Customer Relationship Management
Software to help you focus on the the center of your business — your customer relationship management. ManageMore’s CRM gives you the tools you need to better manage these critical connections. One screen access to all customer history, transactions, payments, notes, emails, tasks and more. Giving you the ability to serve more customers in less time, with better satisfaction. You’ll automate tasks, improve efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, create sales opportunities and increase revenue.
Information at Your Fingertips
Having the correct information while serving customers is one the most important elements of effective customer relationship management. This starts with easy customer search. ManageMore’s easy to use lookup feature can find the exact customer you are looking for — regardless whether you type account number, last name, first name, company name, address, or other customer information. The CRM will immediately find your intended target. Even if your database contains common names like Jones, Smith, or Garcia, the user can easily identify the correct record.
Then, ManageMore makes it easy to solve the customer needs by presenting the user with all relevant information on one screen. The representative can quickly review all transactions, payments, notes, emails, tasks and more, and immediately take action to solve the customer needs. All interaction is immediately tracked for future reference.
Email/SMS Marketing
The program’s unique integration allows you to automatically synchronize your ManageMore customer information with your ActiveCampaign account. Synchronization is instant as customer information and transactions are entered into the ManageMore system. Automated marketing can be triggered based on your customer interactions, and the timing you specify. For example, a follow up email could be send thirty days after a certain product is sold, reminding the customer of extended warranty options. Or a text message can be sent seven days afte a sale, with a coupon code for a return visit. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.
ManageMore Learning Center
Using Marketing Automations in ActiveCampaign
What are Automations? Automations are powerful marketing tools in ActiveCampaign, that are used to set rules for automatically delivering SMS and/or Email marketing content to your customers. For example, you can set an automation to send a "Thank You" email upon...
How to Link ManageMore with ActiveCampaign
This article describes how you can link your ManageMore Business Software with an ActiveCampaign account. ActiveCampaign is an online marketing automation, SMS and email marketing, and automated sales CRM platform. This is more than just bulk e-mail -- this is...
The Realities of Electronic Document Management
This article describes the ins and outs of document management. We go over the basics of document management, and the benefits of a proper system. We also explore some myths about document management. Finally, we illustrate the ManageMore approach, and why it is...