many areas of the program (and most importantly in the billing area). In particular, the U.S. Postal addressing standards requires that an address which contains both a contact name (also known as an attention line) and a company name be formatted such that the contact name is the first line of the address line, followed by the company name. This was a necessary change because ManageMore clients were reporting that the U.S. Post Office was not always forwarding mail as a result of this improper mailing layout. For more info about these postal standards, please see (page 221). NOTE: This build will not reformat prior recorded ManageMore transactions… only future transactions going forward with this build.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8054
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): Better support for all model barcode scanners when using ManageMore Business Software. Traditionally, bar code scanners out-of-the-box are programmed in a manner that disrupts how ManageMore functions. Most scanners come pre-programmed to send a suffix after each scan and this causes ManageMore to immediately save the record upon scan (since is the keyboard shortcut to save a form in ManageMore).
To workaround this, most customers have been instructed to reprogram their scanner to use a suffix terminator instead. Unfortunately, not all scanners support the ability to change this suffix terminator and/or the process to do so was cumbersome and different for each manufactured device. With this release, most areas of the program where a scanner might be used to scan a value have been improved to accept the default (aka ) suffix without disrupting ManageMore functionality. This means that ManageMore won’t immediately try to save and exit a form after a scan is performed on designated key fields in the application. The scanned value will appear as normal and you can continue with your work.
NOTE: This change required that certain entry fields commonly associated with scanning will now ignore when pressed while on this field. Therefore, the common behavior of saving a record when pressing on ManageMore forms will not apply when you are on these scannable fields. This will be most apparent in all ManageMore documents (i.e., Sales Invoice, Sales Quote, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Disbursement, etc.) when you are in the listbox region. The simply advances the cursor to the next field.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): All ManageMore documents (i.e., Sales Invoice, Sales Quote, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, Disbursement, etc.) now have a new shortcut F12 key for saving the record immediately. This is more consistent with the ManageMore POS application and can be used in lieu of the changes made with the key on these documents as a key that will always record the transaction.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): A better station locking mechanism now exists. There are certain ManageMore operations (e.g., Backup, Updates, Database Maintenance, etc.) which require all stations to exit the program. This build improves on the past lockout mechanisms used for ensuring that all stations exit ManageMore.
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager): The Product Incentive table now supports specific contract types as a parameter for the calculation of commissions due on an activation. Some cellular carriers provide additional commission when a specific brand phone is sold for a specific contract duration. You can now enter a phone model into the product incentive table at various prices depending on the contract type and service provider selected.
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager): The Product Incentive table now supports a separate salesperson commission amount. This new commission amount can be automatically added to the overal salesperson commission due on activations and allows for easily sharing the commission earned from product incentives to your personnel.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8053 (released 08/24/10)
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): The Inventory Item List Report has been greatly enhanced. This report now provides:
A. a multi-location item breakdown with grouping of items by category, manufacturer, department, and vendor.
B. Many new filters including region, season, manufacturer, vendor, and promotion plan.
C. The option to select only newer items added to the inventory database based on item creation date.
D. Up to 3 additional columns can be dynamically added to the report and allows for over 60 inventory fields and formulas to select from including overstock status, markup, margin, and sell thru analytics.
E. A Matrix item can now be grouped together as one parent item or be shown in a group with item attributes.
F. Items can be viewed grouped by their individual location or consolidated into one view for all locations.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Pick Ticket from Fill Sales Order window now prints the Ship To sales order information. Pick Ticket will also print the additional Bin locations of an item if they exist on the inventory item record.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Price updating of an inventory item record now provides quicker data entry using better form filling intelligence. When adding/editing an item price, the retail suggested price will automatically update all price levels if the item price level was set to the same amount. Updating the amount of price level 1 will also automatically update the other price levels if they were set to the same amount as price level 1.
IMPROVEMENT (Matrix Inventory): Matrix Inventory Wizard now offers an additional step to quickly add/update a UPC item code to the matrix items.
FIX (Inventory): The Global Price Change Wizard was computing an incorrect price when the markup/margin calculation was being used on items that were using purchase units of measure greater than 1.
FIX (Inventory): When using the markup/margin calculator inside a supertrack inventory item, the computed unit price might not round correctly and therefore store a unit price with a higher level of decimal accuracy. This problem also persisted in the global price change wizard and when importing inventory items while using the markup/margin calculations of the inventory template.
FIX (Import Inventory): process was not handling the importation of items with units of measure correctly under all circumstances.
FIX (Sales Order): Editing of a sales order from another originating location. This is no longer allowed.
FIX (A/R Related): An issue existed that could cause an A/R problem (invoice balance not matching total customer balance) to occur. This problem only occurred under very specific and rare scenarios where a customer had a credit balance and then a reversal of a prior posted payment was done on the account.
IMPROVEMENT (Lists & Labels Mgr): A supertrack item’s full path and image filename is now passed to the List & Label manager. This allows for creation of custom reports / labels which can print the product images you associated your supertrack items with.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8052
IMPROVEMENT (Tool Kit): The ManageMore Advanced Toolkit now utilizes the same Security model as the ManageMore Business Software. Only users that have Security Adminstrator rights will be able to log in to this application. The toolkit can be accessed from File… Maintenance… Database Manager… Toolkit button.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Template): Import inventory process now supports auto-generation of the UPC according to inventory templates rules.
IMPROVEMENT (Matrix Inventory): More adjustments were made to fill in Matrix items quicker on all transactions. In particular, when entering the parent matrix item, the popup selection window provides more options for selecting the children sub-items with the correct quantity needed.
CHANGE (Reporting): As a result of the newly improved Inventory Item List Report, the Inventory Item Status report, Overstock report, and Pricing Level report and have been removed from the application.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): When invoicing for a service/product which requires a flat tax computation, the program will now charge the flat tax on items regardless of price. Since governmental agencies expect to be paid taxes regardless of the selling price, it was deemed appropriate to add the tax to the invoice regardless if the service/product amount is free or not.
CHANGE (Import Inventory): process now uses Last Purchase Cost instead of Last Unit Cost as an import field. The Last Unit Cost is computed based on the Last Purchase Cost value. The average cost is only updated if item being imported has no quantity or General Ledger is not in use.
FIX (Customer): Minor issues were resolved with the sub-account feature on the sales order and sales invoice window. Under certain conditions, the sub-account button might not reappear on screen.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8051
This version was only released to BETA clients and not released to general public.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8050
Version 8.0 Revision E release
IMPROVEMENT (BETA – Sales Order): The Fill Sales Order process has been revamped with new options, better performance, and more secure database integrity.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8049
CHANGE (Manufacturing): The Quantity On Order count of a supertrack inventory item will now constitute the sum of both open PO’s and open WO’s. This inventory count design change will allow for better calculations when considering whether a work order should be auto-created during the creation of a new sales order. In addition, there is a setting that will allow you to determine whether ManageMore will create a work order at the time of entering the sales order. See Setup… Application… Manufacturing… General Options…
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8048
NEW (Hardware Support): Support for Card Swipers that utilize HID technology. NOTE: This feature does not currently work across Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (aka Terminal Services) .
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): Sales invoices will now print SWIPED next to the card number mask to identify that a credit card was swiped through a card reader device. The payment detail window on the invoice form will also display a SWIPED status.
FIX (Manufacturing): An assembly item was not properly duplicating across multiple locations when using the copy function.
FIX (Sales Order): The Sales Order window inadvertently allowed the user to remove an item from the order that had already been partially / fully shipped.
FIX: Reversing deposit payment on sales order would improperly affect the customer A/R account.
CHANGE: Sales Orders now provide warning if Credit on Hold status is detected on customer account.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8047
NEW (POS): 40 column sales receipt now has an option for printing the unit price of the items sold.
FIX (Inventory): When using the copy inventory feature, the intellisearch engine was not properly working for the duplicated items created for multiple locations.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): The auto-generated sales order to purchase order feature was creating a purchase order whose item details were in SKU item order. This was determined to be less useful than simply creating the purchase order in as close item order sequence as the original sales order.
IMPROVEMENT (Disbursement): When viewing disbursements from several areas in the program, you will now get a visual indicator if the disbursement has been reconciled or not (i.e. a check box column on disbursement tables will identify the disbursement cleared your bank or a stamp image saying “Reconciled” will appear on the disbursement record itself).
CHANGE (Inventory): Inventory quantity sale increment can now be a whole number, even if quantity precision is set higher than 0 decimal places. This is only intended for very special circumstances where you buy product in a fractional quantity manner, but only sell the item in whole quantity values.
FIX (Vendor): The automated Discount feature on Vendor Terms was not properly working when using the Standard Terms Method.
