Frequently Asked Questions – Printer Related

Printer Related
ManageMore doesn't seem to print at all. Why?
Your computer or workstation must have a default printer defined for the operating system. Even if you have specifically told ManageMore about the printer you are going to use, a default printer must be defined for the PC or ManageMore will not work properly.
ManageMore doesn't seem to print where I want it to. Why?
If you plan on sending documents or reports to various printers throughout the network, it is imperative that each computer station is setup with the printer information of each document type (invoices, purchase orders, disbursements, transfers, etc.) Under Setup… Printers… You will find all document types supported by ManageMore. Select a document type and the desired printer, then click on the “Accept Printer” Button. If you would like to use the default printer for the particular document, select the “Use Default Printer” button, then click on “Accept Printer.”
Why is printing very slow when a graphic logo image has been setup to print along with the document itself?
There is one of three possibilities for this:
a. The image you are printing is quite large.
b. Your printer has very little on-board memory for graphics.
c. Your printer is not designed for high-speed graphic output.
The most common culprit comes from graphic images that have not been properly optimized. The easiest way to confirm this is to look at the file size of your graphic image. If it is larger than 750k, it has not been properly re-sized and saved using highly compressed graphic formats like JPG or GIF. Any basic graphic package should be able to correct this problem.
Printing is very slow when using ManageMore on a Cloud Server. Why?
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services uses a technique called “Easy Print” to ensure that you can print to local printers, without having to install the printer drivers on your Cloud Server. However, printing with Easy Print can be very slow, since all pages are converted to standard graphic images that can be as large as 1MB per page or more. If you install the appropriate driver on your Cloud Server, you will experience much faster printing results. Printer drivers are usually available from the printer Manufacturer’s website.