ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9029 (07/15/22)

NEW (Pick and Unlock Orders from Customer Care):  It is now possible to pick, fill and/or unlock orders directly from the Customer Care screen.  This easier access to the pick and fill option from Customer Care is extremely useful for small to midsize operations that prefer individual personnel to handle their own picking of merchandising for a customer that is at the facility.   In many “Cash and Carry”  wholesale operations, it may be better suited for each sales representative to simply pick  and fill their own orders for a client who is physically present at the location.

NEW (Inventory Alias Quantity Display):  A convenient on-the-fly alias quantity multiplier is now available on the supertrack inventory item record.  You can now easily view your quantity on hand based on your various defined alias quantities of your product by simply changing the Quantity View from the drop down list (field is near the Quantity Availability on the first tab of the item record).    So, if you want to see how many widgets are in stock by the display, box, or case, you can do so by switching your quantity view. This Quantity View setting is also available on the Price Check screen as well.

NEW (Unpublished Item setting for  Ecommerce module):   A new setting exists when defining an ecommerce product in ManageMore.  It is now possible to mark a web item as “Unpublished” for items that are work in progress.  An unpublished item allows you to work on the data entry of a product without the item getting published to your ecommerce site prematurely.    This unpublished status works in tandem with new settings that have been added to the Inventory Explorer as well.  All unpublished items can easily viewed and marked as “Published” when you are ready to sync your products to your ecommerce site.

IMPROVEMENT (Purchase Order): The Order Form feature has been added as an option to the purchase order for expediting the filling in of a purchase order.

IMPROVEMENT (Order Form Feature): The Order Form now has an option to only display items of a specific Unit Measure.  This allows you to only show items by the case or display when dealing with a customer who only purchases by a specific unit measure or when ordering product from the purchase order.

IMPROVEMENT (Item Profile Drill-Down on Transactions):  On all transaction entry screens, there is an Item Profile button that allows you to drill down to the inventory item record.  However, on a matrix item, you often need to drill down to the parent item record to make adjustments that affect the entire matrix.  ManageMore will now present an option on matrix items to either drill down to the parent item or the actual child item you are highlighted on.

NEW (Supertrack Inventory Statistics): The ManageMore Supertrack Inventory Window is likely the most used screen in the product for searching and viewing a cross-section of your products.   ManageMore now provides useful statistical information at the top left of the window when you highlight any item on your inventory.

IMPROVEMENT (Supertrack Inventory Order/Committed Drill-Down): The ManageMore Supertrack Inventory Statistics feature provides hyperlinks on Quantity Ordered and Quantity Committed.   Upon clicking on these hyperlinks, you can quickly view the orders that make up these inventory counts.

IMPROVEMENT (Supertrack Inventory ):   For items that have multiple alias item denominations (i.e. items alternately sold by the box, display, case, etc.), you can quickly see your inventory counts by these different denominations.  A  ” View Quantity As” drop list will appear on the General Tab which allows you to easily switch between your different item measures and see the quantities in a different perspective.

IMPROVEMENT (Supertrack Inventory): A parent matrix item now provides a summary view of all child matrix aliases.  The Alias button (which previously was not available) will now display all aliases defined for the specific parent matrix item.

CHANGE (Terminology):   The Vendor related product code used to be referred to as the Purchase SKU.  It is now referred to as the Vendor Item Code.

CHANGE (Purchasing and Alt SKU button):  All purchasing documents have had the Alt SKU toolbar button removed in favor of a flatter design with an added Vendor Item Code column shown on the item list.

NEW (Purchasing and Vendor Item Codes):  The Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, and Disbursement transaction now display a Vendor Item Code column.  When an item is selected on a PO, PR, or Disbursement, the vendor’s item code will appear as well.  Furthermore, you can click into this column and assign a vendor item code on-the-fly and ManageMore will save this information for future recall.

CHANGE (Purchasing and Extended Description Column):  ManageMore has deprecated the extended description column on all purchasing documents.  This was deemed unnecessary and excessive since additional details can be provided on the description or additional item notes field already.  The field was eliminated to provide more relevant functionality with the added Vendor Item Code column.

IMPROVEMENT (eConnect Cart):   There is now better logging of events each time ManageMore synchronizes product and customer information with WooCommerce.

FIX (eConnect Cart):   When matrix items were discontinued, the WooCommerce sync would not properly remove the item for the selection of variations.

IMPROVEMENT (Supertrack Inventory Deletion):  ManageMore now provides a clearer message when attempting to delete an inventory item from the system.  If it is safe to do so, the message will simply allow you to purge the record.  However, if the item was in use, you will be warned of the situation and offered the option to discontinue the product instead.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer):  ManageMore now provides a  customizable item view column that can be set to display one of a dozen or more inventory fields that you deem relevant to display on screen.  Select the Item View Button from the window toolbar to choose the inventory field value important to you.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer):  ManageMore now provides a  thumbnail image of the last highlighted item you tagged  or highlighted on the inventory list. 

NEW (Inventory Explorer – Rebuild Matrix Item Drill-Down):   When highlighted on a matrix item, you can now right mouse-click and get a menu option to “Rebuild Matrix.”

NEW (Inventory Explorer – Web Product Tags for Ecommerce Module):   A new classification (from the drop list on left side)  called “Web Product Tags” has been added to help you quickly build your web product tags for your ecommerce site from within ManageMore.   Using Inventory Explorer, you can now use this familiar drag and drop screen to connect your products to a product tag relatively quick.    By linking all your ecommerce items to product tags, you get the advantages of helping your visitors find products easier and improving your search engine optimization (SEO) at the same time.    For those who don’t understand the concept of  product tags,  please click here for a WooCommerce introduction to product tags.