FIX (Sales Order/Invoice): When a sales order to sales invoices was generated with a lot-based item, the quantity field could get reset to zero upon entering an invalid lot number on the invoice. This could inadvertently allow for an invoice to save without the lot-based item as part of the original transaction.
FIX (Work Orders): When completing a work order for a serialized item, the serial numbers were not always being properly recorded to the item assembly.
IMPROVEMENT (Purchase Order): A new setting exists that determines what Bill To address to use when a purchase order is created. For multi-location businesses, this setting allows for the default address to be either the main location address or the login location address. See Setup… Application… Company… Program Options…
FIX (Cellular Manager): When performing a POS transaction using the POS system, a cellular activation record did not always properly link to its appropriate sales invoice. The result of this issue would cause the Sales Profit Analysis report to not properly reflect correct net profit amounts because ManageMore did not know how to find the cellular activation record that related to the phone sale invoice. This problem only occurred if you used the POS system to generate the cell phone sale, and not from the ManageMore Business Software program.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8046
FIX (MAJOR – Program Behavior): A serious database concurrency issue was discovered that has likely existed since the inception of Version 8.0. This identified issue only affects multi-user license owners and required that more than one station was working on the same customer/vendor for the problem to actually occur. This problem could cause integrity related issues with customer/vendor balances and also inventory counts. Database Integrity was able to previously find and correct these issues, but with no explanation as to how it initially occurred. This concurrency flaw has been corrected and will result in workstation conflicts receiving an error message that another station has already updated the record.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8045
NEW (Sales Invoice): A non-specific customer refund transaction now provides the option for posting the resulting credit to a specific customer’s past invoice, instead of using the traditional First-In First-Out method. For example, a refund can now post a credit to a customer’s outstanding invoice generated on the same day without disturbing the total due from past transactions. This is useful for businesses that deal with resellers who have many outstanding invoices and periodically require credits to affect recent sales only.
IMPROVEMENT (A/R Related): When taking A/R payments, ManageMore now double-checks the integrity of the customer account information (i.e. total outstanding invoices, unapplied amount, etc.) and immediately reports problems to the employee.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): When scanning serialized inventory, the program will now verify that the scanned data does not contain unusual characters. This will minimize the saving of bad serialized values due to a scanner that is faulty/failing to read the barcode correctly.
CHANGE (Menu): The Manufacturing menu options has been moved out from under the Inventory menu to its own menu system.
FIX (Sales Order): Fill Sales Order window could cause interference with other open windows during its periodic table refresh process.
FIX (Security): When multiple companies exist, the security features of ManageMore would sometimes inadvertently lock down the menu when switching between company profiles.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8044
IMPROVEMENT (A/P Related): On accounts payable disbursements and purchase receipts, the transaction date can now be changed to any past period and it will properly reflect in the correct General Ledger period. This allows corrections of errors when bills / disbursements have been back dated to and incorrect period or when you want to purposely make a bill / disbursement affect your books for a past period in time.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Pick Ticket report on “Fill Sales Order” process now prints unit of measure after each item quantity.
CHANGE (Card Storage): Credit Card Encryption now uses stronger PBKDF2 derived key as specified by RFC 2898 and in compliance with PCI security council standards. This newer encryption method only applies to those ManageMore users who activate the customer credit card on file feature. Credit card payments are never stored in ManageMore and therefore are not affected by this change.
CHANGE (Card Processing): In order to comply with PCI Security Council standards for storing credit card data, the encryption key used to store credit card data will be automatically changed on an annual basis.
CHANGE (Cellular Manager): When posting cellular commissions, the check number field has been expanded to support up to 10 characters.
FIX (Return Processing): Returning an item to alternate stock using the Return Processing feature would cause a problem with the inventory count.
FIX (POS): The security feature for blocking reprint of invoices in the POS system was causing an unexpected behavior with the auto-print feature.
FIX (Inventory): The copy inventory feature was not always properly duplicating redemption items to different locations.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8043
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Performance improvement made to the copy inventory item process.
IMPROVEMENT (List & Label): List and Label Manager for inventory items can now be printed in Bin Location order.
IMPROVEMENT/FIX (Serialized Inventory): Several changes made to the Customer RMA process, especially with returns of serialized inventory items.
FIX (Billing): The billing option to print statements for customers with no new activity was not properly working when using statement form 3.
FIX (Inventory): The copy inventory item process was not properly duplicating the vendor purchase description when selecting the copy properties option. There was also a problem with the single item copy process not overwriting the UPC with the manual overridden value provided on screen.
FIX (Company Related): Location locking feature was not always working correctly when multiple company profiles existed.
FIX (Sales Invoice): When an invalid redemption item was selected on the sales invoice form, the last item would get removed inadvertently.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8042
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): When updating a paid sales order which reduces its amount below the deposit amount already taken (e.g. customer changes their mind and eliminates an item on order), the system more easily allows the tender of a refund for the difference.
FIX (Import Inventory): Problem discovered when merging inventory data and using the multi-location checkbox setting which updates inventory for all locations. Merging inventory data into other locations that did not contain the item code would cause the import/merge process to halt.
FIX (Email): Emailing vendor documents would sometimes erroneously select the wrong email account on file.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8041 (released 03/01/10)
NEW (Cellular Manager): A new cellular activation analysis report was added. This report provides breakdowns of rate plans used on cellular activations and groups and sorts this data by sales person, dealer, and/or location.
FIX (Vendor RMA): When re-saving an open Vendor RMA, the inventory item quantity would sometimes change unexpectedly.
CHANGE (Customer): In order to minimize the scope for compliance with new credit card PCI Security Standards, ManageMore will no longer automatically update customer credit card on file information when using the “Credit Card on File” setting. This only applies to those customers who have the credit card Payment Security option activated to begin with and who check the “Use Credit Card on File” feature when posting payments at the point of sale or doing A/R payment entry. EXCEPTION: If ManageMore detects that the card used during a transaction matches the customer card on file, but the expiration date differs, then ManageMore will update the card expiration date on the customer account.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8040
Version 8.0 Revision D release
IMPROVEMENT (Performance): Customer Care Window would open sluggish for some network users.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Improvements made to the Item Activity Detail report and how it reports the data.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Adjusted formatting of 1099 form filling capability.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Better logic for duplication of redemption, kit, group items across multiple locations.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): Some Vista, Windows 2008, and Windows 7 stations were having difficulty performing ManageMore software updates. The ManageMore program would download the installation program, but would then display an error shortly afterwards. This was caused by UAC and newer elevation level security settings used by these OS systems. Design change was made to address this problem.
FIX (GL Related): The inactive Bank Account setting was not being ignored on the Funds Transfer window process.
FIX (Inventory): Duplication of SKU redemption items across multiple locations would sometimes create invalid SKU’s.
FIX (GL Related): Correction to importing of GL accounts that contained hyphens.
FIX (Conversion): Correction to importing of disbursements from a QuickBooks IIF File.
FIX (Offsite Edition): Correction to Offsite Edition with respect to Banking options, POS toolbar, and matrix/redemption inventory items.
FIX (POS): Item List by Category and Item List by Department function on the POS system stopped working properly after a recent change made in the POS system.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8039
FIX (Export): When using custom export in conjunction with sending the file via FTP, the program would sometimes fail to send the file.
FIX (Sales Order): Sales Orders with deposits that are then closed prior to invoicing did not provide proper options when a credit card authorized transaction was involved.
FIX (RMA): Some older ManageMore software editions that upgraded to version 8.0 lost the option to use RMA’s.
FIX (Sales Order/Invoice): Unit Price now shows on Sales Order to Sales Invoice printed documents when an item is back ordered.
FIX (Email): Emails sent from ManageMore Email Pro would not always save a copy in the “Sent Items” folder when this option was selected.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8038
NEW (Purchase Order): Purchase Order Form 2 created which provides an MSRP column on the document. This is primarily for specialized business models (e.g. Book Stores and Gift Shops) that deal with resale price by MSRP minus a discount rate.
NEW (eConnect Support for Matrix Inventory ): ManageMore eConnect provides new functionality for synchronizing the new Matrix Inventory feature recently released with popular shopping cart applications (e.g. Zen Cart). Items will display only once on the cart and show attributes for the user to select on the cart. Matrix items properly convert over to the appropriate component item as an order is placed on your cart.
