Special Days

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Special Days are used to enter hours for employees in advance, such as for a vacation or sick leave. ManageMore will add these hours up when the time sheets are reviewed so that the user does not need to remember to add them in when that process is run.


This feature requires activation in Setup Human Resources.  Please note that this feature may not be included in your software license.



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Field by Field Help - Special Days screen




Time Type

Select the type of time that will be added to the timesheet(s).  Choose from Regular, Sick, Vacation, or Holiday.


Apply To

Select the limiting factor in choosing employees to whom this additional time should be added.  Choose from All Employees, Specific Location, or Specific Employee.



Enter or select the location whose employees will receive the additional time.  This can be used only when the Apply To field is set to Specific Location.


Employee ID

Enter or select the ID of the employee who will receive the additional time.  This can be used only when the Apply To field is set to Specific Employee.



Select which days should be included in the range to follow.  Choose from All Dates, Weekdays Only, or Scheduled Workdays.



Enter or select the date range in which the special day(s) will occur.  Specifying a range will make multiple special day records based on the range entered and on the Include field above.  If a mistake is made, records will then need to be removed individually.



Enter the number of hours to be added to the employees timesheet on the selected date.



Check this box to make this record inactive, negating its effects on the timesheet(s) it would otherwise affect.




Enter any miscellaneous notes about the special day here.





Q & A - Special Days


Q01.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A01.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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