Shipping Methods

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About Shipping Methods


Shipping Methods are used to identify the various modes of transit for your goods. ManageMore allows flexibility to use these records to simply name the shipper/method, calculate shipping charges, and even interface directly with select carriers.



In this Topic

 Field by Field Help - Shipping Method screen

 Shipping Manager

 Q & A - Shipping Methods



Related Topics




Shipping Code

Enter a code for this shipping method here.


Delivery Method

Choose the manner in which invoices that are shipped with this shipping method will be delivered.  Choosing a predefined method will allow many of the fields on the screen (see Figure 3-2) to be completed automatically.


Full Description

Enter a complete description of the shipping method here.


Carrier Identifier

Select the carrier being used to ship the merchandise here.


Freight Destination

Choose whether this shipping method involves a domestic or an international end point.


Freight Service

Choose the method that this shipper uses to send packages in this shipping method.  Choose from Air Service, Ground Service, or Other.


Freight Expected

Choose the day this package is expected to arrive when using this shipping method.  Choose from Same Day, Next Day, 2 Day, 3 Day, Saturday, Economy, or Other.


Freight Billed To

Choose the entity that will be paying the shipping when this shipping method is used.  Select from Sender, Recipient, Third Party, or Consignee.


Shipping Terms

Choose the manner in which funds will be collected for shipments made under this shipping method.  Choose from None, COD Check, or COD Cash.  If COD terms are chosen, invoices created with this shipping method will prompt the user for a COD amount instead of a payment.    The invoice will be posted to the account for later payment application.




Figure 3-2.        Shipping Method screen



Web Tracking URL

Enter the website address that the shipping company gives to track their shipments online.  This field is available to ManageMore's E-Mail Pro to send to a customer with their tracking number automatically completed.


Require Recipient Contact Phone Number

When checked, ManageMore will provide a space on the invoice for a phone number to be filled in and require that it be filled in before accepting the invoice.  This field will be completed with the customer's contact phone number, if provided in the customer's shipping information.


Allow this shipping method to use tracking number

When checked, the program will provide for entry of one or more tracking numbers, which will be associated with the shipment.  


Allow automatic freight charge calculation on invoicegear

When checked, ManageMore will calculate the freight charges price based upon information you enter in a new tab "Freight Charges," that comes up on the shipping method record.  You will be asked to fill in tier amounts: if the invoice weight is between two given amounts, ManageMore will charge the preset amount in accordance with this weight tiers.  Tier information is entered on the "Freight Charges" tab, which will appear when this option is chosen.


Automatically Print Packing Slip for this shipping method

When checked, a packing slip will print each time an invoice is completed with this shipping method.



When checked, this shipping method will no longer be available to be chosen in a list of shipping methods on invoices.


Freight Charges


This tab will appear only if you have checked the box labeled  "Allow automatic freight charge calculation on invoice" on the General tab.


Handling Fee

Enter an amount to be added to the freight charges on an invoice when this shipping method is used.

Shipping Weight/Freight Amountgear

In these fields, choose the maximum weight for each tier and then the freight amount for any shipment up to that weight.  Do so for each of the eight tiers.






This tab will appear only if you have the optional Shipping Manager feature in ManageMore.  If you would like more information on this shipping automation feature, please contact your sales representative.


Star Ship Manifest System Activatedgear

When checked, this shipping method will interface with Star Ship to create a shipping label and log the shipping manifest with the carrier selected.


Service ID

Enter the ID for the shipping method chosen.



exclaimUnless you are instructed by a Technical Support technician, do not change the existing service ID for any shipping method.  Doing so may cause StarShip to stop functioning properly.


Q01.Is it necessary to complete all of the fields on this screen?
A01.No, as long as you do not wish to use the Shipping Manager.


Q02.If I use "COD Check" terms on a shipping method, how do I prevent this method's use on customers who should not be able to write checks?
A02Settings on the customer record are available to prevent checks from being taken, and/or for COD purchases to be allowed (check or cash).


Q03.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A03.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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