Offsite Company

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File ... Offsite Company



About Offsite Company


The Offsite Company option is a way in which ManageMore can be used by employees who are not connected to the computer or network where the main program resides.  This is useful for the operation of field reps, kiosks, trade shows, or other instances where connection to the main program is not possible.  Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, and Sales Invoices can be entered remotely and then imported into your main location.  Setup of the offsite edition is simple, since one only needs to export a file from the main location which is used to register and/or setup the offsite company.


info To use this feature, you must own licenses for Offsite Edition copies as an add-on to your ManageMore license.





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Quick Help - Offsite Company


1)Select the File ... Offsite Company menu option.
2)Click the Insert button to add an Offsite Location.
3)Choose a location that will be used for the offsite setup.
4)Complete the wizard, and save the Offsite Synchronization file (.osf)
5)Install the ManageMore Offsite Edition on the remote computer.
6)Select File ... Register Software to register the offsite company.
7)Choose the file created in step 4, and complete the wizard to setup the offsite company
8)Enter transactions in the Offsite Edition.
9)When desired, select File ... Export Data option in the Offsite Edition.
10)Select File ... Offsite Company and select the location to import the data.





Field by Field Help - Synchronize Offsite Company screen


Offsite Locations



Click this button to insert a new Offsite Location



Click this button to edit the settings for the highlighted Offsite Location



Click this button to remove the highlighted Offsite Location


Offsite Location Setup


Location Id

Enter or select the location to be used for this Offsite Location.  The inventory from this location will be used to setup the Offsite Edition.  Transactions imported from the Offsite Edition copy will be posted to this location.



Enter a description for this offsite location, for internal purposes only.



Displays the name and address of the location chosen.  This information will be used as the company information for the Offsite Edition copy.


Synchronization Options


Export to Offsite

Select this option to create an Offsite Synchronization File (.osf), which can be used to register and/or update an Offsite Edition copy.


Import from Offsite

Select this option to import an Offsite Information File (.oif), which contains the transactions created in the Offsite Edition copy.





Q & A - Offsite Company


Q01.Can I use the same synchronization file to register more than one Offsite Edition copy?
A01.No.  Each Offsite Location will syncronize itself with one Offsite Copy.  If you need additional offsite copies, you must create additional Offsite Locations.


Q02.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A02.Visit our website's Technical Support section.



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