Prepare Income Taxes

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About Prepare Income Taxes


ManageMore can assist in the preparation of United States income tax returns.  The program makes it easy to use the information contained in your general ledger to create a report and/or file that can be used with external tax preparation software.



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Field by Field Help - Prepare Income Taxes screen


Income Tax Form

Choose the form used to file the income taxes for this company.  The selection depends upon the organization type.


Tax Line Assignments

Review the tax lines to which your GL accounts are assigned.  To change the assignment of an account, select the account, and drag the account to the appropriate tax line.


Date Range

Select the date range for which you are preparing income taxes.


Accounting Method

Select the method used to calculate account balances.


Preview Report

Click this button to generate a report for the criteria selected.



Click this button to generate a Tax Exchange File (txf) which can be imported into your tax preparation software.



Q & A - Prepare Income Taxes


Q01.Can I print my tax return with ManageMore?
A01.No.  You will need separate tax preparation software, such as TurboTax, or Tax Cut.


Q02.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A02.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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