Class Codes

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About Class Codes


A class code can be any numeric value from 1 to 999.  This code is entered on the customer or prospect record to divide your prospects and customers into various groups.  These groups can be used for analysis, reporting, and special pricing.  The classification can be made in any manner you wish.  Some common examples of class codes are: standard customers, corporate customers, governmental accounts, and dealers.



In this Topic

 Field by Field Help - Class Code screen

 Q & A - Class Codes



Related Topics




Field by Field Help - Class Code screen


Customer Class Code

Enter a unique number for the new class code here.



Enter a description of this class code here, which will be viewable in lookup lists.


Default Price Level

Select the price level that should be associated with this class code.  This will determine the pricing which will apply to customers which are assigned to this class code.  The price level can be overridden on individual invoices by authorized users.  Price level descriptions are set in the Setup Inventory.  Prices may be set for each level in Supertrack Inventory.



When checked, this class code will not be visible in lookup lists.





Q & A - Class Codes


Q01.Can a customer be in two separate class codes at once for pricing purposes?
A01.No.  If a customer needs to have different pricing structure, either create a new class code and pricing level, or use customer pricing.


Q02.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A02.Visit our website's Technical Support section.




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