Following is a listing of the available IntellAlert Notification Events.



Date-based event for reminders that are either on a particular day of the month or a specific date. These reminders can be recurring or happen one time only.

NOTE: This event type requires the ManageMore Service Cache program to be installed.

Low Bank Balance

Event to alert recipient when a disbursement is created, and the company bank balance has reached a low threshold.

Void Invoice

Event to alert recipient when a user has a voided an invoice of a particular amount or greater.

Large Sale Amount

Event to alert recipient when a user has completed an invoice of a particular amount or greater.

Item Sale

Event to alert recipient when a user has sold a particular item.

Item Order

Event to alert recipient when a user has ordered a particular item.

Low Inventory Stock

Event to alert recipient when a certain inventory item has reached a low stock level.
NOTE: This event type requires the ManageMore Service Cache program to be installed.

Large Customer Payment

Event to alert recipient when a large payment has been posted.

Inventory Adjustment

Event to alert recipient when an employee has performed an inventory adjustment.

Large Disbursement

Event to alert recipient when a large disbursement has been posted.

Cash Drawer Payout

Event to alert recipient when a cash drawer payout disbursement has been posted.

Cash Drawer Closing

Event to alert recipient when the cash drawer has been closed.

Daily Company Sales by Tender

Event to provide recipient a daily sales report by tender amount.
NOTE: This event type requires the ManageMore Service Cache program to be installed.

Daily Company Sales by Category

Event to provide recipient a daily sales report by category.
NOTE: This event type requires the ManageMore Service Cache program to be installed.

Billing Notification

Event to alert recipient that the billing process has been completed.

Bill Payment Notification

Event to alert recipient that the electronic bill payment step of the billing process has been completed.

Finance Charge Notification

Event to alert recipient that the finance charge process has been completed.

Inventory Count Notification

Event to alert recipient that an inventory reconciliation has been initiated.

Tax Payment Notification

Event to alert recipient that the tax payment process has been completed.

Bank Reconciliation Notification

Event to alert recipient that the bank reconciliation process has been completed.

Timesheet Review Notification

Event to alert recipient that the timesheet review process has been completed.

Employee Login Notification

Event to alert recipient that a specific employee has logged into the program.

Employee Logout Notification

Event to alert recipient that a specific employee has logged out of the program.

Employee Clock-In Notification

Event to alert recipient that a specific employee has clocked into the program.

Employee Clock-Out Notification

Event to alert recipient that a specific employee has clocked out of the program.

Credit Card Failure Override

Event to alert recipient that a credit card payment was being processed and failed to complete properly. The user selected to continue on with the transaction.

Skip Credit Card Processing

Event to alert recipient that a user performed a credit card processing override which skips any card authorization and assumes the credit card payment is already approved by other means.

Employee Security Rights Updated

Event to alert recipient that a user has added/update a security user profile within the program.

Task Start Notification

Event to alert recipient that a user has created a specific task to be accomplished.

Task Completed Notification

Event to alert recipient that a user has finished a specific task.

Application Error

Event to alert recipient whenever an application error occurs.

Application Subscription Renewal

Event to alert recipient that the application subscription plan is expiring soon and to renew the license.

Application Database Fix

Event to alert recipient that a user has initiated the application’s database fix utility to correct database related issues.

Application Toolkit Alert

Event to alert recipient that a user has started the ManageMore Toolkit.

Application Software Update

Event to notify recipient of a new software revision available.

Application Update Complete

Event to notify recipient of that a software update has been completed.

Purge Database Alert

Event to notify recipient that a software purge has been initiated.