E-Mail Manager

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About Email Manager


The Email Manager in ManageMore can quickly sort through your email messages and provide you summary information about how much space it is taking on your server.  In addition, it can also remove groups of email messages based on criteria you enter in the wizard-style process.


This feature requires activation in Setup Company.  Please note that this feature may not be included in your software license.



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Field by Field Help - EMail Manager screen


Welcome to the Email Manager Wizard


Maintenance Activity

Select the activity that you want to perform in this run of the Email Maintenance Wizard.  Select from Purge Messages or Display statistics only.


exclaimBe very careful when choosing the Purge Message option.  If you choose this option and then click Finish on the last step fo the wizard, then the only way to retrieve any of the e-mail messages purged will be to restore a backup that was made prior to the purging.


Email Selection Criteria



Select the folder(s) to be included in the process selected above.  Choose from Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted, Spam, or All Folders.


Date Range

Select a time period such that e-mail messages in that period will be included in the selection process.  Choosing an item from the list given will fill in the Starting and Ending Dates that follow.  Choosing Custom will not fill the date fields that follow.


Starting Date / Ending Date

Enter or select the starting and ending dates such that e-mail messages in the selected period will be included in the selection process.  Overwriting or writing a date here will cause the Date Range field to be set to Custom.


Employee ID

Enter or select an employee's ID to select e-mail messages from that employee only.  Leave this field blank to select from all employees.


Dept. Code

Enter or select an employee department code to select e-mail messages from that employee department only.  Leave this field blank to select from all employee departments.


Min. Message Size

Enter or select a size (in megabytes) such that e-mail messages exceeding that size will be included in the selection process.


Finish the E-mail Manager Wizard


This screen acts as a confirmation and informational screen for the selection process you have just completed.  Information on this screen includes the total messages selected, total message size (disk space used), average message size, largest message size, avergae disk space used per month for e-mail storage, average number of messages per week, and average number of messages per month.


Clicking Finish on this window will either end the Email Manager process.  If you selected Purge Messages on the first screen of the wizard, then all selected e-mail messages will be permanently deleted from the software.





Q & A - Email Manager


Q01.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?

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