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About Installation


Installing ManageMore is a simple and easy process, which copies the program from the distribution media (CD) to your computer or network.



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Figure 2-1.        The Program Installation screen



Beginning the Installation


Simply insert the CD that came with this package into your computer's CD drive.  If your computer is set up to do so, the installation will begin automatically.


If the installation does not begin automatically, or for subsequent installations, click Start, Run .., and choose d:\setup.exe as the program to open, where d: represents the letter assigned to your CD drive. You will be presented with the ManageMore installation screen (see Figure 2-1).  Click Install ManageMore to begin the installation process.




Field by Field Help - Installation Screen




Install ManageMore

Click this button to begin installation.


Install ManageMore Add-On Components

Click this button view other installation options, including Adobe Acrobat Reader, and ManageMore Auditor's Edition.


ManageMore Documentation

Click this option for installation and setup instructions, as well as for links to industry-specific guides.



Click this button to exit the installation.




Choosing a Program Path


The default installation path is C:\Program Files\Intellisoft\MMWIN.  You may choose a different Program Path in which to install the program.  This is the path in which all program executable files are placed.




Network Installation


If you are running a multi-user version, you will want to choose a path on the network file server in which to install the program.  This directory should be accessible (read and write access) to all users.  We recommend creating a directory on the server (e.g. \Intellisoft) and installing the program into a directory within this directory. (e.g. \Intellisoft\MMWIN)  This way, a common drive letter can be mapped on each workstation to the applications directory (F: = \\Server\Intellisoft), so users can access F:\MMWIN.


infoAll machines that will run the program must use the same drive letter when mapping the network drive.


Once you select a path in which to install the program, the installation will copy all necessary files to your hard drive/network.



exclaimTake time to read the installation documentation, found at  Network settings for all versions of the Windows operating system are detailed here. Be certain to carefully follow the instructions contained on this page as not following these directions will likely lead to error messages, program closures, or even corrupted data.

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