Frequently Asked Questions – Database Technology

Database Technology
What programming language is ManageMore written in?
ManageMore is a culmination of several high performance languages and RAD development tools including, but not limited to:
- Microsoft Visual Studio Languages
- Visual C++
- SoftVelocity Clarion
Intellisoft also leverages over a dozen proven technologies within ManageMore for accelerating product development and delivering fast and reliable software solutions.
Is the Source Code available for ManageMore?
ManageMore does not currently offer the Source Code for sale to the public.
Can I gain access to the ManageMore database from other external programs?
ManageMore does offer an ODBC compliant file access driver. This means that your database is not proprietary and can easily be read by other products like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic, Cold Fusion, Crystal Reports, ASP, etc. An ODBC Driver Kit is needed for access to the ManageMore file format.
What operating systems can ManageMore run on?
ManageMore is intended to run on Microsoft based Operating Systems such as MS Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/2008/2012.
Does the Database support Transaction Rollback capabilities?
Yes. ManageMore supports Transaction Rollback to protect the integrity of the database in the event of power failures, lock-ups, and other sudden file interruptions.