This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to activate card processing within ManageMore using RevitPay. 

ManageMore is a multi-location accounting system and the setup of card processing is handled at the company location level to allow for multiple merchant accounts to be provided for each physical location that exists within your company.  Under most circumstances, you will just have one physical location for your business.  These instructions will assume the more common scenario of just a single location for a company.

The first step is to go to the company location table.  From the menu, go to Lists… Company… Locations… 

The second step is to select the company location record to edit the location record details.  This location record will contain your company name, address, tax defaults, custom form layouts and more (see screenshot below).  You will select the Payment Authorization tab and then choose IntelliCharge for activating electronic card processing with ManageMore.  A Credit/Debit Card Provider drop list will appear and you must select * Add New *.


The last step involves entering the gateway credentials that you were emailed from the card processer.  These credentials identify your merchant account for card processing.  Choose the “RevitPay” Gateway and then proceed to copy/paste your emailed gateway Login Id and Login Key to complete this process and save the payment provider record.

You are now ready to process credit cards directly within ManageMore.   When a sale is created or a payment is made and card details are selected, ManageMore will popup a window and attempt to authorize the credit card.  A declined card will halt the completion of the sale or payment until a valid card is processed and authorized or another payment form is selected.


RevitPay Gateway Portal

Your card processor has provided you a portal where you can login and see all posted card transactions for the day or for any selected date range.  The portal provides useful analytics, accounting and  notification options and a way to see your pending card approvals/declines outside of ManageMore.