NEW (Web Max. Quantity to Display for Ecommerce module):   A new product setting for your ecommerce items has been added called “Max Quantity to Display.”  This field serves as a form of quantity “masking” to visitors looking at your stock levels of inventory on your ecommerce site when searching products.   Why would you want to do this you ask?  Good question.  After all, showing your actual product stock levels is meant to help your visitors know how much you have available to sell.  Why show a smaller number of your actual availability?   Well, simply put, in the competitive business world, your visitors can sometimes be your competitors as well.  As a result, your visible stock levels of all products on your ecommerce site tells another competitor a lot about how your business is doing and how much demand there is for certain products.   Masking your true quantity levels can protect your trade secrets and not inconvenience most visitors who order much less than your actual stock levels anyhow.  For example, if you have 3000 cases of Lemon Soda in stock in your warehouse, and the majority of your visitors never order more than 100 cases of lemon soda at any given time, it may be best to simply “mask” your true inventory count and show a maximum of 500 cases available on your ecommerce site.  The use of the field will tell ManageMore to continually sync your website to show no more than 500 cases in stock at any given time.

NEW (Inventory Explorer – Web Max. Quantity to Display for Ecommerce module):   A new classification (from the drop list on left side)  called “Web Max. Quantity to Display” has been added to help you quickly drag and drop your ecommerce items to specific quantity numbers you want to designate for the Maximum in-stock quantity to show on your website.

NEW (Inventory Explorer – User Definable Column):   A new toolbar option on the Inventory Explorer has been added which allows you to custom select a specific field you want to view on the product data table.

NEW (Web Category Collapse/Expand Capabilities – Econnect Module):  The Web Category Window now provides toolbar buttons that you can use to quickly collapse or expand the menu tree of your web categories.  

IMPROVEMENT (Web Category Search – Econnect Module):  The Web Category Window now provides an easier way to search and find specific items on very large web category menu trees.  The search tool allows you to type a keyword and then press the FF arrow button to jump to subsequent word search matches in the menu tree.

ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9028  (02/01/22)

This is an interim release  only and was released to allow transition for some legacy clients, prior to updating to Build 9029.

ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9027 (01/25/22)

The  Legacy Cellular Industry module has ended as of Build 9026.
The Legacy Paging Module has ended as of Build 9027.
Users who have been using the Paging Module primarily to bill for services should contact technical support regarding a switchover tool to our preferred recurring charge method of billing in ManageMore.
Technical support and Security-Related updates will continue to be offered for active subscription users only.

NEW (Inventory IntelliSense Wizard):  ManageMore now provides a helpful tool that will analyze your inventory and find inconsistencies, data entry mistakes,  and other potential problems with your inventory system.  This inventory review process also provides recommendations on how you can improve your inventory and take advantage of other ManageMore capabilities, as needed.
FIXED (RMA Error): A false positive error message was being reported when creating a new customer RMA.


ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9026 (01/01/22)

NEW (Power Copy/Paste Transactions):   You can now easily copy all items on a transaction using one keystroke and paste an entire list of items to a new transaction.  Using the Copy Hot Key (Ctrl-Shift-C) on any sales / purchase document will allow you to paste (Ctrl-Shift-V) your items easily onto a new sale or new purchase.    This is a station-based copy/paste feature and only works on the computer you initiated the power copy function.

NEW (Auto-Recover Large Transactions):  ManageMore now provides an immediate backup solution when a user is entering a large sale/purchase transaction.  All new transactions (i.e. sales order, sales invoice, purchase order, purchase receipt) will automatically start saving item details as you exceed the data entry of over 20 items on a transaction.  If a power-failure occurs or some other application mishap, you just have to log back into the ManageMore program and restart your transaction.  ManageMore will automatically prompt you to recover the incomplete transaction.  You must be on the same computer that was entering the transaction for the automatic recovery to work.

NEW (Inventory Product Web Search Tool):  ManageMore now integrates with two different web services which provide detailed product information by simply entering the UPC barcode.  With one click,  the reverse UPC lookup will provide a detailed product description that you can use for quickly auto-filling your supertrack inventory record or verifying accuracy in your own database.  This web search also allows you to find a product by typing a few key words in the product description.    Both of these web services provide a limited number of free searches per day and offer a paid version which can provides thousands of lookups per month for a nominal monthly fee.  To try this feature out, simply add a new item and press the Web Search button presented at the beginning of the item record.  Scan/Type the UPC barcode or enter part of the item description.  NOTE: Some product manufacturers attempt to bypass the process of obtaining a unique UPC value for their product line and fabricate their own UPC code on the merchandise.  If this is the case, this web search tool may fail to find information pertaining to the item.

NEW (Item Quantity Audit Report): ManageMore has now introduced a powerful reporting tool for auditing inventory like never before.  You can now get a report of your inventory beginning and ending quantity for any period of time in detail or summary manner.  This report provides many ways to produce details of your products as they are affected by your purchases, vendor returns, adjustments, customer sales and customer returns.  This information can be exported as well and used to provide detailed information to government agencies that require full audits on regulated products (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, firearms, etc.).

