This method should work for most users who are on a relatively updated software release of Jamison Computer Systems(JCS) application. The steps here involve using an application you will download (referred to as MDB Viewer Plus) and using this tool to access the Jamison database for exporting. Once you have extracted the necessary databases, you will continue the rest of the conversion process from within the ManageMore program.
Jamison stores all of your database information in a file called wsdist.mdb. You must be able to locate this file on your pc or computer network in order to extract your database and perform the ManageMore database conversion. If you are not familiar with how to find this file using Windows File Explorer, please call our technical support for assistance. The step-by-step instructions will assume you already know where your current program and wsdist.mdf database resides.
Here are the step-by-step instructions for extracting data from JCS.
1. Download the MDB Viewer Plus program into the same folder where your Jamison Computer Systems application currently resides. This should be the same folder name that contains your application database called wsdist.mdb.
(by default, Jamison uses the folder named \wsdist for the application and the database itself)
2. After this program is download, run the mdbplus.exe application.
3. Click on the folder icon within the MDB Viewer Plus to open the wsdist.mdb database (See Figure 1).
Figure 1: MDB Viewer Plus application
4. Select the wsdist.mdb file to open (see Figure 2)
Figure 2: Select MDB File
5. Choose “Select tables to open” and press OK.
Figure 3: Open Options
6. Select the appropriate tables you want exported (See Figure 4).
Figure 4: Select tables to Open
7. Select the Inventory Tab and then from Main Menu choose Data… Export Data…
Select TEXT from the droplist export options for a tab-delimited file format.
Figure 5: Data Export
8. Now export the Customer database in the same manner. Choose the Customer Tab and then from the Main Menu choose Data… Export…
Figure 6: Export Customer Table
Start the ManageMore Conversion Process
Once all relevant database files have been exported from JCS, you are ready to start the conversion process in ManageMore. We will assume you have already created a company profile for your business (i.e. File… New Company…) and are ready to import your database.
1. From the main menu, go to File… Open Company… and to enter your company database.
2. From the main menu, go to File… Convert Database… Custom Software…
3. Select “Jamison Computer System” from the drown down list of conversion programs.
4. Select the import files you created into the appropriate fields.
5. Click Finish to start the conversion process.
6. Evaluate the database conversion and contact technical support if you have any further questions.
Conversion Issues Detected… What Do I Do?
There are a few possible scenarios where your database may not convert as expected. After the ManageMore program initially reads the extracted database files from above, you may be introduced with a screen full of errors prior to the start of the conversion. If these errors occur, there may be a few explanations for this. The most common problem seems to come from the database fields containing hidden characters that cause the records to get truncated. This is most prevalent with the Customer conversion where a memo field can sometimes create havoc on the exported data. Solution? Importing the exported file to Google Sheets and re-downloading the file as a Tab-Delimited format (i.e. TSV File) seems to do the trick of cleaning up the export file nicely. When in doubt, let Google Sheets do the work and re-run the Software Conversion process again.
Still not working? Here are other possible explanations.
a. The software version you are using from JCS is too old and field names we are expecting are not found in the exported data. Our development team may need to review your export files and make adjustments accordingly.
b. Your recorded certain data in JCS fields that ManageMore was not expecting.
c. Your JCS database is corrupt and not all data exported properly.
We recommend you contact technical support to report any issues with the converted database.