eCommerce and Web Integration

eCommerce is the cornerstone of 21st century business. ManageMore’s simple, yet advanced web integration allows you to connect with your customers on all their devices, wherever they are. From shopping cart solutions, to customer and employee internet portals, ManageMore provides the electronic bridge your organization needs. Best of all, our solutions are designed with the business owner in mind — easy implementation and low maintenance is a key feature.

Simple Integration

ManageMore’s eConnect™ software makes it easy to sell your goods and services online with a simple plugin to the extremely popular WooCommerce shopping cart on the WordPress platform. Just install the plug-in, update a few settings, and voila! your shopping cart is ready to take orders, process credit cards, and transmit the orders directly to your back end accounting system. That’s right – no re-keying or even importing orders. The orders are transmitted directly to ManageMore for processing. This is eCommerce without the hassle!


Real-Time Data

For companies that need to provide real-time access to customers of online account information, especially those organizations who perform recurring billing for subscriptions and other services, ManageMore is your solution. We make it easy to incorporate a mobile-friendly, fully responsive web portal for your employees and customers that communicates directy with your back-end accounting system. This allows you to provide up to the moment information to your users.  Portals also allow payments of account balances online, and the payment is also transmitted to the ManageMore database for instant update.


ManageMore Learning Center