Setup Company |
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About Company Setup
Use this screen to set up important company information used for your business. The Setup Company screen has been divided into several categories, each containing important settings. Select the category on the left side of the screen, and the settings for that section will appear on the right.
Keep in mind that not all sections may apply to your business. In addition, the sections in the setup list may be hidden based on the features included with your license and/or general options not chosen.
In this Topic
Related Topics
3.23 E-Mail Setup
5.12 E-Mail
13.7 Pay Taxes
18.6 File Transfers (FTP)
Company Name
The name of the company. Some product licenses may prohibit changing this value after the company has been created.
Checks Payable To
Enter the name of the company that should print next to the "Make Checks Payable to:" line on billing statements.
Country of Origin
Select the country your company operates in. This setting will determine localized country settings.
International Address
Check this box to denote that the address being entered does not have a last line containing City / State / ZIP Code format.
Company Address
Enter the physical address of your company here. Use the last line for your city, state, and zip code, or the line above it for addresses outside of North America.
Payment Address
Enter the address to which customers should send payments here. This address will appear on customer statements the next time statement processing is run.
Main Office Phone
Enter the phone number for your main location.
Facsimile Phone
Enter the fax phone number for your main location.
Cust Service Phone
Enter your main phone number which customers should call. This is the number that appears on customer statements.
Federal Employer ID
Enter your company's federal employer ID. This number is printed on tax forms and documents.
State Employer ID
Enter your company's state employer ID. This number is printed on tax forms and documents.
State Unemployment ID
Enter your company's state unemployment ID. This number is printed on tax forms and documents.
VAT Registration ID
Enter your company's VAT registration ID for inclusion on certain sales invoice form types, if applicable.
Website Address
Enter the company's website address here.
E-Mail Address
Enter the main or default e-mail address for your company here.
This screen is used to set required settings for ManageMore's e-mail functionality. ManageMore will use your existing dial-up, broadband, or proxy connection to connect to the Internet. This section is only availabel in the main ManageMore software.
Allow sending/receiving of external e-mail
Select this check box to allow external mail to be sent and/or received. This will enable e-mail accounts to be setup, which determine specific sending/receiving settings.
E-Mail accounts are used to define settings used to connect to external e-mail services. Most of the settings from this section can be provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). The settings in this area allow you to define the connections and e-mail addresses that will be received by your users, and how the addresses will be shared.
![]() | ManageMore has several options for sharing e-mail among employees. You may want to read the related E-Mail Setup topic before creating e-mail accounts. |
Add a new e-mail account.
Modify an existing e-mail account's information
Remove an e-mail account record
Company Footer to be used on Select E-Mail
Type an optional message that can be added automatically to e-mail messages. This may be used for privacy notices, e-mail policy, or marketing purposes.
Hangup when finished sending, receiving, or downloading
Select this check box to allow ManageMore to hangup your modem (if one is used) when finished using the internet.
FTP Profiles are used to define settings used to send and receive files via the internet. For example, you can set up an FTP profile to send reports to your website. To learn more about FTP profiles, see the topic in the advanced features chapter. This section is only availabel in the main ManageMore software.
Company Setup
Create a new FTP profile.
Modify an existing FTP profile.
Remove an existing FTP profile.
[United States only] This section is only availabel in the main ManageMore software.
Postal Permit Line 1
Select the appropriate postal permit type. This permit information is used on select customer statement forms.
Postal Permit Lines 2-5
The additional postal permit information to print on select customer statement forms.
This section is used to define the folders where certain external related files are stored. If a folder is defined in this section, the user will be directed to that folder when browsing for a file of the type specified. If no folder is defined, the user will be directed to the root of the current drive.
Images Path
Enter or select the folder where program images are stored, such as inventory item images.
Export Path
Enter or select the folder to which files will be exported.
Sounds Path
Enter or select the folder where sound files are stored.
Intellifile Storage Path
Enter or select the default path where documents are to be stored in the Document Management System.
This section is only availabel in the main ManageMore software.
Verification password
Enter a password here that will be required when overriding selected security areas in the software. This password will also be used to gain entry to the setup area of the software.
Transaction Alert Sound
Select a special sound that will play when completing a transaction in ManageMore. Note: Workstation must be equipped with speakers and a sound card.
Reminders should be addressed to
Enter or selected the ID of the employee to whom reminders should be addressed to when the particular employee opens the company in ManageMore. Leaving this field blank will alert all employees.
Passcodes should be addressed to
Enter or selected the ID of the employee to whom monthly software passcodes should be addressed to when the particular employee opens the company in ManageMore. This is only applicable if you are renting or financing the program. Leaving this field blank will alert the first employee to log in on the date the passcode is required.
