This article describes the fields that may be imported for Supertrack Inventory items. Almost all of the fields are optional to import.  The most important fields are described first. ManageMore can read and import files that are Comma Delimited (CSV), Tab Delimited, or Fixed Length file format.  If your data is in proprietary formats like Microsoft Excel, you will need to resave the spreadsheet in CSV format.   For convenience, If your column heading matches the ManageMore Field/Column Names, the field will be automatically mapped for you.  But you can still manually map fields regardless of the column heading.


Basic Fields

These fields are considered to be the essential values that make up an inventory item.

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case Notes / Rules
SKU Item String 16 Uppercase Unique Item code to represent the product/service.  If this value already exists,  then all data will be used to update the existing inventory item. If this field is not provided, the import process will  assign a generated value for the item.
UPC String 25 Uppercase UPC/Barcode for item. Optional lookup value. Must be unique. If UPC exists, item will be updated.
Description String 100 Any Description of Item
Price Level 1 Decimal Price of Item for Level 1
Quantity on Hand Decimal Initial Quantity on Hand. CANNOT be used to update existing items that are already in use. (To do so, use Count Physical Inventory, import counts)



Extended Fields (Optional)

These fields are considered optional, but are commonly used on an inventory item for additional functionality.

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case Notes / Rules
Category Id String 10 Uppercase Category Id of item. If category Id does not exist, it will be added, with Category Name provided, or Id as name.
Category Name String 40 Proper Case Category Name of item. If category does not exist, it will be added, with Category Id provided, or sequential Id.
Average/Last Unit Cost  Decimal Unit Cost of Item at Inventory measure
Last Purchase Cost Decimal Cost of Item at Purchase Measure
Price Level 2 Decimal Price of Item for Level 2. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Price Level 3 Decimal Price of Item for Level 3. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Price Level 4 Decimal Price of Item for Level 4. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Price Level 5 Decimal Price of Item for Level 5. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Price Level 6 Decimal Price of Item for Level 6. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Price Level 7 Decimal Price of Item for Level 7. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Price Level 8 Decimal Price of Item for Level 8. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Suggested Mfg Retail Decimal Used for Discounting/Display. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items.
Lowest Sell Price Decimal Used as a Floor for Price Adjustments. If not present Last Unit Cost is used.
Primary Vendor String 10 Uppercase Unique Vendor Id of main vendor. If vendor Id does not exist, it will be added, with Vendor Name provided, or Id as name.
Vendor Name String 40 Proper Case Vendor Name of main vendor.  If vendor does not exist, it will be added, with Vendor Id provided, or sequential Id.
Department Id String 10 Uppercase Department Id of item. If department Id does not exist, it will be added, with Department Name provided, or Id as name
Department Name String 40 Proper Case Department Name of item. If department does not exist, it will be added, with Department Id provided, or sequential Id
Tax Unit Decimal Taxable Units. Used for certain Indirect and/or Sales Tax basis. (e.g. products taxed by ML, etc.) Multiplied by sale quantity and rate to determine tax amount.
Auto Assign SKU String 1 Assign a new SKU value.  A value of ‘1’ or ‘Y’ will assign a new sequentially generated SKU value to the imported product.
Bin Location 1 String 40 Sortable Bin Location of Item (Warehouse documents are sorted using this field)



MSA Reporting (Optional)

The following fields are used for businesses that work with brand manufacturers that need data reported to MSA.  These fields are used in conjunction with ManageMore’s integrated MSA Reporting capabilities.

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case  Notes / Rules
MSA Required Item Boolean Flag to indicate whether item Qualifies for MSA Reporting.
MSA Category Code Integer Code assigned to this item by MSA (e.g. 3231 for cigarettes).
MSA Description String 40 Uppercase recommended Optional Alternate Description for item in MSA reporting.
Items Per Selling Unit Integer Number of items per sales unit, as defined by MSA



Unit of Measure (Optional)

The following fields are used if you purchase an item in a different measure than it is sold.  For example, if you  purchase an item by the case, and sell it by the box.

