ManageMore Learning Center

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ManageMore Learning Center!

Here you will find topics of interest to users of ManageMore Business Software.  Take some time to browse the articles, and you will be sure to find some useful tools for a more efficient and profitable business.

ManageMore Learning Center

ManageMore Legacy Release Notes

ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9029 (07/15/22) NEW (Pick and Unlock Orders from Customer Care):  It is now possible to pick, fill and/or unlock orders directly from the Customer Care screen.  This easier access to the pick and fill option from Customer Care is extremely...

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Database Conversion from Jamison 2.0 SQL Version

The following article provides instructions for extracting data from a business application called "Wholesale Distribution" which was originally developed by Jamison Computer Systems and modified to a new version called Jamison 2.0.  The database layout of this...

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