Check for software updates every XX days
Specify the frequency at which you want ManageMore to check the Internet for an update to your software. We recommend checking no less than every 30 days, to keep current with the latest software updates and improvements.
Notify user to rebuild database every XX days
Specify the frequency at which you want to be reminded to perform this crucial file management process on your database files.
Allow new company profiles to be created
This option allows the New Company selection under the File Menu to be accessible.
Allow database logging activity within key areas of the program
This option allows ManageMore to log changes to records in specific database files, such as customers, vendors and services.
Company check list has been completed and will not be displayed
This option will suppress the company check list from appearing on screen. The check list allows a user to record what areas of ManageMore they have set up and completed. The check list is available at any time by selecting File ... Company Checklist.
Password required for gaining access to the program setup
Check this box to require that the Verification Password be entered when trying to access the software's setup screen.
Allow alternate address invoice/payment printing for multiple locations
This option allows the location address to print on the transaction forms in lieu of the company address.
These settings are used for one-time credit card and "check by phone" transactions in ManageMore. In addition, you must complete settings in this section to use the online providers for funds transfer during billing/statements.
All settings must be completed on each workstation that will use payment authorization.
• | To allow funds transfer during billing/statements, see the Setup Billing section. |
• | For an overview of credit card processing, see the topic in the Advanced Features chapter. |
![]() | Payment Authorization functionality requires sign-up with an authorized merchant services provider. Please contact Intellisoft Sales Department, or visit our website at Some of the providers require additional software not included with ManageMore. |
Workstation Setup
Authorize payment transactions electronically using
Select the method that you wish to use for verification of electronic payments.
None | No electronic payment authorization is used in ManageMore. |
IntelliCharge | This online system requires sign up with IntelliCharge, and may require a quick software installation (see below). Supports all major credit cards, address verification, and CVV2 fraud protection. Check processing supported by AUTHORIZENET gateway. Supports EFT processing during billing (AUTHORIZENET and MERCHANTWARE gateways only). |
ICVerify | This online method requires additional software sold separately. This software is widely distributed via independent dealers. Supports credit card processing only. Supports EFT processing during billing. This method, however, is no longer supported and is included for legacy customers.. |
PC Charge | This online method requires additional software sold separately. Supports credit card processing and electronic checks. Supports address verification. Please contact Intellisoft sales for licensing of this product. |
IntelliCharge Settings
Select the gateway that Intellicharge should use. Choices include:
MerchantWare Web | Utilizes a merchant account provided by Merchant Warehouse. For sign up information, visit our website at This is the recommended option due to it having the most competitive merchant transaction rates. Also, no additional software is required. |
AuthorizeNet | Utilizes a merchant account provided by Authorize.Net, or one of its affiliates. Contact directly if you wish to use this option. Only the standard account type is supported with ManageMore. Requires the module Intelliicharge Plus to be activated on your license. |
VerisignLink | Utilizes a merchant account provided by Verisign's PayFlow Pro. For sign up information, please contact Verisign directly. Requires the module Intelliicharge Plus to be activated on your license. |
MerchantWare options
Merchant User Name
Enter the username assigned to you by Merchant Warehouse.
Merchant Password
Enter the password assigned to you by Merchant Warehouse.
Allow use of Address Verification System (AVS)
This feature allows ManageMore to confirm the credit card transaction's validity by sending address information to the credit card processor along with the credit card information. The transaction can be denied if the address information does not match the credit card system.
Allow use of Credit Card Verification System (CVV2)
Another fraud protection, this system automatically verifies actual credit card presence by confirming extra information stored/printed on the card.
Use test mode during implementation stage
You can select this option to test your connection to the IntelliCharge system. No transactions will be processed, however a sample authorization response will be provided by the system.
AuthorizeNet & Verisign Options
Merchant Login Id
Enter the merchant login supplied by the Merchant Account Provider.
Merchant Login Id 2
Enter the secondary merchant login supplied by the Merchant Account Provider. This value is used on certain gateways for processing refunds/credits.
Merchant Password
Enter the password for merchant login.
Allow use of Address Verification System (AVS)
This feature allows ManageMore to confirm the credit card transaction's validity by sending address information to the credit card processor along with the credit card information. The transaction can be denied if the address information does not match the credit card system.
Allow use of Credit Card Verification System (CVV2)
Another fraud protection, this system automatically verifies actual credit card presence by confirming extra information stored/printed on the card.
Allow use of electronic check payment feature
Select whether you wish to process electronic check payments (also called "checks by phone"). This feature works with the customer payments screen to enable the user to enter a customer's bank account and routing number to automatically transfer money from their account. This feature also works with statement processing, for customers with bank account information setup on the account.