NEW (Item Back Order Option): An inventory item can now be flagged as a back order item or not.   This checkbox setting helps  ManageMore determine whether a converted sales order to invoice should stay OPEN for items that you could not invoice because you did not have any stock left to sell.   Given the current global supply chain issues worldwide, many businesses are opting to not back order merchandise because it may not be possible to order more merchandise in time for the customer’s needs.    Use Inventory Explorer to quickly set the items as back order or not.

NEW (Item Footnotes): An item can now be associate to a special message that appears at the bottom of a sales document. This message differs from the standard item notes in that it only appears one time regardless if other similar items are sold on the same transaction  with the same associated message.  This footnote style message shortens the length of a large transaction and is best suited for wholesalers who sell many similar items that require a special note.  For example, there may be a brand product that needs a Disclaimer message about any potential dangers with use of the item or a series of products that are all AS-IS and non-refundable.  This feature will use a footnote symbol to identify the message in the event of different products having different footnote messages.

NEW (Inventory Custom Groups):  ManageMore inventory now provides a separate way to group similar items for special reasons without forcing you to alter your own personal categorization of products in the category or brand field of an item.  The custom group field is best utilized when you sell regulated products whereby your local government (e.g. Dept of Taxation or Dept of Tobacco and Alcohol)  demands information about these regulated items (e.g. Cigars, Cigarettes, Vape, Beer, Wine, etc.).    You can use Inventory Explorer to quickly group your inventory into custom groups with drag and drop functionality as well.  The custom group field can be found on the Options tab of the inventory record.  See Lists… Inventory… Inventory Related… Custom Groups… to build your custom groups ahead of time.

NEW (Inventory Search Recall):  The Supertrack Inventory Window now provides an option to recall the last 10 search entries you made for locating a product.  Clicking on the arrow button (found  to the right of the Find button) repeatedly will cycle through your last search entries made on the workstation you are on.

NEW (Markup % over Cost on Promotions): A new promotional calculation is now available on an Inventory Promotion record.  You can now create a markup percentage over cost promotion.  This can be extremely useful if you have multiple item price levels and want to come up with  a promotional discount that will work on all price levels, regardless of the selling price.

IMPROVEMENT (Matrix Inventory and Multi-Location Item Synchronize):  ManageMore does a better job at ensuring like items are synchronized when a value is changed on one of the items at a particular location or when the item is part of a matrix.  For example, changing the item description of any matrix item automatically changes all other matrix item descriptions.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer – General):  Major improvements in the Inventory Explorer were made to allow better tagging of items across multiple attributes of an item.  There has also been a variety of other niceties such as on-the-fly adding of Bin Locations, Categories, etc. ; a jump forward/backward button to skip to tagged items in the inventory quickly, and new inventory views including web categories, item status, tax types,  custom groups, etc.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer – Unsold Items):  A very useful item view filter now exists (Drop List field in upper right of window) which will only show you products that have not been sold for over 30/90/180/365 days respectively.    This feature allows you to quickly multi-tag these non-moving items and do something about it (like reclassifying them as Clearance items or assigning them to a Promotion to help sell these items quicker).   This is an invaluable tool for wholesalers and other business models with large inventories that sit around taking up space and possibly losing value as time goes on.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer – Labels):  A label button now exists on the Inventory Explorer toolbar for easy multi-selection of items that you want to send to the List and Label Manager.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer – Exporting):  An export button now exists on the Inventory Explorer toolbar for easy multi-selection of items that you want to export for use outside of ManageMore.

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Explorer – Group Tagging):  You can now multi-tag your inventory items even quicker.  If there is a range of items on screen that need tagged, simply click on the first item and then hold the <Shift> key and click on the last item in the range.  All items in between will be automatically tagged as well.

IMPROVEMENT (Customer Specific Pricing):  Customer Specific Pricing now provides rule options for item brands and for “Discount Amount off Price” pricing calculation are now possible.

IMPROVEMENT (Matrix Inventory Wizard): Simpler design for building a matrix item along with an option to use an example SKU to help build a matrix from another similar matrix item.

IMPROVEMENT(Invoice Item View):  Additional data options have been added for displaying in the item view column.

FIX (A/P Purchase Receipt Reversal):  Under certain conditions, a purchase receipt might allow you to reverse it twice.

IMPROVEMENT(eConnect – Web Order Completion): When a transmitted order from WooCommerce is received and invoiced, ManageMore will now update the WooCommerce order as completed as well.

FIX (Vendor RMA and Serialized Items): When editing a vendor RMA containing serialized items, it was possible to cause serial number discrepancies when removing a line item.

IMPROVEMENT (Importing Matrix Items): A simpler method of importing a matrix item is now possible.

NEW (Purchase Order Export):  ManageMore now provides a simple File Export of Open Purchase Orders.  This can serve as an electronic file which can be delivered to your vendor for import purposes.  See Activities… Accounts Payable… Manage Purchase Orders… Export button on toolbar.

NEW (Inventory Explorer – Matrix Item Drill-Down):   When highlighted on a matrix item, you can now right mouse-click and get a menu option for “Show Matrix.”  This will result in a pop-up window displaying all the matrix items and variations that make up the highlighted matrix.


ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9025 (07/01/21)

NEW (Order Forms – Complete Edition Only): A new and quicker way to fill in a sales order/invoice is now possible for businesses that commonly take orders over the phone or receive filled out printed/emailed order forms from their users.  This new Order Form design allows you to pre-build a list of common sales items (e.g. items of a particular brand, items of a similar or like size/color/flavor, etc.) that can be used later on to quickly fill in a sales order/invoice by simply entering quantity values.    You can create as many custom Order Forms as necessary and this feature also supports alias items as well.  This feature can be found under Lists… Order Entry… Order Forms.  Once the order form templates have been created, you can pull them up within a Sales Order/Invoice from the toolbar icon on the transaction form or by pressing the F4 key.