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case  Notes / Rules
Sale Unit Measure Id String 4 Uppercase Id of measure by which this item is sold (e.g. CS)  This should be the LOWEST denomination by which this item is sold.  Base prices reflect this measure
Sale Qty Measure Decimal Quantity multiplier by which this item is sold. (e.g. 24) This should be the LOWEST denomination by which this item is sold. Each unit sold will decrease inventory by this quantity. Base prices reflect this quantity. Cannot be zero.
Purchase Unit Measure Id String 4 Uppercase Id of measure by which this item is purchased (e.g. CS)  Purchase costs reflect this measure.
Purchase Qty Measure Decimal Quantity multiplier by which this item is purchased. (e.g. 24) Each unit purchased will increase inventory by this quantity. Purchase costs reflect this quantity. Cannot be zero.


Item Alias Code (Optional)

The following fields allow you to import an additional code and measure by which this item is sold. These fields are used, for example, if you sell an item by the box, and ALSO sell it by the case. For this, the main product should be at the lowest denomination sold (e.g. box), and the Alias will be the multiple for the additional denomination sold (e.g case).

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case  Notes / Rules
Alias Case/Pack SKU String 25 Uppercase Optional Alternate Item code used for selling item at another multple. Can be an alterate UPC code.
Alias Case/Pack Name String  10  Proper Case Name that represents this measure. Used for used selection. (e.g. Case)
Alias Case/Pack Abbreviation String 4 Uppercase Abbreviation that represents this measure. Used for printing (e.g. CS)
Alias Case/Pack Quantity Integer Quantity Multiplier that represents this measure (e.g. 24)
Alias Case/Pack Price Decimal Optional override Unit Price for this measure. Will be multiplied by the Alias Case Pack/Quantity. This price applies to all price levels.


Web Related (Optional)

The following fields are used for the eConnect Cart website interface which is used by ManageMore to update product information on your web store.

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case  Notes / Rules
Post to Internet Boolean Flag to indicate whether item should be synchronized to the website.
Web Sale Price Decimal Used on Website for Base Price. If not present, Level 1 value will be used for new items, if this price level is defined.
Web Description (Alt.) String Optionally used on Website as the Item decription. If not present, eConnect will use the main item description.
Web Description (Short) String Used on Website for Short Description. HTML is allowed in this field.
Web Description (Full) String Used on Website for Full Description. HTML is allowerd in this field.
Web Image File Name String Image file name(s) to be used on website. First image is used as the main image. Other image names may be separated by comma. Do not include path information.


Matrix Related (Optional)

The following fields are used when creating a Matrix Parent Item and its related Children Items.  Assigning 

Field/Column Name Field Type Max Chars Case  Notes / Rules
Parent Matrix Item String 12 Uppercase Must be present on all Child Items that make up the matrix product. This value supersedes the Item SKU field and is used to generate the new Item SKU value for each child item.  The SKU field will be ignored when this field is present.
Attrbute Type 1 String 30 Proper Case The name of attribute 1 for this item (e.g. Style, Flavor, Color, Size, etc.).  If this field is not present, the import will use ‘Variant’ as the name of the Attribute.
Attribute Type 2 String 30 Proper Case The name of attribute 2 for this item (e.g. Style, Flavor, Color, Size, etc.).  If this field is not present, the import will use ‘Variant’ as the name of the Attribute.
Attribute Value 1 String 50 Proper Case The value of attribute 1 for this item (e.g. Raspberry)
Attribute Value 2 String 50 Proper Case The value of attribute 2 for this item (e.g. Large)


Additional Information about Importing

  • When updating records, only fields present will be updated. Zero or Blank data will NOT overwite existing data. For certain fields it is possible to clear exising data by importing a value of dash (-) to string fields or negative one (-1) to numeric fields.  Contact Technical Support for more information about clearing existing data.
  • If Uppercase is required, values will be converted upon import.
  • Proper Case is not enforced.  However, these fields are Proper Case if data is entered in ManageMore.
  • SKU Item codes and UPC codes will be sanitized upon import. Illegal characters such as brackets, space, ampersand, percent are removed from the code BEFORE attempting to find a match.
  • Boolean values will accept 1/0, T/F or Y/N