ManageMore Tutorials
Video Tutorials
Click on the Videos below for tutorial lessons on how to use various features in the ManageMore program.
ManageMore Main Menu and Overview – Video Tutorial
This lesson will review the main menu of ManageMore Business Software, and also provide an overview of the ManageMore program.
Adding a New Customer – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to enter a new customer into ManageMore Business Software. We explain the use of customer templates, time-saving entry techniques, and the meaning of various customer fields.
Using the Sample (Practice) Company – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to use the Sample Company feature to create and use a practice database in ManageMore Business Software. This can be used as a sandbox or learning area without affecting your real data.
Point of Sale Refunds and Voids – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to perform Refunds and Voids on the ManageMore Point of Sale. We cover how to void the entire transaction, and how to refund one or more items only. We also go over how to tender the refund.
Creating a Matrix Inventory Item – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to create a matrix inventory item in ManageMore Business Software. We show how to create and select the attributes and variations of the item, such as color or size. We also cover how to select and create the different combinations and...
Promotional Pricing – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to setup and use the Promotional Pricing features of ManageMore to automatically calculate sale prices at the point of sale. We cover how to setup basic percentage discounts, as well as other methods, such as BOGO, 3 for $1, and mix and...
Employee Sales Commissions – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to use the Employee Sales Commissions feature of ManageMore to calculate percentage-based, flat rate, and tiered sales commissions.
Adding a New Employee/User – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to enter a new employee/user into ManageMore Business Software. We explain the required fields for entering a new record, and how security is set up for the new user.
Updating Your Program – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to perform an update of the ManageMore Business Software, by downloading and installing the latest version of the program.
Point of Sale Cash Drawer Management – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how use the Cash Drawer Management features of ManageMore Point of Sale. We cover how to open the drawer to begin the day, and how to close and balance the drawer at the end of the day.
Point of Sale Basics – Video Tutorial
This tutorial explains how to use the basic features ManageMore Point of Sale program. It covers logging into the Point of Sale program, customizing the Touch Pad buttons and Functions, and how to enter and accept tender for a sale.
How to Use Serialized Inventory Tracking – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to use the Serialized Inventory Tracking features of ManageMore to account for serial number and lot number based items.
Sales Tax Setup – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to setup sales tax calculation in ManageMore Business Software. We cover how to define your tax types, your tax rates, and your taxable items and services.
Adding a New Inventory Item – Video Tutorial
This lesson will explain how to enter a new product or service into ManageMore Business Software. We discuss the many options available when creating an inventory item.
More Tutorials
Click on an article below for a step-by-step tutorial lesson about the ManageMore program.
Converting an Existing General Ledger into ManageMore
How to setup the ManageMore General Ledger, when converting from another accounting software, such as QuickBooks.
Linking Appointment Scheduler with your WordPress Website
In this article, we will discuss how to integrate your WordPress Website with the Appointment Scheduler in ManageMore Business Software. This will allow your customers to log into your website and request, set, and/or cancel their appointments. It will also allow a...
ManageMore Inventory Import Fields
This article describes the fields that may be imported for Supertrack Inventory items. Almost all of the fields are optional to import. The most important fields are described first. ManageMore can read and import files that are Comma Delimited (CSV), Tab...
Using the ShipStation Interface in ManageMore
In this article, we will discuss how to use the ShipStation Interface to obtain shipping rate quotes, produce shipping labels, and retrieve shipment status and tracking information. To utilize these features, you must activate and set up the ShipStation Interface in...
How to Set Up the ShipStation Interface
In this article, we will discuss how to set up ManageMore to interface with ShipStation. This interface will allow you to receive rate quotations from your shipping carriers such as UPS, FedEx, USPS, and many other supported shippers. The interface will also...