This lesson will explain how to perform an update of the ManageMore Business Software, by downloading and installing the latest version of the program.

Note: Updates are available to active rental and subscription licenses only.

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Upgrading to the latest software release of ManageMore Business Software is very simple. Within the ManageMore program, under the Help menu section is a sub-menu titled “ManageMore on the Web.” The first menu option titled “Software Update” will automatically take care of downloading the latest version of the software from our dedicated web servers. Our upgrade process contains no messy installation process, no unzipping required, and no special passwords that need to be memorized.


Please be aware that your license agreement may only provide a limited period for you to download the latest software release. If you are past this period, then you will be blocked from the software update process and will need to contact Intellisoft to renew your software subscription plan.


In the unlikely event that you are having difficulties with the automated download process, please review the following troubleshooting tips:


  • Your Internet Service Provider or Intellisoft’s Web Server may have been down for maintenance during the time you attempted to download. We recommend that you always re-attempt the download at a later time before assuming that some other problem exists.
  • In many cases, personal firewall software or all-in-one security applications commonly interfere with software products that attempt to download files (ManageMore is no exception) from specific internet ports. We recommend temporarily disabling these types of products and re-attempting the download process to see if the issue goes away.
  • If you are upgrading from an older version prior to Version 8.0 Build 8032, then your prior ManageMore Edition used the FTP service port for downloading the software. This can sometimes be blocked or ignored by proxy server software. For example, MS Proxy software by Microsoft, usually requires the winsock proxy client to be installed on the workstation when attempting to request common service ports like FTP services.
  • If you are upgrading from an older version prior to Version 8.0 Build 8032, then your prior ManageMore Edition used the FTP service port for downloading the software. If you are using a hardware router to connect to the internet, there is a remote possibility that it has been programmed to block standard FTP services (port 21). This is not too common, so consider this as a last possibility only.
  • If you are on a computer network, please be certain that you have sufficient network privileges to copy or remove files from the ManageMore install directory (e.g., mmwin\Install). It is strongly recommended that you log in as a computer administrator to avoid any possible user privilege conflicts.