Time Clock Details

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About Time Clock Details


This window give a user an opportunity to view all of the time clock punches that fit a given set of criteria.  It can be used to simply view an employee's time sheet over a particular period, or to audit punches from employees that may be leaving too early or arriving too late.  Any punches that fall far away from those defined in the employee's record will be quickly highlighted for the user's ease of use.


This feature requires activation in Setup Human Resources.  Please note that this feature may not be included in your software license.



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Field by Field Help - Time Clock Details screen



Enter or select the location whose time clock punches you wish to filter into the list for viewing.



Enter or select the employee ID whose time clock punches you wish to filter into the list for viewing.


Date Range

Select the date range to choose starting and ending dates. ManageMore will fill in the starting and ending dates automatically based on your selection here.


Starting Date

Enter the starting date of punches you wanted filtered into the list for viewing.  Entering a date into this field will cause the Date Range field to show Custom.


Ending Date

Enter the ending date of punches you wanted filtered into the list for viewing.  Entering a date into this field will cause the Date Range field to show Custom.





Field by Field Help - Time Clock Detail Record screen


This record was manually created/adjusted on ... by

This box will be checked and the employee ID and date filled in if any changes were made to this record, or if the record was created manually, outside of the time clock punch window.


Biometric Verified

This box will be checked if the punches on this record were made via a biometric device.


This timesheet has been posted to payroll and cannot be edited

This box will be checked if the particular time clock record has been posted.  No further changes can be made after this point.





Displays the employee who created the time clock detail record by punching in and/or out.



Enter or select the location in which the employee punched the clock.


Timesheet Date

Select the date on which the punches occurred.


Time Type

Select the type of time clock punch that was made with respect to an employee's pay (if any).  Select from Unpaid, Regular, Sick, Vacation, or Holiday.


Reg. Hours

Enter the number of regular pay hours this employee worked during the shift outlined.  Changing this field will not adjust the Time In or Time Out fields.


OT Hours

Enter the number of overtime hours this employee worked during the shift outlined.  Changing this field will not adjust the Time in or Time Out fields.


Time In / Out

Enter the time at which the clock in and clock out punches were made for this shift.


Date In / Out

Enter the date on which the clock in and clock out punches were made for this shift.




Original Time

Displays the timeclock punches in and out for this shift.  The times and dates recorded are the current computer time at whatever workstation the employee punched the timeclock at.


Internet Time (UTC)

Displays the Internet time (UTC - Coordinated Universal Time) at the moment the timeclock was punched in and out.  Note that the times may vary widely with time zone differences and clocks on individual computers being fast or slow.  However, the number of hours calculated in this field and in the Original Time field should be very close to one another.




Enter any miscellaneous notes about this timeclock punch here.



Q & A - Time Clock Details


Q01.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A01.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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