Intellifile Manager

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About Intellifile Manager


As more and more information gets saved and scanned into your cabinets and drawers, you may find that it will take up a sizeable amount of disk space.  Or you may find that you are retaining records that are no longer necessary to hold.  The Intellifile Manager will help you by figuring out how much information there is and how much space is being taken up by the files whose criteria you specify.  It can then display those statistics or remove those files as instructed by the user.


This feature requires activation in Setup Optional Features.  Please note that this feature may not be included in your software license.



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Field by Field Help - Intellifile Manager screen


Maintenance Activity

Select the functions you wish to perform with the maintenance process.  Choose from the following:


Purge DocumentsSelect this option to permanently remove documents and their respective links from ManageMore.  Any documents removed using this process cannot be recovered unless they have been otherwise backed up first.


Archive DocumentsSelect this option to move documents to another location for storage.  Items moved will no longer be available in their original location.  Links to these documents will be updated with icons denoting that the particular document has been archived.


Reset Document PasswordsSelect this option to set or reset password on selected documents.  This can be used to apply passwords to particular documents. It may also be used to give a new password to documents that have already been secured, should it become necessary.


Repair Document LinksSelect this option to have ManageMore search for documents that have no link in the document management system.  This process will create a new link that can then be found in the "To Be Filed" folder.


Display Statistics OnlySelect this option to only display size and other statistics on selected documents.



Document Selection Criteria


This step will allow you to choose what documents you wish to run a particular process on.  This step is visible on all processes except "Repair Document Links."



Select a particular cabinet (or drawer) that ManageMore should look in when selecting documents.  This choice defaults to All Cabinets.


Folder Types

Select a particular folder type that ManageMore should filter by when selecting documents.  This choice defaults to All Folder Types.  The listing of possible folder types to choose from will be limited to those associated with the cabinet or drawer selected in the previous option.


Date Range

Select a date range that ManageMore should filter by when selecting documents.  This choice defaults to All dates.  Selecting a range here will automatically fill in the Start and End Dates below.


Start Date

Enter or select the beginning of the date range in which ManageMore should filter by when selecting documents.  This date will fill in automatically upon selection of a date range above.  Entering or selecting a date manually will cause the Date Range field to change to Custom.


End Date

Enter or select the end of the date range in which ManageMore should filter by when selecting documents.  This date will fill in automatically upon selection of a date range above.  Entering or selecting a date manually will cause the Date Range field to change to Custom.


When archiving documents, you will see the following field after clicking the Next button:



Enter or select the disk location where you want archived documents moved.


When resetting passwords on documents, you will see the following after clicking on the Next button:


Only reset password if password is

Check this box to replace passwords on documents only if the current password is the same as the one you enter in the box just to the right of this field.  This box will only be available if the initial checkbox is checked.


Reset password to

Select whether to reset the password on selected documents to the cabinet's password or to a new user-defined password.  If user-defined password is selected, two additional fields will be available in order to enter and confirm the new password.


Finish the Intellifile Manager Wizard


Upon clicking the Next button, this last window will appear.  This window contains statistical information on the files that are about to be processed including: records affected, total size on disk, average file size, largest file size, average disk space per month, average documents per week, and average documents per month.  This information is mainly useful to IT professionals, especially when considering the amount of space needed for documents stored using the document management system.


Clicking the Finish button on this screen will execute whatever activity was initially chosen at the beginning of the wizard.


exclaimNote that the changes made by completing a process are not reversible.  The only way to recover information from prior to this point is to have a complete working backup made before carrying out any operations using this wizard.




Q & A - Intellifile Manager


Q01.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A01.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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