IMPROVEMENT (Export): Employee Commission Report now exports customer account number when using the File Export option.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8037
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): Reversing an invoice which was paid by credit card will now always auto-fill with the past card details and will not require the customer to provide the credit card in order to place a refund back on the card. ManageMore accomplishes this without the need for storing any card holder data by utilizing an internal gateway reference number provided by the card processor on each transaction.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8036
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Sales Profit Analysis Report can now provide grouping by individual invoice for a more detailed breakdown of profit on a per transaction basis.
IMPROVEMENT (Vendor): The Vendor Bill Reference No. has been increased to 15 characters in length.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): A Mismatch button was added to new Item Verification feature on the Fill Sales Order process (introduced in Build 8031). This button will display the discrepancies between what was scanned for verification and what is missing or invalid.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): When processing credit cards using Intellicharge with the AVS feature, the program was not utilizing this feature during an A/R payment transaction. A new window will now appear after saving the payment, which will ask for the AVS values before processing a credit card.
CHANGE (Pager Manager Module): Re-added back a deprecated button option for viewing internal prorated invoices generated by the Pager Manager module. Pressing the F10 function key on the Invoice table will unhide the option for viewing these pending prorated transactions.
FIX (Purchase Order): When creating a purchase order, the “Fill from Previous PO” button option was filling in a P.O., but not allowing changes to the cost of items listed.
FIX (Purchase Receipt): A scenario existed that could create a Purchase Receipt Balance problem when the user applied a partial Purchase Credit against a specific Purchase Receipt. The program was inadvertently allowing the user to go back to the partially credited purchase receipt to make freight / discount amount adjustments.
FIX (Email): The email feature on the disbursement process was not defaulting the Email To address with the Vendor email address on file.
FIX (GL Related): A general ledger date posting problem was detected that could cause MM to post a transaction to the wrong date, even though the transaction itself records to the correct date. For this to occur, the user would have to be back dating a transaction and then change their mind and put the date back to today’s date all in the same step of saving the new transaction.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8035
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Global Price Change Wizard now provides the web price as one of the price amounts that can be modified by this process.
FIX (Sales Quote): When converting a sales quote to sales order/invoice, the modified item description was being reset to the default item description.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8034
IMPROVEMENT (eConnect): The eConnect Module has added logic to prevent accidentally converting/adding the same transaction twice in the database.
IMPROVEMENT (Customer Care): Customer Care now integrates with the List & Label Manager part of the program. A new Label icon will appear on both the Customer Tab and the Transaction Tab. Pressing the label button will send the customer / transaction data to the List & Label Manager for printing.
IMPROVEMENT(Database Integrity): Advanced option exists for just reviewing a particular range of SKU items. This is helpful for larger databases that only need a particular item to be reanalyzed.
FIX (Inventory): The combination of refunding a serialized item from a different location than its original sale plus the use of Return Processing caused the program to not allow the removal of the item from held inventory.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8033
SPECIAL NOTE: We have spent considerable time on this build to remove “fears” that some users have when performing a software update. New features implemented in this software build should make any and all future software updates painless. We acknowledge that most of our customers do not have IT departments and are not computer savvy when it comes to dealing with any problem that could occur during a software update. Updating a database system can have many unexpected issues and our customers are required to always be prepared to deal with this possibility. With that in mind, we have identified many of the key issues that cause a software update to fail and have worked diligently on this release to make it smoother for you to upgrade without issue and/or revert quickly with no technical assistance required. We want our customers to take advantage of all the benefits each software update provides without the concern of leaving you stranded with a non-functioning program during off-support hours. Please keep in mind that the new and improved features mentioned below will not help you until the subsequent software release and that your typical backup/restore strategies must still be in place when upgrading to any new software version.
NEW (Program Behavior): The integrated backup software utility has been greatly improved and is simpler than ever before to make reliable backups. ManageMore will automatically handle the process of rotating file names so that daily backups create multiple archived files over a two week period. The only step required for backup is to tell ManageMore where the archived backup set will be sent to. To try out this quick and simple backup system, please open your company profile and then from the menu go to File… Backup Database…
NEW (Program Behavior): The process of upgrading your ManageMore Business Software to the latest software build has just got a whole lot safer and easier to do. As most of our long-time customers know, a backup is critical prior to doing a software update because database systems (like ManageMore) are much more prone to unexpected problems during a software update than any other commercial software applications. The process of manually reverting your software version from a backup / restore perspective can sometimes be “scary” for those who are not familiar with the process.
Well we have good news here… starting from this software build forward, performing a software update should be worry-free with the advent of an integrated backup/restore process built into the software update procedure. ManageMore will automatically present options for you to quickly backup your entire ManageMore to any removable media (or another hard drive location for that matter). In the event that your ManageMore software update fails to complete, a simple “Restore from Backup” button will be available to quicky restore your entire ManageMore back to its original state. This new ManageMore Restore Wizard application will guide you through simple steps for recovering your application and all related company database profiles. The backup and restore steps are minimal and do not require IT personnel to operate.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): ManageMore now provides a better method for locking out workstations during critical operations of the program. Users with ManageMore multi-user licenses are often in constant conflict with remote workstation users who attempt to login to the program during critical processes like software updates and database maintenance functions. This can cause serious problems to ManageMore and is often the reason for many failed software updates!
Older ManageMore versions had loopholes that could let users into ManageMore during critical operations and could sometimes inadvertently cause all users to get locked out when a problem happened. With this build, we now provide the ManageMore administrator with his/her own temporary password lockout function that prohibits all users from running ManageMore without knowledge of this password. This technique supercedes prior lockout measures used by ManageMore and is much more effective at administrating ManageMore on software updates and when Database Management is required.
On subsequent software updates or when using the Database Manager utility, you will be prompted to provide a password to lockout all ManageMore users. This password is automatically removed when the operation is complete or when the adminstrator logs into ManageMore and requests the password to be removed. As a safety precaution, Intellisoft technical support can also provide a backdoor password in the event the administrator forgets his/her created password.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): If you are using a receipt printer that does not have an automatic paper cutter opton, the POS system will now pause to allow you to tear multi-part sales receipts. For example, when processing a credit card transaction, the POS will print the signature portion of the credit card receipt and then prompt you to continue printing the second part of the receipt. For the feature to work, you must make sure that there are no Paper Cut commands within the Receipt Printer setup of the POS program.
IMPROVEMENT (eConnect Cart): Improved exporting of inventory items/images for users with OsCommerce or ZenCart ecommerce shopping cart templates. ManageMore can now provide an inventory export file that can be quickly imported into these shopping carts with the use of the free EasyPopulate add-on for these carts. Furthermore, ManageMore will upload the inventory images to their respective locations within these shopping carts.
IMPROVEMENT (eConnect Cart): More improvements made to Zen Cart and OsCommerce shopping cart template integration.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): The POS system now supports editing of the memo field and the 3 the user-defined fields in Invoice Lookup mode. In other words, we are providing you the option to record additional information on the invoice after the sales receipt has already been created.
FIX (Deposits): Deposits were not ignoring pre-authorized credit card payments done through the sales order process.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8032
NEW (Program Behavior): Future software updates will now download ManageMore using standard HTTP download protocol, instead of FTP. This download method is 3x-4x faster at delivering ManageMore and is less likely to cause problems with hardware/software Firewall systems. Furthermore, the update process has been simplified and requires less steps than before. (NOTE: You won’t benefit from this feature until the subsequent time you upgrade)
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order/Invoice): Changing the Account Number on a sales order / sales invoice will no longer automatically clear items that were entered on the transaction already. Items already entered on a transaction can still get cleared when an account number is added/changed after the fact, but only to the extent that it might affect the item price.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): When reprinting sales receipts on the ManageMore POS system, a new button option exists that allows for easy retrieval of the last 10 sales receipts entered on the workstation. Pressing the “Previous” button repeatedly will cycle thru the last receipts generated.
IMPROVEMENT (Lists and Labels): Transaction Labels from Lists and Labels Reports Menu can now sort by bin location and SKU item order.
IMPROVEMENT (Database Integrity): Database Integrity will now remove invalid/problem items found in Return Processing table.
FIX (Purchase Receipt): When creating a purchase credit, ManageMore would inadvertently send some items to the print queue of the Lists and Labels Manager.
FIX (Reporting): Inventory Cost Detal Report would sometimes GPF when exporting the report to file.
FIX (POS): When using a touch pad reprint receipt function on the POS system, it was not asking the user for a password when the security setting was set to do so.
FIX (Inventory Adjustment): When using the Inventory adjustment document to remove serialized inventory items, a problem existed whenever the inventory adjustment location was changed from its original login location. The inventory adjustment would give errors that the serial number did not exist for removal.
FIX (Company Related): The Company Form Graphics Setup screen would sometimes display an erroneous error upon saving changes.