NEW (Category Summarized Sales Documents):   You can now set up your inventory categories to automatically group your products on sales documents with summarized breakdown.  ManageMore will group your items based on the Title you choose within the Category table.  This allows you to group one or more products categories into one grouping for printing purposes.  For example, you may have categories like  cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, etc. and decide to assign a title of TOBACCO for all these item categories to show up grouped together on your sales invoices.

NEW (Clearance Items):  A new inventory item status referred to as “Clearance Items” now exists.  A clearance item will behave in much the same manner as an active item in inventory.  The notable difference is that a clearance item can be set with pricing that is lower than the lowest selling price threshold value.  It also appears on the inventory table highlighted in red to further identify itself as an item that you are trying to sell quickly.  Clearance items are also beneficial when using the new Item Price Review feature because you can filter these items out of consideration when reviewing and updating your normal active product markup/margin prices.  One last benefit of setting items as clearance is when dealing with eConnect Cart and synchronization with WooCommerce shopping cart.  Clearance items can be synchronized to your shopping cart into a special menu to help your customers quickly identify special deals on products you may not carry any longer.

NEW (Custom Sales Document with Adjustable Page Header on Multi-Page documents):   The custom form designer now supports the option to create smaller page headers on a multi-page sales document.  This technique provides much more room on a page to print more line items on large sales transactions.

NEW (Customer Balance on Sales Documents): A new setting to print the current customer balance at the bottom of a sales invoice now exists.

NEW(Extended Promotional Item message): A promotion plan now provides a place for a special description to be saved and printed on a custom sales form.

NEW (Vendor Price Drill-Down on Items):  The supertrack inventory record now has a Vendor button on the toolbar which will display all  vendor pricing history related to that product.

NEW (Item Price Review formerly called Global Price Change):  The item price review wizard provides an excellent method for purchasing managers and/or owners to evaluate inventory and the selling prices of your merchandise to ensure that you are making the appropriate markup/margin across all items.  It also provides powerful tools for quickly identifying mistakes where items are being sold under cost as well as identifying products that are not selling.

NEW(Piece Count on Transactions):  A new piece count total will now display on most transactions within ManageMore.  This can be helpful as a double-check to ensure that an order or invoice is accurate before final shipment/delivery.

NEW(Serial Number Search on Multiple Items):  The serial number search window now provides a better way to show history of a serial number, even if the serialized item is found across multiple item codes in inventory.  You can view the serial number history for a specific item or have the window show all activity across all items.

NEW(Fast UPC/Barcode Short Code Data Entry):  ManageMore now provides another quick way of entering orders/invoices/P.O.’s and more by simply keying in the last 5 digits of the item UPC/Barcode value when filling in a transaction.    This technique is ideal for businesses which take large orders over the phone and want a faster way of entering requested products from the UPC value printed on the packaging of most store bought products.   The customer can quickly identify the products they need by providing the last five digits of an item UPC/Barcode only.  This technique is over 90% effective at accurately pulling up the correct product a customer is requesting without the need to read the entire 11 to 13 character item code each time.

IMPROVEMENT (Cosmetic Changes):   Many ManageMore database tables (e.g. Customer List, Vendor List, Inventory List, Invoice List, etc.) have been redesigned slightly to provide more useful information when highlighted on a record.

IMPROVEMENT(Smart Find on Inventory List):  The Supertrack Inventory table has been revamped with an easier method for quickly finding a product by multiple search methods in one field.  Using Smart Find,  you can type a part number, alias value, UPC value, vendor part number, or item description in the same search field and ManageMore will find your item.

IMPROVEMENT(MSA Error Checking – Industry Module):   When exporting MSA data, ManageMore will now evaluate the file being created and report any suspect issues it finds prior to your MSA submission.  This should result in less MSA rejection notifications from data entry errors.

IMPROVEMENT(MSA  Pack/Can Denominations – Industry Module):   Brand Manufacturers expect sales data from MSA in their larger carton/case denominations.  Smaller Distributors who sell MSA reportable products in smaller denominations (e.g. cigarettes by the pack or loose tobacco by the can) can now setup the MSA portion of ManageMore to handle fractional quantity reporting of cartons/rolls/sleeves.  For more info, contact technical support.


ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9024 (09/06/20)

Starting with this build, ManageMore has optimized its entire application screen layouts to take full advantage of HD screen resolution (i.e. 1920×1080).  Our new HD Standards will create larger and easier to read screen layouts in the program and afford more capabilities to be implemented in the product.   As a result of this change,  this software build has introduced a significant amount of enhancements to the product.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:   It has been over 20 years since High Definition (HD) monitors were introduced in the pc market.   Intellisoft has been slow to take advantage of the expansive screen real estate  offered by HD resolution in order to give our customers the opportunity to upgrade their aging computer hardware.  With 80% of the pc world now on HD  or higher 4K resolutions, the screen enhancements in this release were well overdue.  ManageMore windows are now better spaced out and easier to read when utilized under an HD standard 1920×1080 resolution.   Some screens have also been redesigned to be easier to work with under popular wide screen UHD  monitors (3840×2160) as well.   Customers who have modified the Windows OS “Scale and Layout feature”  to help with viewing our application  will probably find this unnecessary now and we recommend you put your Windows settings back to their normal font scaling defaults.

