Gift Card Setup

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Gift cards are a great way to bring customers to your company.  Recent research showed that recipients of gift cards are more likely to visit the issuing business more than once, and often spend more than the value of the card and reload the card with a higher value than the original gift. The Gift Card Manager in ManageMore is designed to work with a stock pre-printed cards



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Field by Field Help - Gift Card Setup screen


Program Setup


Show Gift Card processing features

Check this box to use the gift card features of ManageMore.  This box must be checked for the remainder of the items on the page to be usable.


Gift Card Header

Enter the title you want to have show at the top of all Gift Card-related screens and printouts.


Allow refunds to be given via Gift Card using SKU item

Check this box to have the option of giving refund money back in the form of a gift card.  You can then specify the SKU of the gift card item to use for this, or leave the default SKU of GIFTCARD.


PIN required for gift card redemption

Check this box to require a PIN number to be used in order to redeem a gift card.  This is usually used only when the customer and/or their card are not present (For example, for online purchases).


Create Gift Card Item

Click this button to create a specialized Supertrack Inventory item for a new gift card item.  One already comes by default within ManageMore for any amount you want, but this button can be used to create other gift card item records if you choose to do so -- which can also be used to create fixed amount gift cards.


Gift cards expire XX days after activation

Enter the number of days that gift cards will expire after they are activated in ManageMore.  Entering zero in this field denotes that they never expire.





Q & A - Gift Card Setup


Q01.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A01.Visit our website's Technical Support section.



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