FIX (GL Related): Purchase freight amount was not posting properly to the GL when the Inventory GL account was not provided on the inventory item and the system had to rely on the default AP purchase freight GL account.
FIX (Purchase Quote): Purchase Quotes were not always properly passing item/transaction notes over when converting to a purchase order.
CHANGE (Import Customer/Prospect): The Customer/Prospect Import process better supports merging records with an identical account number and handles updating of customer class codes in a better fashion.
FIX (Database Integrity): Database Integrity was improperly evaluating serialized items when the program setting was set to allow any serial number at the point of sale. This would cause a reset of the inventory quantity on hand for the serialized items.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8031
NEW (Vendor): You can now create a pre-defined vendor transaction message/note that will automatically fill on purchase quotes, purchase orders, and vendor RMA’s. This allows you to place a special vendor specific message each time you create a purchase document for that vendor. See the Notes Tab of the vendor record for this new field option.
CHANGE (Sales Order): The invoice terms on a Sales Order did not behave in a consistent manner when compared to how the Sales Invoice determines the terms to select. More importantly, terms should not have been an available option when a customer account is not defined for invoice terms.
FIX (Sales Order): When filling sales orders, the option which allows a user to modify the final sales invoice from its original sales order could cause problems with reducing the inventory quantity committed count. This happened if new items were introduced to the sales invoice that were not originally existing on the sales order.
FIX (GL Related): Some posted Journal Entries were internally recording an improper sign value in certain areas of the program. This did not affect the General Ledger in any manner, but was corrected nevertheless.
CHANGE (GL Related): To avoid possible confusion as a result of ManageMore posting to an internal GL equity account called “Opening Balance Equity”, the account was renamed to “Equity Adjustment.”
FIX (Vendor RMA): Policy Message for Vendor RMA forms was not displaying.
CHANGE (Serialized Inventory): A Transfer Order will no longer request serial numbers when transferring a serialized inventory item. This was deemed unnecessary as the Transfer Receipt will always record the appropriate serial number that transferred anyway.
FIX (Security): The Security for Custom Reports within Report Explorer was not working properly when using the Program Area method of security. It was always locking the user from access to all custom reports.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8030
Version 8.0 Revision C release
IMPROVEMENT (POS): The POS system could cause user confusion if the clerk would tender cash and then decided to swipe a customer’s credit card after a cash tender amount had already been declared either manually or by using the Quick Pay feature. If the clerk was not observant, it might appear as if the swiped credit card had replaced the cash tender. The new design will now prompt the clerk with the option to remove other tender amounts if a credit card is swiped and other tender amounts have been entered already.
FIX (A/P Related): Disbursements that created purchase receipts for expenses would falsely report that the purchase receipt was not posted to General Ledger.
FIX (Reporting): Inventory Item Purchase History report was not properly filtering out Purchase Receipts that were GL related only.
FIX (Manufacturing): Policy Message for Manufacturing forms was not displaying.
CHANGE (Card Processing): When applying refunds through an electronic card processor, ManageMore will no longer require an approval code to be present to acknowledge the refund being approved by the card processor. This is because some card processor platforms do not provide an approval code when dealing with a Voided charge.
FIX (Card Processing): A recent change with electronic card processing and failed internet connections was reporting an incorrect message that might cause the clerk to believe the credit card was not approved.
FIX (GL Related): Fixed issue with posting of Bank reconciliation when multiple items are added from a reconciliation file.
FIX (POS): The newer refund design at the point-of-sale was not properly taking into account items which were deemed as FIFO/LIFO costing. This could result in the FIFO/LIFO layers not being properly updated. This issues did not happen in all circumstances. To determine if you were affected by this issue, please run the Database Integrity process after upgrading to this build. This will identify and correct any item costing problems with respect to the internal costing layers of the application.
CHANGE (Inventory): When using the copy inventory feature, ManageMore will no longer allow the copy process to skip over problems when it is unable to complete part of the item copy process. This is mostlly relevant for kit items, group items, and redemption items that reference specific SKU’s. If a particular location is missing any sub-item to the parent SKU, ManageMore will now give an error and abort the entire copy process immediately. This ensures that you don’t end up with stray/incomplete item codes and eliminates oddities that sometimes occur as a result.
IMPROVEMENT (List and Label): This process now has a flatter design that is easier to work with. Sort order options are now controlled by a separate option button on the toolbar. You can also choose to view your custom templates only to make it easier to select the template of your choice.
CHANGE (Reporting): ManageMore Reports and Lists & Labels feature now rely on printer settings that are always workstation dependent. ManageMore users who had previously selected a printer for report/label output will need to reselect the printer again after upgrading to this build. A new default printer button is now shown on the Report Explorer window to allow you to quickly select a printer that will be used as the default for all report printing in ManageMore. To reiterate, this change only affects users who had a need to previously select a printer that was not the default printer for your operating system. This new change makes it easier for users to select their own custom report printer on-the-fly right from the Report Explorer window.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8029
IMPROVEMENT (List and Labels): You can now quickly create labels for all items that are on a sales invoice, transfer receipt, purchase receipt, and most importantly sales orders. A label toolbar button has been added in several areas of the program which will allow you to highlight a transaction that you want item labels generated for. The labels are queued and then sent to the Lists and Label Manager for final printing when you are ready.
This feature has an added benefit when dealing with sales orders. In particular, the label button located on the Fill Sales Order screen will only send labels for items ready for invoicing. If your business model manages its own delivery of product, this labeling feature can be very helpful in organization and delivery of your merchandise. You can make custom labels that show the sales order number, ship to information, product code, description and how many pieces make up the total order. Adhering custom shipping labels to each item in your order can minimize errors created by your delivery personnel when they drop off multiple pieces at each stop in their route.
These label buttons can be found under Liists… Inventory.. Transfers… Transfer Receipts…; Lists… Accounts Receivable… Invoices…; Lists… Accounts Payable… Purchase Receipts…; Activities… Order Entry… Fill Sales Orders.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): The Fill Sales Order Screen has been adjusted to better handle the new drop ship orders and also orders that had automatic P.O.’s created. A P.O. status column can now identify if all generated P.O.’s have been fulfiled or the number of open PO’s that still exist for the sales order.
IMPROVEMENT (Vendor RMA): Vendor RMA’s now have a REPAIR ITEM Disposition. This action works the same as the REPLACE ITEM Disposition, but provides a clearer representation of the action being requested from your Vendor.
IMPROVEMENT (eConnect Cart Module): Intellisoft now provides pre-configured instructions and web script plug-ins for implementing eConnect Cart with OS Commerce and Zen Cart shopping cart systems.
IMPROVEMENT (eConnect Module): The eConnect module now supports updating of the customer class code from a web script.
IMPROVEMENT (Company Related): You can now set a Company Profile as “Inactive” and it will no longer display on the Open Company Selection window of ManageMore. This is useful if you have created additional company profiles that are no longer being used in the program. Set Setup… Application… Company… Name and Address… for the checkbox setting to use this feature. If you ever need to login to an inactive company profile, pressing Ctrl-Alt-I on the Open Company Selection Window will reveal all active/inactive company profiles found in ManageMore.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Fill Sales Order Window now shows additional information like Terms, Deposit Amount, and Customer Balance.
IMPROVEMENT (Cash Drawer): The steps for closing and counting the cash drawer monies are now more straightforward. The clerk must now count the entire drawer contents and provide the ending drawer total. Then, the clerk must provide the amount of cash that he/she is going to leave behind in the drawer for the next day. ManageMore will then compute the deposit and show overage/shortage on screen.
FIX (Purchase Order): While editing an open purchase order that has been partially filled already, some items on the PO would behave incorrectly. In particular, an item that was still not received would restrict the ability to change its price or order quantity.
FIX (Inventory): The Copy Inventory Feature was not properly copying the field settings on the Option tab to the other locations.
FIX (Email): When receiving email with attachments, the attachment file would sometimes not decode properly and would display as a file with an .ATT file extension.
FIX (Card Processing): When an invoice applied a split tender credit card payment and one of the credit cards was approved and the other declined, ManageMore would inadvertently re-charge the approved credit card again if a re-attempt was made on a subsequent new credit card.
FIX (Intellisell): Intellisell Feature was not working properly when used within the Sales Order entry screen. Suggested Items added to order would not convert over to sales invoice.
FIX (Sales Quote/Order): Editing a sales quote or sales order with a linked redemption item to another product would not allow changes to the item even after removing the redemption. NOTE: Any past transactions will not be corrected by this fix. Only future quotes/orders will be addressed by this issue.
FIX (Email): Program would sometimes not connect if the Mail Server did not respond quick enough. More time to establish connection has been implemented.
