Export Payroll Details

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About Exporting Payroll Details


Keeping up with tables and rules for taxes on your employee's wages can be very difficult for small businesses.  Several companies, however, have made this easier for them by accepting exported information and processing the company's payroll for them for a small fee.  This topic explains how to quickly and easily how to export the information to any particular payroll company.


This feature requires activation in Setup Human Resources.  Please note that this feature may not be included in your software license.



In this Topic



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Field by Field Help - Export Payroll Wizard screen


Welcome to the Export Wizard


Cycle Code

Displays the cycle code of the payroll period available for export.


Start Date / End Date

Displays the beginning and ending of the payroll period being considered.


Date Posted

Displays the date on which the payroll information in this period was finalized and posted (permanently saved).


Payroll Method

Displays the payroll service that was selected in setup at the time the payroll period was posted.


Export Filename


File Format

Select a format (on a company basis) to export the data in.  Choose from Compupay, Execupay, or E-chx.


File Name

Enter or select the name of the file to be created from the payroll export process.  The default file name will use your Export Path (as defined in the Paths section of Setup Company) combined with the current date and a .TXT extension.




Q & A - Export Payroll Details


Q01.I don't see my question here.  Where else can I get information?
A01.Visit our website's Technical Support section.


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