If you still have an old monitor or two lurking around on your computer network, you may want to consider holding off on upgrading to this build until you have improved your hardware situation.   24″  HD monitors  can now be found for under $100.  We recommend the largest monitor you can afford  (27″ to 29″ being ideal) to truly get the best experience with the enhanced ManageMore layouts.

NEW (ShipStation Integration – Service Signup Required):  We are excited to share with our users that ManageMore has now been fully certified as a ShipStation partner.  ShipStation is an extremely powerful web-based solution which ties together well over a dozen of the most popular shipping carriers (e.g. UPS, Fedex, USPS, Amazon Fulfillment,  DHL and more) into one interface for printing tracking labels and managing all of your shipped packages.   ManageMore has created a tight interface that communicates and sends all relevant order information necessary for quickly creating labels for shipping your products.   Among the most impressive capabilities is the ability to quickly get quotes  right from within ManageMore from multiple carriers and select the most inexpensive option for delivering your products.  Tracking information is automatically updated in ManageMore and you can easily decide to either handle each package immediately or wait until the end-of-day to process and print all of your labels for all carriers that you have signed up with.   This is the ultimate  time and money saver plug-in to ManageMore for anyone who ships  merchandise to their clients.    Whether you ship just a few packages a day or over 100+ packages a day, you don’t want to miss out on this one.

NOTE:  ManageMore will be deprecating our prior separate plug-in integrations with UPS Worldship and the Fedex Manager program in favor of this much better designed ShipStation interface which handles all of the popular shipping carriers in one solution.  No End-of-Life date has been announced on these add-ons at this time.

NEW (Customizable Column added to Sales Orders / Quotes / Invoices):  With the advent of more screen real estate (mentioned above),  we now have more room to display additional data  on our transaction windows.  A new data column on sales transactions  is now present (just to the right of the item description) which  can provide several different pieces of information that you may find useful as you are entering items onto an order/quote/invoice.    A View icon button on the top of the transaction window (far right toolbar button on window) allows you to toggle between different values that  you can choose to display while entering items on your sale documents.

Some of those choices include:
 * Taxable – If an item is set to be taxable in inventory,  a “Y” will appear.
 *Last/Average Cost – Shows the item last and average unit cost respectively.
* Total Last/Average Cost –  Shows the item total last/average cost respectively.
* Lowest Selling Price -Shows the lowest unit price allowed for the item.
* Ship Weight –  Shows the ship weight of the item.
* Total Tax – Shows the total of all taxes computed for the applicable item.
* Excise Tax – Shows  excise tax calculation for the applicable item. ( i.e.  excise taxes refers to indirect tax that is not paid by the customer directly).
* Warranty Id – Shows the warranty code for the item.
* User Defined Fields –   Shows any customizable values you set up for your inventory item.

NEW (Alias Items with Quantity Variations for products):  A new toolbar setting on the inventory record now allows you to quickly add alternate Item Codes with varying quantity denominations  for selling products that are sometimes sold by the pack, case, pallet, carton,  dozen, crate, etc.    Businesses that buy items in bulk  (primarily wholesales / distributors) and sell it in varying denominations will find this feature invaluable.   All  sales transaction windows have been enhanced to take advantage of this with the addition of a new entry column (denoted by “X”) .  This “X” column (our quantity denomination calculator) allows you to enter a sale quantity by a higher denomination value, which in turn, calculates the final  individual quantity needed for the item.  For example, if you sell widgets individually and sometimes by the case (in quantities of 24 each), you can now enter the case count of 3  in this new denomination calculator field and ManageMore will compute the total quantity to sell at 72 .    Adjustments can still be made to the final individual quantity count as needed.

NEW (Complete Edition Only –   Integrated SMS texting) :  ManageMore now offers tightly integrated SMS capabilities into its accounting system.  Texting your clients has never been easier and more convenient to do.   text message sent  to your client’s mobile phone is much quicker to send and than an e-mail and happens in real time. Texting is extremely useful for getting urgent and important  information to your customers.    SMS texting can  instantly notify your clients of their account balance, order status, exclusive deals,  hot products,  big announcements, and so much more.  The marketing implications are endless and the texting rates have never been cheaper.  ManageMore has partnered with one of the leading global SMS mobile messaging services  that offer mass SMS texting for as little as .0075 cents a message.  For more info, please contact our sales department.

NEW (Complete Edition Only –   Two-Factor Authentication for Customer Verification) :  Utilizing the new SMS texting capabilities introduce in this build, ManageMore can now provide your customer service world-class two-factor authentication when communicating with your clients and their account.  With a touch of a button, you can quickly verify that the customer you are speaking to is the actual account holder in your ManageMore accounting system.   The security of your customer’s information is becoming increasingly more important to the public today.  Two-Factor authentication (aka 2FA) verifies the customer identity by sending a random passcode to the client’s mobile phone on file.   Your customer service team then inputs this code to verify if the client is in possession of the customer mobile phone.    This process is simple to do and takes just a few seconds for you to confirm the customer on the phone line as being a valid account holder.  NOTE:  Standard text message rates apply.

NEW (Vendor Price Memorization and Better Price Suggestion):  ManageMore now supports an unlimited recall of vendor item pricing when filling out purchase orders.  Additionally, if ManageMore detects that an item is better priced from a different vendor,  the program will automatically present you with options to help  you negotiate better pricing.