FIX (Import): File Import Wizard would end abruptly if attempting to import a one column file only.
FIX (Security): A security problem was identified and corrected with respect to changing sales unit price on an item when the inventory settings prohibited such action.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8028
IMPROVEMENT (Cellular Manager): When using Auto-Invoice Mode, a new program setting can determine whether the Activation SKU is filled in on the sales receipt or not. Some cellular dealers that do not charge Activation Fees prefer not to see this item on the sales invoice, while others rely on it for reporting purposes. Please see Setup… Industry… Cellular… General Options for controlling this behavior.
CHANGE (A/R Related): The Batch Payment process now allows for a payment type of Credit Card to be selected.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8027
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Inventory Items can now post to a different Income GL account when a refund is made on a particular item. This is useful for businesses that want to easily separate refund totals from sales totals on their financial statements. A new Refund GL Account Number is now available on the accounting tab of all inventory items.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): Refund transactions now support the option to refund an item for less than the amount originally sold. You can now mouse click over the unit price/extended price field and change the amount as needed. This feature is useful for businesses that might want handle restocking fees on a case-by-case basis or when a service is performed and you are only going to refund the customer for some of the unused portion of the service charge.
IMPROVEMENT (Export): Sales History by Item Report now exports customer zip code.
IMPROVEMENT (Disbursement): The PO Auto-Fill Quantity feature now works on Disbursement transactions.
FIX (POS): 40-column Sales Receipt was cutting off last digit of customer account number when the account number was 10 digits long.
FIX (Card Processing): Sales Refund with MerchantWarehouse gateway was causing sporadic internet connection problems.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): ManageMore now stores custom workstations settings within the database architecture versus storing these values on the local workstation. This provides for better security and easier management on future upgrades.
CHANGE (Menu): The View Menu has been eliminated from the ManageMore Menu System. The menu item options it provided where deemed nonbeneficial and/or superfluous.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8026
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): A major accounting improvement was made with respect to how ManageMore deals with the average cost of an item when using the inventory average costing method. This improvements deals with the scenario when inventory reaches a negative quantity and the cost of an item changes at the same time. The result of allowing inventory quantities to reach a negative amount in conjunction with a varying cost can cause mathematical implications when computing the average cost of an item. As a result, prior ManageMore versions would halt any transaction that caused this negative costing issue.
Beginning with this software build, a new “Cost Amount Pending” feature was implemented which eliminates the “Negative Costing” error messages that sometimes appeared on purchase receipts, inventory receipts, and transfer receipts.
This new mathematical approach to average costing also helps in reducing dramatic cost swings (e.g. gold purchased at $950/oz one day and $700/oz the next). Using an internal cost pending adjustment technique, the average cost of items will stay more consistent on a per transaction basis while still maintaining an accurate average cost.
We recommend users to review their inventory cost after upgrading to this build. We suggest finding some time to re-adjust any unusual item average costs and making an appropriate journal entry to correct your books. From this point forward, you will find that the average cost recorded by ManageMore will be more consistent regardless of what happens to your inventory counts.
SPECIAL NOTE: As of a later Build 8048, a new inventory batching technique exists which allows for inventory to be updated prior to receiving the vendor bill. When using this new receiving method, you can basically eliminate the results of negative inventory which would in turn not cause any calculation confusion that would result in this cost amount pending calculation.
CHANGE (Card Processing): Major changes have been made to ManageMore with respect to how the program manages and processes credit card information. New international regulations mandated by the credit card industry are being enforced and now require merchants to protect customer credit card information at all times or risk being fined heavily for non-compliance. In order to fully comply with PCI Security Standards, Intellisoft has taken measures to follow these guidelines. Among many notable changes listed below, ManageMore now utilizes a PCI compliant interface for processing credit cards with its approved Merchant Account Providers and no longer stores sensitive credit card information in its database.
The following are the security changes that were made to fully comply with PCI security standards:
- Payment details within ManageMore will no longer save the full credit card number. Past credit card payment history stored in ManageMore will be erased and only the last 4 credit card digits will be retained for reference.
- ManageMore reports, exported data, and ODBC driver access to the database will no longer be able to access the credit card number field at all. A credit card mask field was added to the database that stores the last 4 digits of a credit card number only.
- The option to store credit card details on the customer/prospect record is now disabled by default. NOTE: Only those businesses that revolve around recurring billing and perform EFT authorization should consider enabling this feature. See Setup… Application… Company… Payment Security…
- Businesses that do require the use of customer credit card on file feature will now have this sensitive data encrypted in the database using high-strength AES technology adopted by the U.S. government. Per PCI requirements, the private key which encrypts any stored credit card information will change on annual basis and re-encrypt all sensitive card data accordingly.
- The unsupported ICVerify/PC Charge payment gateway has been completely removed from ManageMore.
The delayed credit card processing feature for Sales Orders has been replaced with a newer and safer “Pre-Authorization” (also referred to as Authorization Hold) card processing feature which does not require the storing of the customer credit card. For more on this, see subsequent notes below.
CHANGE (Card Processing): The sales order option which allows the recording of credit card information for delayed authorization has been removed in favor of a more standardized Authorization Hold and Authorization and Capture card processing method. This Pre-authorizing credit card technique is a process that does not actually charge the customer’s credit card, but does verify that the card is in good standing for sale approval when a subsequent Authorization process is performed at a later time. Upon final invoice to customer, ManageMore will re-attempt an Authorization and Capture process of the credit card using only the approval code provided earlier in the Authorization Hold phase of the sale.
This two-step method of credit card authorization is especially useful for businesses that do partial shipment of merchandise since federal laws prohibit charging credit cards until an item is shipped. Please refer to Setup… Application… Order Entry… for the new settings that affect this feature.
For more details about authorize hold credit card processes, please click here or contact technical support.
NOTE: Users of the eConnect Cart product should contact technical support to discuss possible changes that may be needed to the web scripts in the event that you were using the older delayed card processing feature from prior software builds.
NEW (Team Viewer): A new Remote Control solution has been integrated into all ManageMore software editions which allows Intellisoft Support staff to connect to your pc over the internet in order to address your technical support issues in the quickest manner possible. In less than 10 seconds, Intellisoft support can see what you see on your pc and begin addressing your support incident. This technology will provide you the highest level of support interaction Intellisoft has ever offered and reduce support times by as much as three times the normal duration when using the telephone only.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): When creating a “No Charge” invoice (i.e. zero dollar amount transaction), the program will now display this invoice on a customer statement.
IMPROVEMENT (Sample Company): Program now evaluates if your system has enough hard drive resources to perform a sample company operation.
IMPROVEMENT (Performance): Larger databases with many locations could experience an initial lag on first time entry to POS. A performance improvement was made to the POS system when initially entering the application for the first time.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): ManageMore invoice payments now have a convenient Exact button for quickly pre-filling in the payment amount as the total invoice amount.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Invoice): ManageMore invoice payment window now supports a credit card being swiped at any point on the screen.
IMPROVEMENT (Export): Sales History by Item Report now exports item category, department, and manufacturer fields.
FIX (Sales Order): Tax Override feature on Sales Order was resetting when going back to the open sales order to make changes.
FIX (Sales Invoice): Warranty feature was not properly warning/restricting returns on items.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8025
NEW (Cellular Manager): The Customer Profit Analysis report now provides the same invoice profit calculations (i.e. taking cellular commissions into consideration) that was added to Sales Profit Analysis report in Build 8021.
IMPROVEMENT (Performance): A change made to the Intellicharge gateway should result in slightly faster authentication response time from the card processor.
FIX (Sales Quote): An edited sales quote with a customer account using promotional customer pricing discounts would not work correctly.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Lot-Based Serialized Inventory was not properly adjusting its inventory count when using return processing and returning item directly back to stock.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Lot-Based Serialized Inventory was not properly adjusting its inventory count when receiving an item that contained a purchase unit of measure greater than 1.
FIX (Return Processing): When using the Return Processing feature (Held Inventory Method), a refund performed from the POS system would not always update all items that needed displayed in the Return Processing window.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8024
CHANGE (Database Integrity): Database Integrity will now evaluate invoices more thoroughly by ignoring a specific type of corrupt invoice that might cause the program to think that the customer balance is not in sync with the invoices on file.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): Database design change was made to minimize the possibility of stray transactions in the system when a power failure or other sudden interruption occurs while adding a record.
FIX (Sales Order): Held Sales Order were not properly being released from closing/opening the order again.