Use test mode during implementation stage
You can select this option to test your connection to the IntelliCharge system. No transactions will be processed, however a sample authorization response will be provided by the system.
Use a proxy server
If this workstation connects to the internet via proxy server, select this option. You will then be required to complete the proxy server settings.
The IP address of the proxy server.
The port through which to pass IntelliCharge normal (HTTP) traffic.
Proxy SSL
The port to use for Secure Socket Layer traffic.
Install Driver
Click this button to install the required IntelliCharge software on this workstation. For these gateways, the driver must be installed on each workstation that credit card processing is to take place from.
ICVerify Settings
Transaction Path
The transaction path is the folder where data shared between ManageMore and ICVerify is stored. This folder is referred to by ICVerify as the "Request Directory". It is recommended that you select a folder within the program folder of ManageMore (MMWIN) as your transaction path and that you create a folder should one not already exist.
This Workstation No.
In IC Verify, you must assign a unique number to each workstation that will be processing electronic payment transactions. Enter that number in this field in ManageMore. This ensures that an approval code is directed to the correct workstation.
PC Charge Settings
PC Charge Path
The transaction path is the folder where data shared between ManageMore and PC Charge is stored. This folder must be the same as the program path for the PC Charge software.
PC Charge User Name
Select whether to use the currently logged in employee ID from ManageMore or another user defined name. Regardless of the user name used, the exact same name must exist in the users list in PC Charge.
Merchant No./TID
Enter the merchant identifier (12 digits in length) supplied by the payment processor, immediately followed by the TID number (6 digits in length). There should not be any characters or spaces between the Merchant and TID numbers.
Processing Company
Select the appropriate code for the credit card processing company for which you signed up.
Allow use of Address Verification System (AVS)
This feature allows ManageMore to confirm the credit card transaction's validity by sending address information to the credit card processor along with the credit card information. The transaction will be denied if the address information does not match the credit card system.
Allow use of electronic check payment feature
Select whether you wish to process electronic check payments (also called "checks by phone"). This feature works with the customer payments screen to enable the user to enter a customer's bank account and routing number to automatically transfer money from their account. This feature also works with statement processing, for customers with bank account information setup on the account.
Enter up to four seasons here for statistical record-keeping purposes. Seasons may begin and end on any dates of the year you wish.
[Sales will appear when United States is selected as the country. VAT/GST will appear when another country is selected.]
A tax type should be set up here for each possible type of sales tax that may apply when items or services are sold. Then, you can set up tax codes to determine the amount of each tax type to charge for a particular jurisdiction. In addition, you can determine which tax types apply to each item in your inventory. Examples of common tax types are: Sales Tax, Gross Receipts Tax, Universal Service Fee.
Default Tax Code
Enter or select the tax code you will be using most often in the software. The tax codes will need to be set up after entering the Tax Identifications below.
Tax Identification 1-8
The tax name that is printed on your customers' invoices and/or statements.
Full Description
The full description of the tax type.
[United States only] This window displays the thresholds for which a vendor will have a 1099 form created for them should they exceed the amount in any of the fields. Amounts will appear by default, be certain to double-check with your accountant or bookkeeper as to the accuracy of the dollar amounts shown. This section is only availabel in the main ManageMore software.
View or reset your current workstation ID here. This ID is used in conjunction with Cash Drawer Depositing.
[United States only] This section is used to review and edit the ManageMore Zip Code list . This list serves several functions in ManageMore, including automatic city and state entry, automatic tax code entry, and distance calculations. This section is only availabel in the main ManageMore software.
• | For more information on Zip Codes, refer to the topic in the Advanced Features chapter. |
Company Setup
Enter a new zip code record.
Change the highlighted zip code record.
Remove the highlighted zip code record.
Program Settings
Company Logo Image Filename
Enter or select the image to use for a logo when selected on the various documents in this setup screen. You should select a file that conforms to the size selected (see Logo Size option below), to avoid stretching of the image.
Company Watermark Filename
Enter or select the image to use for a background watermark when selected on the various documents in this setup screen. You should select a file that conforms to the size indicated below, and one which is lightly colored.
Company Logo Size
Select whether to use a Large (5.0" x 1.5") or Small (0.75" x 0.75") logo. The large logo allows for address inclusion or a logo which wraps around the printed address.
![]() | If you choose a Large logo image which contains your company name and address, be sure to uncheck the option "Print Company Name" on the documents which utilize the logo. |
Workstation Setup
These settings are saved for each workstation
Printer to Use for General Forms
The printer that will be used for all documents other than those defined in this section, and all reports printed from this workstation.
Signature Graphic Image Filename
Enter or select the image to print on check forms, so that the checks need not be signed.
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