IMPROVEMENT (Multi-User Document Locking):   The program does a better job of quickly notifying you when a specific transaction record or process is being accessed by another user on your computer network.   Detailed Information about the user that is locking a record/process is also provided.

IMPROVEMENT(Email Templates):   When selecting an email template, the popup selection window is better laid to easily view the entire template content prior to selection.

IMPROVEMENT(Global Price Change and Lowest Selling Price): A new selection option is now available on the Global Price Change wizard for doing a mass update of inventory items on the lowest selling price value.  This feature provides a few different options on what you want the lowest selling price to be on your merchandise (e.g. same as last cost, last cost plus x%, etc.).

IMPROVEMENT(New Brand Field):  New Brand Id field  added to inventory records for grouping items by specific brands for reporting purposes.

IMPROVEMENT(Inventory Explorer and Lock feature): Inventory Explorer just got a lot smarter when it comes to quickly manipulating your data by common groupings.  It is now possible to tag items in one view mode (e.g. Category sorted items), lock the tagged items, and then switch to another view mode (e.g. Department sorted items).  You can then drag and drop your tagged selection into a different selection grouping.   For example, you may already have your items beautifully grouped into categories (e.g. Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes, Soda, Snacks, etc.).  Now, you want to utilize other Supertrack item groupings like Brand or Department, but don’t want to go through hundreds of items to update their value.  Well, with the Lock feature, you could lock your common items that are tagged only your Cigarettes, and easily drag them into a Department Code for Tobacco.   This strategy has endless possibilities and truly allows you to mass manipulate and group your items with ease for a variety of purposes.

IMPROVEMENT(Complete Edition – MSA Reporting Related):  Several enhancements have been made to improve on the sales information needed by your manufacturers and  stay in compliance with MSA reporting requirements.  In particular,  when a sale is made on a product that needs to be reported to the manufacturer, the description you provide in inventory must follow very specific guidelines.  Sometimes, these guidelines make the product name a bit cryptic for your own customer sales invoices.   A new MSA product description field allows you to make a distinction between your company’s product description and that dictated by MSA requirements.   Other enhancements include a simple drop-down  selection of all known MSA codes for tobacco, candy, drinks, etc.  The MSA inventory  related fields were also been moved to its own popup window accessible from the inventory record toolbar.  Lastly, a new option to have the MSA reporting exclude sales data from a specific customer is now possible by using the keyword SKIP on the customer Class of Trade field.

IMPROVEMENT (Customer Care and Vendor Care layout):  The two key windows in ManageMore for dealing with customers and vendors have undergone some cosmetic changes to allow for a more ergonomic design , especially when using 27″ or larger UHD / 4k monitors.    The biggest adjustment here is the placement of the Tab Options.   The tab choices are now on the left side versus the right side of the screen so that your eye  and mouse movement travels less to switch between different views.    This may take a day or two to get used to for our 10+ year  users of ManageMore, but you should start to notice a slightly better experience with all your choices in the upper left view vs far-right view of the screen.  The button layout  has also been repositioned and text added to  clarify some of the less used options.

NEW (Tax Jurisdictions) :  Assigning more complex tax structures has become a whole lot easier in ManageMore.    On the Tax Code record, a new Jurisdiction tab has been added which allows you to easily tag a Tax Code to a specific group of  ZIP code regions by State, City, and/or County.   Doing this ahead of time will ensure that new customers added will be assigned to the proper tax code.  This will make the process of adding new customers near automatic as you add new customers to your database.    Tax Reports  have also been improved to allow for reporting by tax jurisdiction as well.

NEW (Tax Overrides):   Tax overrides simplify the need for creating  additional tax types for products or services  that require you to charge a different rate  in the same jurisdiction.  For example, your state may charge 8% sales tax for most products and services.  But a certain widget needs to be charged at 10%.   Previously, the ManageMore solution was to use one of the six available  tax types to address items with unique rates.  This  is no longer the case.  Please see Lists… Transaction Related… Tax Codes… Tax Override Tab for setting up one or more tax override rules.

IMPROVEMENT (Purchase Order Management): Many new options and capabilities are now present on the toolbar of the Purchase Order Management window.  Batch submitting PO’s in a single email, posting straight to the purchase receipt, and emailing options are a few of the new features added to the toolbar of this window.

IMPROVEMENT (Memorize Transactions):  When performing a recall of a memorized transaction, the selection window that pops up has been redesigned.  The memorized transactions will only show for the employee who created it.  You can also see a preview of the items contained in the memorized transactions template prior to selecting it.

NEW (Image Explorer tool):  A new image explorer tool was created to easily select/deselect images and find problems with inventory items not linked to a product image for web shopping cart integration reasons.  See Activities…  E-Commerce… Image Explorer…

CHANGE (Inventory Unit Measures):  The setup for an item with different unit of measures has been changed to allow for an easier implementation.  Prior build required that any unique unit measurement had to be defined within the Unit Measures table prior to adding the inventory item.  This build allows an item to create on-the-fly unit measures by allowing you to provide the quantity multiple for the unit measure along side of your unit measure code.  In fact, you can now type any unit measure code value you like.  You are no longer constrained to the Unit Measure table at all.  The only real important value going forward is the Quantity Multiple field provided to the right of the Unit Measure code itself.  Why the change?  The biggest advantage is that you no longer have to create unique unit measures for every combination of cases, palettes, displays, etc.   One item can have a “CS” unit measure that represents 24 of the item, while another item can also have “CS” unit measure representing 10 of the item.  This makes it cleaner to understand a printed invoice unit measure column since it is not necessary to invent so many unit measure codes.