FIX (Sales Quote): Sales Quotes that had previous transaction notes added to it were not allowing changes to the notes when re-editing the transaction.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8023
IMPROVEMENT (POS): From the POS application, you can now edit the properties of the Touch Pad Buttons and/or Function Keys by simply performing a right mouse click directly on the button located on the POS screen itself. NOTE: We recommend you set up security and lock this feature from unauthorized users. If using Program Area Security, only Full Access can access these feature. Using security groups, the security resource Id is 4708.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): Some design improvements were made to the print output of 40-column and 20-column POS receipts.
A. Better support for showing multiple split tenders
B. Better design for printing the credit card signature receipt. The card signature portion of the receipt now prints first and only prints minimal information needed for proof of authorization.
C. If a split tender occurs between two or more credit cards, the application will now print a separate signature receipt for each credit card used on the transaction.
D. Corrected some issues with respect to negative amounts printing on the receipt.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8022
NEW (Customer Care): Customer record now supports a web site field which works interactively with the Customer Care screen. A customer record that has a web site recorded will display a button on the front screen of Customer Care that will take you directly to the web page. You must activate this display field in Setup… Application… Customers… Display Fields…
NEW (Paging Industry Feature): Key Pager Industry related functions are now accessible from the new POS system. You can add/edit pager activation records, auto-create invoices, and perform test pages. Please see Setup… Application… Point of Sale… Touch Screen… to add these new POS functions to your touch pad menu’s.
IMPROVEMENT ( eConnect Cart Feature): The tracking number can now be passed back to ManageMore from a web script. This value will be recorded within the corresponding web sales invoice.
IMPROVEMENT (Time Clock): Stand-Alone ManageMore Time Clock System now provides a back-end Manager Login for setting up and managing time and attendance features directly.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): The Desktop Scheme appearance option has been removed from all software editions.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8021
NEW ( Cellular Manager): The Sales Profit Analysis report will now provide invoice profit calculations that take into consideration pending commissions from cellular activation contracts. This has been a long requested feature by many cellular dealers and has been overlooked because of the high level of inaccuracy in such a report. The correct method for evaluating profitability has always been and will continue to be the use of financial reports (like the Profit and Loss) which show the correct income/expense of a company.
However, since not all ManageMore customers use the Accounting portion of our product and want a simple method to quickly view a snapshot of company performance in a non-accounting sort of way, we have opted to improve the profit analysis report. The report will identify those items/categories that were adjusted to reflect a calculated profit based on expected commissions. Rebates will be applied against the CELREBATE item code and Cellular Commissions will be applied against the Cell Phone SKU found on the sales invoice.
This new report adjustment will only work for past sales transactions created within the last year. Since the Cellular Manager allows for changes to an activation record, we typically only suggest using this reporting tool within a 90 day period for most accurate results. Furthermore, changes to the commission amounts on a cellular activation record after the sales invoice is generated will change the profit results shown on this report.
IMPROVEMENT (Purchase Order): Purchase Order Auto-Fill feature now considers Supplies Inventory when auto-filling transaction.
IMPROVEMENT (Serialized Inventory): An already existing inventory item can now be converted to a serialized item as long as the quantity reaches zero.
IMPROVEMENT (Payment Authorization using Intellicharge Module): When a credit card or debit card is processed within ManageMore and an internet communication failure occurs, the ManageMore application will now provide a clearer explanation of the problem and how to proceed. The user has the option to save the sales transaction without further card processing or can quickly re-attempt the card authorization. This improvement should minimize the amount of errors caused by sales clerks who inadvertently re-authorize the credit card always and often cause duplicate charges as a result.
IMPROVEMENT (Time Clock): Employee Id Cards with Magnetic Stripe now supported within the ManageMore Time Clock System.
FIX (Reporting): Unearned Revenue Report was not working properly after some changes to how ManageMore deals with future based billing.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8020
Version 8.0 Revision C release
NEW ( Cellular Manager Module): A cellular rate plan record now has a new plan type field that can be used to better categorize rate plans so that it is easier to find specific plans with large databases. The Plan Type field allows you to create common tag values (e.g. Data Plans,Text Only Plans,Business Plans,etc.) that can be used as a filter when viewing the entire Rate Plan Table.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): Certain key lookup windows (e.g Inventory Item Lookup, Customer Lookup, etc.) will now remember the last lookup tab you selected. Some businesses always prefer one lookup method over another, so ManageMore now defaults to your most common search scheme and remembers this upon subsequent lookup.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Purchase Order Status Report now provides a filter which precludes the printing of items that have already been fully received from the order.
IMPROVEMENT (Job Scheduler): ManageMore Job Scheduler has been brought up to date on most new reports in the system.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Best Sales Item Chart now supports more filters to allow reporting of statistics based on specifics categories, manufacturers, or departments.
IMPROVEMENT (Import Customer): Customer Terms is now an importable field using the ManageMore Customer Import Feature.
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Sales History by Date Report and Sales History by Customer Report now have additional field filters (i.e. Salesperson and Date Range added).
CHANGE (Card Processing): More improvements were made to the card processing gateway to minimize false positive approvals coming from the card processor. ManageMore will no longer rely solely on the Approval Status provided by the card processor. If an approval code is not provided along with the Approval Status, the transaction will be considered declined.
CHANGE (Customer): Customer financial fields (i.e. personal banking/credit card information/Invoicing & Finance Options) have been moved from the Personal tab to their own respective “Financial” tab on the customer record. The Personal Tab will now contain only Driver License Info, the new Security Question/Answer feature, and other miscellaneous customer information.
FIX (Serialized Inventory): Serialized Inventory items were not always refunding back to inventory properly after the new refund design was implemented in Version 8.
FIX (Customer RMA): When using Customer RMA’s with auto-fill quantity turned off, the RMA extended price would not calculate properly if you only changed the quantity field of an item.
FIX (Purchase Order): Purchase Order/Quote Form did not allow enough printed column space between the SKU and Quantity field when a very large SKU item code was used.
FIX (Security): Under specific circumstances, the Security Administrator would give a path error when called from within ManageMore.
FIX (Program Behavior): If the ManageMore Program Folder was mapped to a root drive letter (i.e. M: ), the application would not behave properly during software upgrades.
FIX (Offsite Edition): ManageMore Offsite Edition was not properly upgrading.
FIX (POS): Adding a customer payment from a POS function called from the POS system could cause erradic behavior with the sales receipt on screen if you cancel the customer payment.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8019
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Pick Tickets from the Fill Sales Order window now sorts by Bin Location and then Item Description.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): The Touch Pad Menu in the ManageMore POS application can now Auto Create Menu’s based on item manufacturer.
CHANGE (Inventory): We have put back the option (from Version 6/7) to be able to change the unit price of a non-specific redemption item at the point of sale due to many existing ManageMore users wanting to continue this practice in spite of the more accurate redemption specific pricing feature implemented in Version 8. NOTE: We strongly discourage the practice of creating a discount item code that can be modified to any amount on-the-fly as it will definitely lead to costly errors/fraud over time.
FIX (Inventory): The Inventory Item Lookup Window would not properly display price information when highlighted on an item on the list.
FIX (Time Clock): Internet Time Stamp feature for Time Clock was not working due to recent changes made by the Internet Time Servers that ManageMore relied on for obtaining the UTC time.
FIX (Deposit): The Calculate Money Total for Deposit feature was not properly adding all monetary values. This was caused by a recent change when $2 demonition was added to the count feature.
FIX (Reporting): Tax on Tax is now being considered on tax reports.
FIX (Reporting): Redemptions items specifically applied against other items were being improperly reported in the Pay Tax Wizard and all Tax Reports. This would only affect those users who may have started using this new functionality released in Version 8.
FIX (Reporting): Item Cost Activity Detail Report with recently added “Inventory As of” back date feature was not taking into consideration the possibility of prorated freight charges and discounts on purchase receipts. This could reflect an innaccuracy in the cost amounts reported.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8018
NEW (Customer): Customer account number can now be changed. ManageMore will move all related transactions and historical data to the new customer account. See Lists… Customers… Customer Lists… Fix Account Number toolbar icon.
NEW (POS): POS Customer Phone Search function has been added. You can now assign a POS function for quickly retrieving customer accounts by a phone number on file. See Setup… Application… Point of Sale… Touch Screen… Function Keys or Touch Screen… The new function is referred by as “Customer Phone Search”
NEW (Reporting): Vendor RMA Status report added to ManageMore Reporting system.
NEW (GL Related): When viewing the General Ledger Account details, you can quickly drill-down to see the details of how a transaction posted to the General Ledger. This can help clear up confusion when you are uncertain why a particular transaction did not debit/credit the GL account in the manner you were expecting. Please refer to the new toolbar icon on the ledger screen that allows you to view the GL posting.
