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About Users


Users are defined to represent employees who have access to ManageMore.  When a user is entered, a corresponding employee record must be chosen, to maintain a link between these records.  Therefore, you must first add employees, before adding users.  Additional information and settings can be adjusted for the user to determine the employee's specific access and program behavior.



bulbBefore adding specific resource access to a user, consider whether similar access is granted to other users.  In that case, you may consider creating a user group, and assigning the resource access to the group instead.   This will dramatically simplify the process of adding new users.



In this Topic

 Field by Field Help - User List

 Field by Field Help - Update User screen

 Q & A - Users



Related Topics




Field by Field Help - User List


Add A User

Click this button to create a new user record.


Update Users

Click this button to modify the highlighted user.


Delete Users

Click this button to delete the highlighted user.


User Resource Access

Click this button to view ManageMore resources and this user's status with those resources.  This is used to provide access for this individual, in addition to the access granted by their group membership.


Copy User Access to Another User

Click this button to copy the User Application Resources and/or User Group assignment from one user to another.




Figure 17-2.        Update User screen



Field by Field Help - Update User screen


Edit Security User Wizard


Employee Id

Enter the user's employee ID here.  This field is required to establish a link between the user and the employee.


[Picture] / Full Name

The picture and full name information from the selected employee record will be displayed here.


Allow Access to this User Security Application

When checked, allows complete and full access to user security.


Audit This User's Activities

When checked, Security Administrator will keep a log on file of what this user does in ManageMore and Security Administrator in accordance to the Global Security Options.


Disable this security user

When checked, this user will not be able to log into any application.


Login Credentials


Login ID

Enter the user's login ID here.  A login ID will be suggested by the software.



Enter the user's initial password here.  When you tab off of this field, Security Administrator will ask you to put the same password in again to verify the password.


Make Password Permanent

When checked, the password entered does not expire.


User Can Change Password

When checked, will allow users to change their password by pressing <Shift + F11> on the main screen of the program.  If this option is selected, the two choices below will be available.


Renew Password Every XX days

Select the number of days between password expiring.


Password Expire Date

Select the date on which this password will expire.


bulbWhen setting a user's password for the first time, it is a good idea to set the password to a simple word and then set the expire date to yesterday.  When the new user logs in for the first time, they will immediately have to change the password.  The user can feel confident that their password is safe and known only by the user.


Optional Location Settings


Login Location

Enter a specific location number here if the user is to log into only one location.  If not, leave this field blank.


Login Region

Enter a specific region name here if the user is to log into only those locations with the same region name.  If not, then leave this field blank.


Limit lookup by Login Location only

When checked, the program will limit any lookup lists to the location to which this employee is currently logged into.


Type of Security


Select here whether this user will have their security defined by belonging to one or more program groups, or by belonging to one or more program areas.   Security Areas is a simple approach to security which allows for a user to have certain pre-defined accesses to the software based on having access to the area.  Security Groups allows similar access capabilities, but allows you to fine tune particular groups as well.


Should you choose to set security for this user based on a program area, you will then see a listing of program areas to choose from.  Select as many as are necesary for this user to belong to (based on their job within the company) and then click Finish.


If you choose Security Groups, however, you will then get a listing of the security groups available in ManageMore.  To add a user to a group, click on the group and then click on the Join button at the top.  Similarly, if you want to remove a user from a group, click on the group and then click on the Remove button at the top.


Click Finish to save the user information.





Q & A - Users


Q01.How do I change my password?
A01.While in the program, press Shift-F11 on your keyboard.  You will then be prompted to enter your old password, and then your new password twice for verification.


Q02.Can a system administrator view a user's password?
A02.No.  All passwords are masked (showing asterisks instead of letters) within the program.  If a password is forgotten, it can then be reset by a user that has access to Security Administrator.


Q03.        I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?

A03.Visit our website's Technical Support section.



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