CHANGE (Shipping/Receiving Menu):  Shipping and Receiving functionality in ManageMore  has been rearranged to its own menu option within the program.

IMPROVEMENT ( Disbursement “To Be Printed” setting):  It is now possible to default the option for printing checks based on the bank account you choose for making a vendor payment.  Today, many businesses are paying online and the need for printing checks has been tremendously reduced.  This new setting saves you from having to continuously set or unset the check printing options.

IMPROVEMENT( Inventory Explorer):  There are now better tagging options for quickly selecting inventory items based on a common description.  You can also replace fields for tagged items such as category Id, department Id, manufacturer Id, etc.  You can also sync tagged items for posting to the internet when using our eConnect Cart interface with REST API.

IMPROVEMENT (Printing Options): Most documents now provide more options at the the time of printing the document.  For example, you can choose different form types on-the-fly or choose your own custom form.  You can also save your documents directly to PDF.  You can also choose additional related documents to print or email at the same time. 

IMPROVEMENT (Vendor Contacts): Five additional contact methods have been added to the vendor record.  Multiple email contacts on the vendor record will now display when emailing documents to the vendor.

IMPROVEMENT (Vendor Broker Fields):  Additional broker fields added as permanent values on the vendor record.

IMPROVEMENT (Multiple Customer Licenses):  You can now add up to three custom license fields on a customer record and can have expiration dates which will warn you if expired.

IMPROVEMENT (Sales Document Item Sort): You can now sort the printed output of sales document in alphabetical order.  Set Setup… Application… Accounts Receivable… Form Printing…

IMPROVEMENT (Sales Document Regrouping): You can now automatically set ManageMore to regroup like items on a transaction for a more concise document.  See Setup… Application…Accounts Receivable…  You can also perform the regrouping on-the-fly by pressing the F5 key.

NEW (Item Find): While  reviewing or creating a transaction with many item details, you can now quickly jump to a specific product with a built-in Search function.  Pressing Ctrl-F will popup a window for jumping to a particular item code.

IMPROVEMENT (Automatic Increase of Lowest Selling Price):   A new setting available to protect the lowest selling price when the last unit cost becomes larger than the lowest selling price.

IMPROVEMENT (Payment with No Invoice Applied):  Back in Build 9022, a new feature was introduced to allow customer payments to be unapplied for later assignment to future invoices or other special reasons.   This is a very rare thing to do, but is useful in certain situations.   Unfortunately, many users have been inadvertently posting payments without selecting an invoice to pay and ignoring the warning that pops up regarding this.  ManageMore now provides a more prominent message and confirmation instructions to ensure that you are aware of the situation.

IMPROVEMENT (Default Purchase Orders per Vendor):  You can now define a specific purchase order per vendor. 

CHANGE (ThumbNail Image Deprecated):  The inventory thumbnail image has been removed.  This field was used in early 2000’s web shopping cart systems when bandwidth and monitor resolution were much smaller.    IMPORTANT:  If your only  inventory image file is placed in the item thumbnail image field, you will lose this data.  Please copy your thumbnail image filenames  over to the standard large image field instead, prior to upgrading.

FIX (Rebate Management): Program would incorrectly report products on an existing contract. 

IMPROVEMENT/FIX (Verify Order Process):   Several adjustments were made to better improve the Verify Order process.

FIX (Econnect Cart Stability and Performance):   Several adjustments made to improve the performance of ManageMore’s REST API

FIX (Email and Name Search):  Under certain circumstances, when searching and selecting a customer to email, the program would select an invalid email address.



ManageMore Version 9.0 Build 9023 (02/25/2020)

NEW (Batched Transactions to PDF):  It is now possible to multi-select  Sales Orders, Sales Invoices, and Purchase Orders into one convenient PDF file for transmitting to a customer or vendor.  See Customer Care… Transactions Tab… Batch  icon… or Vendor Care… Purchase Orders… Batch  icon… 

NEW (Fleet Manager Module):   An entire truck routing management system now exists for businesses that have a fleet of vehicles (from 2 to 50 transport vehicles) used for delivering merchandise in your local city.  The Fleet Manager handles all the complicated issues that arise when delivering your own merchandise to clients:

  • Routing orders in the most efficient manner for each transport without overloading
  • Load Sheets for quickly staging and stocking the transport vehicles before leaving warehouse
  • Unload Sheets for quickly verifying the accuracy of  all undelivered merchandise 
  • Visual Order Management Window for easy drag and drop of orders to transport vehicles
  • Visual ZIP Code coloring for quickly determining if a transport vehicle has been efficiently routed
  • Weight Management of Transport Vehicles to ensure a truck is not overloaded during the Loading Stage

 IMPROVEMENT (Default Payment Amount on A/R): When entering a payment for a customer, you can now decide what payment methods should assume the amount to always be the entire customer balance or not.  See Lists… Banking… Payment Methods… or the checkbox setting that controls this feature.

 IMPROVEMENT (A/R Payment Amount Matching to Invoice Selection):  When entering a payment for a customer, there are circumstances where it is more convenient for ManageMore to assume the payment amount is based on whatever outstanding invoices you tag.  A new behavior exists on the A/R payment window which allows you to decide how you want the payment amount to work.  If you leave the payment amount at 0.00 and begin to tag invoices to pay, then the payment amount will change with every marking/unmarking of outstanding invoices.  However, if you put a payment amount in manually, then the behavior will work as it always has in the past, whereby the payment amount is locked and you are marking invoices to total up to the amount entered.