NEW (Sales Order): Sales Order now supports import option for auto-filling transaction from an external source.
NEW (Sales Order): Sales Order Deposit Report added to the ManageMore reporting system.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): Sounds-like Search option when searching for an item within the ManageMore Business Software invoicing now remembers how you set it last. The same goes for the “Search for current location only” option.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): Default Printer button added to ManageMore Business Software Invoice form and POS system. After completing a sales transactions, a button option is now available that can change the default printer used for sales invoices. This is particularly useful for users under Terminal Services that utilize more than one printer and are dealing with printer names that change with each session login.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): The Merchant Account Provider’s Gateway Reference number is now viewable from the Payment tables and when viewing a particular payment detail.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): You can now access the margin/markup calculator upon adding a new kit item for the first time. Prior versions only allowed you to access this after the inventory item was recorded.
IMPROVEMENT (Database Integrity): Program can now verify the accuracy of inventory items that are defined with FIFO/LIFO costing. The Integrity process will confirm that all cost layers add up to the inventory quantity on hand and allow for readjusting if not.
IMPROVEMENT (Sales Order): Sales Orders now support cash overpayment with change due printing on receipt.
CHANGE (Miscellaneous): Trend Micro Anti-Virus Software would falsely report the ManageMore application as a possible virus threat to the user. Adjustments were made to avoid this false positive report.
FIX (Cosmetic): Toolbar items would suddenly disappear upon logging into program. This problem was caused by a very recent change in multi-user licensing which affected logic toolbar items linked to modules.
FIX (Purchase Receipt): Last Purchase Cost on inventory might not get properly updated from a Purchase Receipt under negative quantity conditions.
FIX (Vendor RMA): Vendor RMA’s could mistakenly lower item quantity on hand more than it should if you went back to the original vendor RMA and edited or resaved the transaction.
FIX (Sample Company): Possible program crash when using the Sample Company Feature the first time it is used after copying a company profile.
FIX (Job Scheduler): Multiple corrections made to the Job Scheduler module to make it more efficient
FIX (Transfer Receipt): Under rare circumstances, Transfer receipts were not always properly affecting the cost layers associated to inventory Items defined with FIFO/LIFO costing.
FIX (Sales Order): Under the specific scenario of a sales order that is fully paid and then partial invoices are generated against it, the system could inaccurately calculate tax on each partial invoice.
FIX (Database Integrity): Recent changes made to In-Depth scan option on Database Integrity process caused this feature to not work as intended.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8017
NEW (Program Behavior): ManageMore now stamps invoices as being generated from a POS transaction versus being generated as an A/R invoice. A POS transaction is defined as any invoice where full payment is tendered against the transaction immediately. This new field setting can be useful for custom queries and is also used on some of the sales report within ManageMore. This new feature will only work for invoices generated in the past 12 months and for all future invoices. All older transactions will appear to be A/R invoices when run for older date periods.
IMPROVEMENT (Database Integrity): Program has new in-depth scan settings added that verify some additional customer referential integrity checks with the contacts database. Furthermore, this in-depth scan now works in conjunction with the other check box settings on the screen. When In-depth scan is checked along with the other specific areas that database integrity can check for, it provides more thorough database verification for that area of interest.
IMPROVEMENT (GL Related): You can now change the account type for GL Accounts that are already in use. You can change the account type to any other account type as long as it is of the same posting type (i.e. posting type stays as either balance sheet or income statement).
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): A new database setting was made to easily identify what invoices are done as point-of-sale transactions versus A/R invoices. Furthermore, the sales history by date, sales summary, and sales trend reports now provide a filter which allow you to specify whether you want to view POS and/or A/R invoices accordingly.
FIX (POS): The sales rep would not always properly reset on the POS system when using the automatic logout after each transaction. This is only a problem if your settings were designed to automatically select the login user id as the sales rep for the invoice.
FIX (Import Transactions): Importing transactions would not use the appropriate customer price level when an invoice was linked to an account without any specific pricing.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8016
NEW (POS): The POS program now provides an easy way to assign a default company profile for login. Within the Switch Company window (i.e. pressing the Switch Company Button in the upper left of the POS screen), highlight the company profile and press the “Default Company” button. NOTE: This feature does not override any forced company login ID added as a command line parameter when running the in the MM POS program.
NEW (Program Behavior): Bill To / Ship To headers are now user-definable. Some business models deal with customers in a different manner and do not use the terms “Bill To” and “Ship To” when invoicing clients. Service/Trade businesses might want to use terms like “Service Address” or “Delivery To” or even “Pledge From.” To change these header names to better suit your business terminology, please see Setup… Application… Accounts Receivable… Form Printing… NOTE: The software will still refer to these fields internally as a “Bill To/Ship To” field when exporting data or creating custom reports within ManageMore.
NEW (Reporting): The Inventory Cost Detail Report ( renamed from Inventory Cost Analysis Report) now provides the ability to add a back date for reporting inventory values as of a certain past period. This is very useful when you want to get accurate inventory costs as of a prior year end for accounting purposes.
NEW (Sales Order): Sales Order Form Type 4 added which provides kit item detail breakdown when printing.
IMPROVEMENT (Billing): When running statements for a period that contained no customer statements to distribute, the system would not let you tag an empty distribution file as completed. An improvement was made that will auto-tag empty distribution billing runs the moment you attempt to distribute customer statements.
IMPROVEMENT (Cash Drawer): The Money Count option when closing a cash drawer now remembers the money amounts entered if you go back and forth between the count screen and the cash drawer closing screen. Also, the 2’s dollar amount was added to the count.
FIX (Tasks): Tasks were showing multiple times if former employee existed with same ID.
FIX (POS): Touch Screen setup would inadvertently popup an upgrade message under certain software editions.
FIX (Purchase Quotes) : document was not printing the policy message correctly.
FIX (Sales Invoice): When refunding an invoice that initially contained a dollar amount in the freight field, it would not show the freight amount field to allow for crediting of freight charges.
FIX (Purchase Order): Auto-Fill Purchase Order feature did not always consider all scenarios for auto-filled items that are back-ordered. Under specific scenarios of back-ordered item quantities in combination with committed quantities from sales orders and already existing pending quantities from existing PO’s, the auto-fill feature would continue to auto-fill the same item on subsequent PO’s.
FIX (Intellisearch): Searching for an item using Intellisearch on the POS system would display erroneous quantity counts on the selection window.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8015
IMPROVEMENT (Purchase Receipts): Printed Purchase Receipts now show Bin Locations for the items received. This can be useful for larger warehouses that need to know where to find locations to store recently received merchandise.
IMPROVEMENT/FIX (Reporting): Inventory Item Activity Detail Report now shows item cost totals. This improvement allows users to use this report to get inventory costs for a back dated period. Furthermore, a long-standing problem was correct where under special circumstances the kit details would not report properly. NOTE: If you have purged data from MM, then the new improvements to this report may not accurately provide inventory costs for past periods.
IMPROVEMENT (POS): Quick Pay Buttons on POS Tender Window now show for Canadian based companies using the POS application.
IMPROVEMENT (A/R Related): Refund of A/R transaction with no payments associated to it will no longer go to the Payment Tender window. The program will assume that you simply want to credit the customer account for the A/R invoice.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): When refunding an invoice that was paid using a non-swiped credit card payment, the program will now automatically fill in the non-swiped credit card information for easier tender reversal. Also, ManageMore does a better job of managing the credit amount to issue for all credit cards used on a sales receipt. This new refund logic is particularly useful when multiple credit cards are used on the original sales receipt and a partial/full refund is then subsequently needed on the transaction.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): ManageMore will now warn user when attempting to do a refund with a credit card that was not used on the original sales receipt.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): Redesign of Invoice Payment Tender Screen within the ManageMore Business Software. Some better logic was introduced on the Tender window within ManageMore Business Software. When swiping a credit card, the credit card number is now partially hidden and non-editable. New Clear buttons were also added to allow for quick removal of payment fields on the Tender window.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): If you are not processing cards electronically within ManageMore, you are no longer required to enter a credit card and expiration date when selecting a credit card tender type.
FIX (Card Processing): Swiping a credit card when tendering payment on the new POS system would incorrectly show the Exact Pay buttons instead of showing the Card Number and Expiration Date fields.
FIX (POS): When using the tax override option on the POS system, any subsequent sales transactions would stay in a tax override mode.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8014
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): ManageMore does a better job at reminding you when your software subscription plan is about to expire.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): The software upgrade will now initially remove many files that are no longer used by the application in order to cleanup your ManageMore folder and reduce the overall size taken on disk.
