Company Info

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About Company Info


The Company Info screen allows you to view your company's basic information.  It also allows you to attach documents to the Company folder using Intellifile.



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Field by Field Help - Company Info




Save this record

Click this button or press <Enter> to save your changes.


Attach documents to this record

Click this button to view or attach documents to this record in the Intellifile Explorer.


Close this window

Click this button to exit without saving.




Company Address

The physical address of your company.  This address can be edited on the Setup Company screen.


Payment Address

The address to which customers should send payments.  This address will appear on customer statements.  This address can be edited on the Setup Company screen.


Company Identifier

The company identifier used for multi-company/login.  This value cannot be changed.


Main Location as

The location number that was entered during the company setup process.  This value cannot be changed.


Current Data Path

The path in which the company data is stored.





Q & A - Company Info


Q01.How do I change the location of my data?
A01.To change the location of your data, you must first ensure that there are no users logged into ManageMore and that you have made a complete backup of the program and data paths.  Then, you can rename or move the data folder to its new location.  Upon login, when the data is not found in the old location, you will be prompted to enter/find the new folder.


Q02.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A02.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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