NEW (Multi Mark/UnMark on Payment Window):  A convenient Multi-Tag tool now exists on the A/R payment window for dealing with customers with many outstanding invoices on file.  The Mark/UnMark button provides a few options for quickly tagging/untagging outstanding invoices.

NEW (Addition of Toolbar Shortcuts):  There is now a toolbar shortcut icon for the “Billing Wizard”, “Manage Purchase Orders”, “Receive/Transfer Inventory” and “New Deposit”.

IMPROVEMENT (Matrix Inventory):  There are several improvements and shortcuts that have been introduced to help deal with inventories that utilize matrix capabilities (also known as variants of products based on size, color, flavor, style, etc.).  These improvements allow you to construct/deconstruct the matrix in an easier manner.   The new features will appear as a pop-up menu selection when selecting the matrix button on the Supertrack Inventory list.

The following is clarification on these new pop-up menu features:

Disjoin Matrix Option:  Disjoining a matrix of items will remove the association of the items, as well as remove the parent matrix item that links these item together.  This may be useful if a mistake occurred or some redesign of your matrix is in order.

Edit Matrix Pricing:  A new Edit-In-Place grid now exists for quickly modifying the prices within a matrix of items.  The legacy method of going to the parent matrix and adjusting the price is still possible.  However, not all matrix items are the same and follow the same price for all variants.  For some matrix related products, the pricing varies often.  This pricing grid is better suited for editing your prices on these types of  items.   This screen also serves as a useful quick review of the pricing in a simpler to follow grid format based on the item attributes. 

Edit Attribute: This menu option is a shortcut straight to the product variant table created for this matrix.  

NEW (Reassign Parent Matrix Item):  It is now possible to quickly assign a new matrix parent item (the base item code for the matrix) without having to discontinue and create a new matrix.  Simply drill down to the parent matrix supertrack item and type over the SKU field with your new assigned base parent item.  Upon saving the item record,  ManageMore will guide you through the process of changing all the children item codes to a new item code.   If any conflicts arise, you will be presented with warnings/errors.

NEW (Construct Matrix by Example):  Users who were not familiar with matrix inventory concepts are often discouraged by the initial difficulty to convert their existing products to a matrix.   A new wizard-driven feature makes it easier to group like items into a matrix with less effort.   The key to this feature working involves the like items having a similar beginning SKU item code and near identical descriptions (except for the variant name).  To try it out, go to Supertrack Inventory List and highlight an item that should be part of a matrix.  Click on the Matrix toolbar button and ManageMore will prompt you for building a Matrix based on your highlighted selection.  The rest of the steps are explained in the Wizard process.

NEW (Deposit Total on Vendor Care):  The Vendor Care Window will now emphasize any P.O. deposits you may have on a particular vendor.   To the immediate right of the Vendor Balance, a grand total vendor deposit field will appear if any P.O.’s contain a deposit amount.

NEW (Additional Email/Phone Contacts on Vendor):   The Vendor record now provides an additional 5 contacts that can be saved.  If this feature is used to save additional email addresses, then ManageMore will provide you these email address as selections when emailing P.O.’s, Bills, RMA’s, etc.

IMPROVEMENT (Ecommerce with Multiple Item Images):  A new web image filename field was introduced to better handle the growing commonplace of shopping cart systems supporting multiple image views to a single item.   This field allows you to enter as many filenames as you can fit, separated by commas.  There is also a convenient image selector button next to this field for quickly tagging the items from your local/network pc drive.  The legacy large/thumbnail images introduced since the inception of ManageMore will now serve primarily for inhouse use (brick and mortar style establishments or those not interfacing to an ecommerce shopping cart).

IMPROVEMENT (Verify Stage and Large Qty for Order Entry):  The Verify Stage of a Sales Order  always assumes that you will scan all products in the staging area prior to closing the merchandise box or loading the items onto a transport.  This is the most accurate way to ensure that the right amount of merchandise is being delivered to the customer.  However, for some wholesalers moving large quantity on skids/palettes/containers, it is not ideal or feasible to break open a container/palette (especially if already sealed and quantity can easily be assumed).  A new quantity field was added so that a single scan of the product code can assume one large quantity value has been verified.  

IMPROVEMENT (Inventory Category List):   The inventory category list now provides a quick summary of total items linked to each category on the table view.  Furthermore, a new tab view (bottom of window) allows you to display your category in a parent tree view.

IMPROVEMENT (Stretchable Child Matrix Grid):  When doing a transaction and selecting a parent matrix item, the child matrix grid of associated products can now be stretched for larger product lines that contain many variants of flavors, colors, sizes, etc. 

IMPROVEMENT (MM API system tray utility for eConnect module):  A better design for handling the receiving of internet orders with eConnect now exists.  A special stand-alone application can be run in your system tray that will periodically check and convert web orders to sales orders.  This method improves stability of the Sales Order Management window and allows orders to be received regardless if ManageMore is running or not.

NEW (Bill of Lading): New forms have been introduced for producing Bill of Lading documents on sales orders, purchase orders, and purchase receipts.

FIX (Sales Order): The information button would disabled when a sales order was locked for processing.

FIX (Disbursement): Date search was not working properly.