IMPROVEMENT (Tool Kit): Program can now be accessed from within ManageMore, under the Database Manager feature (i.e. File… Maintenance… Database Manager… Toolkit Button).
IMPROVEMENT (Tool Kit):Program now includes a revamped Cleanup Database tool that will attempt to remove all foreign files/folders that are not part of the ManageMore system. Over time, ManageMore users may have inadvertently saved stray files, created temporary backup files, or created temporary sub-folders within the MMWIN folder. These foreign files/folders end up cluttering your application folder and make backup sets larger than they need to be. Use this tool to bring your ManageMore Folder to a clean state that is similar to installing the application from scratch.
IMPROVEMENT (Database Related): Software update process identifies problem update files in a simpler manner than before. Makes it easier for Intellisoft support to identify problem files that need fixed prior to updating.
CHANGE (Program Behavior): Email Invoices on pc’s using receipt printers would creat malformed invoices in the pdf attached email. This was due to the printer driver. To workaround this, customers are advised not to make the receipt printer the default printer on the pc. Use another standard printer driver as your default (even if that printer doesn’t physically exist on the pc).
FIX (Sales Order): Sales order would intermittently lose customer record focus when going back to an open sales order. This would cause some error messages to appear when re-saving the open sales order.
FIX (POS): Some Customers upgrading from older versions prior to version 8.0 were not receiving the new default touch pad menu and default function key settings within the Touch Screen POS system. If you haven’t already modified the function key layout or touch pad layout, re-upgrading to this version will correct this.
FIX (Inventory): Promotional pricing using the Customer Pricing scheme did not round to the decimal accuracy set by the unit price. This could lead to an extended price that was off by a few pennies when large quantities were sold and discount percentage caused more decimal places than desired.
FIX (POS): POS application could create transactions with negative balance if the user entered a cash amount and credit card amount at the same time for the same amount to pay an invoice. This unusual scenario happens mostly from user error attempting to take cash and then realizing the customer is going to pay via credit card. If the user doesn’t remove the cash payment, the system would behave incorrectly and cause a negative balance. This build will now effectively ignore the cash payment if a credit card payment was processed instead. In order to correct past invoices that may have already been affected with a negative balance, we recommend all customers to run database integrity and choose the in-depth scan option.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8013
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Kit item price calculation on inventory record can now add kit items and use the markup/margin calculator feature on the pricing tab. Item costs are calculated on-the-fly as changes are made to the kit components.
IMPROVEMENT(Card Processing): A new setting has been added to the invoice payment window to allow for a credit card payment to be recorded without being authorized by the card processor. In the rare case where a credit card was processed/approved electronically but did not get acknowledgement to ManageMore, you can now complete a transaction without re-processing the credit card twice.
FIX (POS): Pricing problem on POS system when the item contained price breaks.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8012 (released 02/02/09)
FIX (Labels): Issue with label printing on inventory records. Under certain conditions, an item code that is not meant to require label printing could be accidentally set.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8011
IMPROVEMENT (Purchase Order): Purchase Order Selection Window now displays the memo column.
IMPROVEMENT(Import Inventory): Improved the Inventory Import process to support importing of purchase/sale unit measures.
FIX (POS): Region problem on Tender Summary Window that would accidentally close the window when selecting the Options button at times.
FIX (Cash Drawer): Problem with cash drawer deposits when using a default bank account that is restricted to a specific location. A user could inadvertently save a cash drawer batch without assigning a bank name, which caused the program to select an invalid restricted bank name.
FIX (POS): Issue with Account Terms on POS screen when customer did not have a default term to choose from.
FIX (Vendor): Statistical year rollover problem with vendor bills that could cause prior year statistics to be erased
FIX (Billing): Customer statement selection problem from Customer Care window. Statement Form 6 was not being properly selected when viewing/emailing a customer statement.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8010
Version 8.0 Revision B release
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Inventory Copy Wizard can now copy item characteristics to other items from different inventory locations
IMPROVEMENT (Vendor RMA): Vendor RMA’s are now managed in a better manner by tracking RMA quantities in a separate quantity count
IMPROVEMENT (Check Printing): Check Printing improvement with Logo Image. Logo Image now supports the larger graphic format for customized check headers.
IMPROVEMENT (Check Printing): Check Printing now shows the phone number when allowing MM to print the company name on the check form.
IMPROVEMENT (Program Behavior): Printing related issues throughout many areas of the application that did not properly send print jobs when the user used the Properties button to override the Printer to use. Also changed logic which would change the Printer Name saved in the Setup to the printer name value selected when using the Properties Button in various print areas of the program.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8008
IMPROVEMENT (Cash Drawer): Cash Drawer Management can now be done by Station Id. It is now our recommendation that most existing users start switching to the Station Id method of managing Cash Drawers. Please see Setup… Application… Banking… General Options… The Employee drawer method will be eventually deprecated.
FIX (Sales Invoice): Sales invoice problem with the cursor not tabbing correctly when first entering an invoice.
FIX (Email): GPF error that happened sometimes when ManageMore would connect to the mail accounts for retrieving/sending email.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8007
FIX (Import Inventory Count): Resolved issue with Inventory Count importing of items that are serialized. Under certain circumstances, imported serialized items would not properly append itself to the inventory count process.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8006
IMPROVEMENT (POS): Sample Company Mode for POS. You can now open a sample company profile from within the ManageMore POS system.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8005
IMPROVEMENT (Import Transaction): Import Transaction feature now supports importing of sales quote transactions from third party applications.
IMPROVEMENT (Card Processing): Now provides more detailed explanation on what to do when an internet communication error occurs. Past versions provided an error message that might not have been clear on what an internet communication error was (compared to standard approval/denial authorization). As a result of this confusion, some users were inadvertently double-charging credit cards when the error message would appear. Version 8 now makes sure that the user understands the consequences of attempting to re-process a credit card that has received this message. Furthermore, logs are internally recorded when these internet communication failures occur so that it is easier to trace what the clerk encountered on screen.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8004
IMPROVEMENT (Export): Payroll Export Wizard process now reduces chances of sending wrong payroll details to Payroll Provider
IMPROVEMENT (List and Label): Now provides an option for setting a default Label Printer
FIX: Resolved issue with Cash Drawer batches not totalling properly when a cash drawer was not closed in the same day.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8003
IMPROVEMENT (Security): Added security resource to Inventory Explorer Delete Button
IMPROVEMENT (POS): Improved setup for Receipt Printers – Test Button added and default printer codes added when a receipt printer model is selected
FIX (POS): Resolved long-standing issue with Receipt Printing of bar codes
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8002
IMPROVEMENT (POS): New Inventory Receipt process for those small business owners that want a simple way for updating inventory quantities. This is primarily for the simple user who wants to avoid using the backend ManageMore Business Software.
IMPROVEMENT (Inventory): Sale Unit of Measure can now be changed using Aliases. Using the Alias Inventory feature, you can now sell the same item with different sale unit of measure by simply creating a variant item code. This is most common with businesses who sell items measured by volume (i.e. Paint Supply Store, Chemical Supplies, Propane, etc.)
IMPROVEMENT (Reporting): Void/Inv Adjustment Report now supports a Reason Code filter.
IMPROVEMENT (Time Clock): Easier to use Time Sheet Review Window
IMPROVEMENT (Time Clock): Better designed Time Clock window layout.
FIX (Time Clock): Performance issue with Time Clock and Internet Time Verification
FIX (Time Clock): Resolved issue with Time Clock and Bi-monthly payroll schedules. Bi-monthly payroll required adjustments to how normal/overtime hours are calculated.
ManageMore Version 8.0 Build 8001 (released 09/01/09)
Version 8.0 Revision A release
NEW: Touch Screen Compliant POS System
NEW: Sales Summary Report by Hour
NEW: Banner Ad feature for POS System
NEW: Touch Pad menu for POS System
NEW: POS Themes for POS System
NEW: Quick Pay Feature for POS System
NEW: External Program Linking for POS System
NEW: Seasonal Inventory statistics are now recorded per item
NEW: Customer Photo’s can now be linked to a customer record
IMPROVEMENT: Redemption Items now support specific item discounting
IMPROVEMENT: Refund process redesigned to be reduce errors at point-of-sale
IMPROVEMENT: Over a dozen security and error prevention features added to the point-of-sale
IMPROVEMENT: Security Administrator now supports a simpler to setup “Program Area” security model
MPROVEMENT: Funds Transfer process is more flexible and allows for transfer funds between cash drawers
IMPROVEMENT: Support for multiple electronic cash drawers on a single workstation