Account Types

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About Account Types


Account Types are used to define the classification and behavior of general ledger accounts.  You may define your own account types which serve as a high level grouping on financial statements.  General ledger accounts are assigned an account type upon creation. This account type can only be changed to another account type of the same kind once the account is in use.



In this Topic

 Field by Field Help - Account Type screen

 Q & A - Account Types



Related Topics





Field by Field Help - Account Type screen


Account Type

Enter a name for the new account type here.  This value will appear on financial statements.


Account Kind

Select a valid account kind from the list.  This value establishes the behavior and financial statement location for each account.


CashBalance Sheet account;  current asset section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


ReceivablesBalance Sheet account;  current asset section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


InventoryBalance Sheet account;  current asset section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


Other Current AssetsBalance Sheet account;  current asset section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


Fixed AssetsBalance Sheet account;  long term asset section. Investing Cash Flow account.


Other AssetsBalance Sheet account;  long term asset section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


Accounts PayableBalance Sheet account;  current liability section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


Credit CardBalance Sheet account;  current liability section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


Other Current LiabilityBalance Sheet account;  current liability section.  Operating Cash Flow account.


Long Term LiabilityBalance Sheet account;  long term liability section.  Financing Cash Flow account.


EquityBalance Sheet account;  equity section.  Financing Cash Flow account.


IncomeIncome Statement account; gross profit section.


Cost of Goods SoldIncome Statement account; gross profit section.


ExpensesIncome Statement account; operating income section.


Other IncomeIncome Statement account; net income section.


Other ExpensesIncome Statement account; net income section.




Typical Balance

Displays whether the selected account kind carries a typical balance of a debit or credit.  If the account has a balance which is not the typical value, it may appear as a negative value.


Posting Type

Displays the posting type for the selected account kind.


Cash Flow Type

Displays the posting type for the selected account kind.





Q & A - Account Types


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